Lowell Sasaki



6 years, 8 months ago


Lowell Sasaki

"You can have your balcony by the sea, the sea, the sea; Watch the waves crashing down, each one erasing me"
Name Lowell Sasaki
Species Human
Ethnicity Japanese Canadian
Age Young Thirties
Gender Cis Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Gay
Occupation Highschool Nurse
Residence Vancouver, Canada
Design Notes
  • Thin, a little lanky. Some definition to muscle.
  • Dark, black hair; he keeps it loosely slicked back, and has let it grow a bit in the back.
  • Typical outfit of choice is a simple t-shirt, jeans, and brown oxford shoes.
  • T-shirt style ranges from plain to graphic tee, depending on his mood and outfit.
  • Wears a pair of rounded, black framed glasses.

A snarky, boisterous, sarcastic, and fun-loving man. Though confident and outgoing, Lowell struggles with his self-image, and is easily swayed by peer-pressure.

  • Lowell volunteers often, namely at homeless and rehab centers; having been both at one point, he emphasizes greatly with them
  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP
Healing Magic
Able to control a powerful regenerative force. On it's own, it is highly concentrated and can be weaponized to cause a number of body horror-esk effects. Diluted via water magic used alongside it, can be used to heal any number of wounds without issue.
Lesser Water Magic
Can only conjure and control small amounts of water. It is enough to cover his hands/arms, the wounds of others, and channel his healing abilities through.

He spent much of his high school life and early adulthood partying, avoiding school, responsibility of any kind, and failing his classes. Though his parents love him dearly, they never truly intervened, and Lowell did not truly grow out his wild youth until much later it life.

After some time, his parents kicked him out of their home, tired of his carefree lifestyle, and tendency to bring home one-night stands. He spent his early twenties staying with friends, but when those friends grew tired of his inability to move away from teenage rebellion and kicked him from their lives as well, he was forced to re-think his lifestyle. It was only then that, after a complete mental breakdown, did Lowell realize how much of his life he was wasting, choosing to go back to school and become a teacher.

He now thrives in his job, and has earned back the respect of his parents, and many of friends after reconciling with them. His past no longer haunts him, and he has been improving ever since.

It is through his job that he met Faulkner, and was smitten by his co-worker. Now married, he lives with Faulkner in a shared apartment, still working alongside him. Lowell works as magic-based gym teacher and assistant nurse at the local high school, working to help students conjure, control, and exercise their magical abilities. Acting as assistant nurse, he also heals and mends any injuries caused during these classes, for both students and teachers. Though not as close to Elizabelle as Faulkner, Lowell still acts as a second parent to her. He is more of a "cool dad" than a mentor, but considering her trials, she has come to truly appreciate his carefree attitude.

