


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Blaze Galvin






Febuary 16



    Blaze was once an adventurer who traveled the lands in search of the answered behind her mysterious tail ring. Now days though, she's a full time mother raising and protecting her children Thern, Max and Barri.


     Blaze is energetic and always on the go although as she got older and started raising her children she has slowed down some and developed more of a fiery temper. But she still will do whatever it takes to protect her children from danger, even if it means risking her life.


"Legends tell of a tale of two eggs, one was hatched on top of the highest mountains and greeted by the fluffiest of clouds, while the other hatched in the deepest of oceans greeted by nothing but the darkness, where those hatched creatures are now no one knows. "


     Blaze spent her early years living on the volcano till one day she was curious about the mysterious tail ring she was born with. She traveled all over hoping to find some clue about it. This led her to finding her brother Frost, a leviathan that lived in the ocean depths. The only thing though is Frost hated everyone and everything, and not even blaze's kindness could reach him.

     Some time later in Blaze' travels she found what appeared to be a lost human child with purple hair and strange eyes. the child said that his name was Thern and that he was banished from a faraway planet. Blaze thought the child was making stuff up, so she searched for the kid's family. There was no family for the child anywhere. It was at that moment where blaze's motherly instinct kicked in and she knew she had to raise the kid.

     Thern had grown fast. Not the years have gone fast, No he literally grew up in just a few short months. Blaze was sad to see him grow up so soon but she'll always treasure that time she took care of him. It wasn't much longer after that when she would meet the man of her dreams, Miles. She would then go on to have two children with Miles, Maximus and Barri.

     Blaze's story doesn't end here though, no there is more to come.

Special Abilities 


Able to fly high and far with her large wings

     -human form

Able to shift into a human form. This form is much weaker due to not having the boost of her scales but sometimes looking human has its advantages. Although her human form is a little off with its pointy ears and patches of scales in places.

     -Fire Breath

Like your normal dragon Blaze can breathe Fire

     -Earth Spear

when on the ground Blaze is able to cast earth Magic in the form of earth pillars that come from the ground.

Special Items 

     - Ancient tail ring

has had the tail ring from birth but knows nothing about it. Only that her brother Frost has one similar.

     -Altearian Limiter Ring

A ring she wears on her arm as an amulet to remember Thern by since it’s the only thing she has left of him.


  • Blaze, like most dragons, has a small hoard of treasure and other shiny objects she had collected during her adventures. She gets really defensive about it, and doesn't like anyone looking at it. But she is fine with showing off all the jewelry she has collected and will often be wearing it.
  • Blaze really hates pickles. just the smell of them gets her in a rage.