


6 years, 7 months ago


Cunning Little Blue 

Named Bleu because when he hatched, he was very Blue and his father kept calling him a little blue berry, So he was named Bleu Barry, but Blaze couldn’t stand calling him Bleu cause she kept getting responses from Miles whenever she said it. So they just started calling him by his middle name ,Barri,instead. Although sometimes jokingly some will call him Little Blue since he is basically a little version of his father Big Blue. 

Barri had trouble hatching when he was born which probably explains his introverted and quiet demeanor. He is also very frail. Not exactly to the point of sickly, but he's more likely to be injured accidentally then others would be. Which makes him not want to be as active as others would be around his age. He spends his time reading.

He is a momma’s boy and would often hang around his mother until the whole situation with Frost. Then he just felt too guilty to be around her. He also liked hanging around his father up to a certain age as well. After that he became a loner. 

He is very claustrophobic         

Likes the cold. 

When he’s a child he hides his main wings in his fluffy feathers, so he doesn’t even look like he has them. 

Appearance wise as a child he has very fluffy feathers but as he grows older, he loses most of his feathers leaving only thin feathers on top of his head and tail. which he keeps them very well kept        

Is usually in human form

Theme: ‘I don’t wanna’ pet shop boys


 Candy- Robin eggs