Mikaela Granbelle



2 years, 5 months ago


fractals and fragments

Quick Stats

name mikaela granbelle
Age twenty-four ( 24 )
Gender agender
Pronouns they/them
Birthday dec 9th ( 12/09 )
Orient. pan ( )



"you hid there last time / you know we're gonna find you"

The youngest of seven, Mikaela is a bright but fairly scrappy person who had to work their ass off in order to make their way through college. They're awkward but honest, and incredibly passionate about what they do. That said, there's abit of an in issue with feeling inferior, and they have a very short fuse for people not taking them seriously, especially when it comes to their work and the things they know.

awkward / blunt / bright


  • Mikaela has a little bit of a caffeine addiction.
  • They're normally very chill and fine with whatever, but when they ARE particular about something, they're horribly horribly picky.
  • They're a huge music fan! Honestly a bit of a metalhead anda punk, but their music tastes vary widely and they're used to just going out to whatever venues they can find to watch live performances of local bands.
  • They live in a flat with two other people: one an old friend from high school and the other a friend they met in university.
  • They're a giant bio geek, like... seriously.


  • FAMILY;;—
    • Cali (sister); Their oldest sister. A gallery artist..
    • Riika (sister); Mikaela's older sister. A carpenter.
    • Lars (brother); Mikaela's oldest brother. A private bodgyguard.
    • Klaus (sibling); The most middle child of the family. A cosmetologist.
    • Otso (brother); Youngest brother. Is the lead guitarist in a touring band.
    • Helena (sister); Mikaela's youngest sister and their Irish twin.
  • FRIENDS;;—
    • Eryn Rothmeyer (best friend); cA shithead, but a good friend and a reliable roommate.
    • Chasitity Smith (roommate); One of Mikaela's roommates and Eryn's cousin. Hates her name as much as you'd expect. Mikaela teases her about it, but usually just calls her "Cassie".
    • Freddy Jackson (friend); An older friend that Mikaela has kept contact with since high school: was the one to introduce them to metal.
    • Drax Bruchard (friend); A college classmate that Mikaela just kept getting partnered with for projects.
  • MISC;;—
    • Jules Eiyer ( = ); Their boss's daughter. She's a sweet girl but Mikaela doesn't really like being put on babysitting duty.
    • Camsen Olivier ( - ); Technically a coworker... He freaks Mikaela out a little bit.

Design Notes

Designer @ emberchii
Obtained created ( ??/?? )
  • Mikaela's hair is naturally a sort of dark blue color. They bleach half of it, and add in highlights sort of randomly.
  • They only have one set of ear piercings, but have a lot of ear jewelry that clips on in some places.
  • Mikaela has a metal bar across the bridge of their nose: it's a fairly permanant body modification, so it cannot be easily removed without professional help.
  • Mikaela wears small rubber bands across their fingers: partially an aesthetic choice and partially because the pressure keeps them aware of their hands while they're working.
  • Mikaela is 5'9" in height.
  • Their eye color is hazel!
  • Mikaela has dimples when they smile.