


6 years, 11 months ago




Height157 cm

Jeweler was born into the very lowest social class, right below the peasants and the servants of the upper class. In the beginning, she was said to have little potential, and carried the ability and power to heal only small wounds. She had no known beneficial traits or strength, so it was very unlikely for her to get even a little acknowledgment or prove to have some bit of worth.

It was originally prophesied she they would become someone great, but also have the chance of losing her powers at a young age. This was an unimaginable risk to take, especially if one ignores this and overuses any source of power they have left. It’s common for creatures who lose their powers to be officiated as useless and weak, and immediately replaced from whatever status they had.

Despite the depressing news, Jeweler kept reaching for new heights and climbed to the highest position anyone of their social class could achieve - the new king’s personal healer.

Jeweler was known to be amazingly crafty and intelligent, but also very ambitious at times. She did every task possible to earn the king’s favors, and maybe that relentless personality was what drew his attention. He took a special interest in Jeweler, and took her under his wing, at the same time educating them about how to survive in a kingdom where you don’t who your allies and enemies are. Yet gaining such knowledge came with a price, in return for all his teachings Jeweler had to execute every single one of the King’s dirty work. And that even meant going as far as taking out someone who opposes of the King’s rule.

Slowly, this became Jeweler’s daily routine, whether it’s sneaking off into the night listening to private conversations or spiking someone’s drink with some sort of potion. Jeweler always looked up to the king, who in their eyes, was as honorable as a god. However in the end, the king’s true personality started to surface when Jeweler showed signs of her power weakening. Once it was confirmed that there was no hope for Jeweler’s powers to ever return, the king turned a blind eye and let people point their fingers to Jeweler. Jeweler was casted away, and forced to leave the rest of her years in hiding, stripped of all her titles and rankings.

  • Rainy weather
  • Watching fireworks or any kind of light show
  • The casual lifestyle
  • Flowers, especially orchids
  • The sound of a waterfall or rushing water
  • The kingdom
  • People who uses others’ weaknesses to hurt them
  • The summertime
  • Public shaming
  • Pickles

- - - - - - still working!! - - - - - -

Once a healer but was replaced when she lost their powers. She now resides near ancient ruins, emotionally wounded and scarred by her lack of strength