


2 years, 5 months ago


River (she, 33) is a cunt to everyone, but can you blame her? it's not  her fault that she hates everyone* in the office for real. Anyways she's  very pessimistic and mocks anyone trying to have any kind of hope in  this situation (one of your coworkers has been gone awhile -> "oh  they are very dead you guys are stuuupid for thinking they could  possibly still be alive" , Maybe we can save others -> "you think  WE'RE going to survive? looooool", etc)

Besides being mean, she's unfortunately very smart and a biologist  scientist, and picks up whatever contract work she can get. She never  likes them. Maybe she would if they were about studying parasites but no  one ever wants to do that + doesnt pay well + L + ratio which is why  she's stuck at this job of fearcorp. Sad!

oh her fear power is death btw. it's always a good idea for a girlfail  girlboss toxic queen to get powers of death. this goes great of course.  kidding. she starts drinking blood and gets even failer. #girlboss!

She has a "final girlboss mode" where she, at this point,  has not realized she's rotted her own body in the process of collecting  corpses to do her bidding and controlling them. this has led her to  destroy crucial parts of her brain, including "recognizing people" and  "morals", which puts her into a "base instincts" mode, which means "well  i will kill anything and drink its blood to be normal again", which is a  very bad thing for people alive with blood (like her dear friend, eva). please note she gets  her corpse dress Before even getting 100% like this. she just chooses to  make herself one (albeit not completely in her right mind she was drinking before this. never drink and necromancy... alongsides being  killed (she got better) and getting really mad and trying to hunt down  these 2 specific people to kill them)

* Notable exclusions to this is: Eva (they've been friends for years and  they are assholes, together, to others, to each other), Maxim (It's  really hard to genuinely dislike Maxim and she tries really hard to  anyways but they are the only coworker she's ever had that is actually  insanely competent in every regard to the point she cant really make any  real complaints), and Khanna (They only really meet once the office  goes to hell, and River just immediately takes a liking to her. for no  reason in particular. at all.)