


2 years, 5 months ago


Eva is the protagonist of this story. He's very tired and didnt really like her coworkers in the first place so when shit hits the fan he's already very. tired. And not thrilled! Pretty upset, generally.

However no matter how "I can't stand any of you cunts" she gets, she's still the first to go out and check on other floors for survivors, and insists that everyone else go stay where it's safe so they don't risk their own lives because "I'm already doing that we dont need more than one person risking their ass out here", and try to help figure out what's going on in this crazy time...

anyways her power is litereally being a video game protagonist god bless plot armor. how does she respond to being a puppet to something vastly outside her realm of understanding? eh. it's not really the most horrifying thing that's happened to her today.

she's. something. along the lines of a friend with river and it's been  that way for years, and she's also buds with khanna (smokebreak buds  🤝). He does not like the rest of his team he works with (Pippy, Minmax,  Gabriella), they get on his nerves every day of her life.