Basic Info


Honey Juniper Phoenyx



Birth date

December 24, 1958




Lesbian demisexual


75% red panda 15% red fox


Honey is the cheerleading captain and was the popular girl for many years. She is constantly living up to her mother's expectations and grew up in a rich neighborhood in Fargo. She always dreamed of living in Fargo village. Her mom always made her go to church and dress pretty and she felt like nothing more than a piece of her mother. Especially being an only child, she always wanted a sibling her mom could split her attention with. So she developed a bit of a rebellious side. She'd hang out with gangs at night and cause trouble around school. Honey's closest people are Ronnie and Marla. They aren't exactly dating because being gay and polyamourous was taboo in 1977 but the three of them have sort of unlabeled feelings of closeness. They are an unstoppable trio and with Honey's deep understanding of people and Ronnie and Marla's ties around town they can crack anything. They're always getting on the nerves of chief detective Clarabella. Of course Honey runs risks being so close to a gang member, Marla. She would never let her family know shes close to a Black Vulture girl. Her family does like Ronnie as an influence considering her family owns most restaurants in Fargo but her mother would freak if she saw Honey, Ronnie, and Marla all snuggled up after a long day of snooping around at school. Honey's main interests are cheerleading, cooking, tennis, and snooping around listening to everyone's drama and solving mysteries. She looks cold and aloof and doesn't smile often but Honey is just always listening. She pays attention to everything about everyone. She also cares a lot about her appearance and spends a lot of time looking nice in the morning. Still though, she can never tame that frizzy hair. Its become her signature style