


2 years, 5 months ago



Name Serpens Qui Destruit Omnia, "Destroyer"
DOB February 30th
Age 58,000,000
Gender Genderless
Height 1000'11"
Class Mystful
Race Mystgon
Role Servant of Suf


When the old guardian Kronos rampaged across Personalia to invoke a new world order over its people, Suf confronted the guardian and demanded that he cease his blasphemous rule at once. In response, Kronos blasted Suf across the face and permanently scarred him. Normally, it was against the code of the mystgons to destroy, so Suf decided to make something with his myst to carry out his will for him. Destroyer was named aptly for this sole reason to destroy what Suf was forbidden to. At first, Destroyer was praised for their power and for vanquishing Kronos, but Destroyer was made for one single purpose. Suff did not create it to do anything outside of its purpose, so Destroyer continued to kill everything in its path. The populations of Personalia diminished drastically, and the once wide spacious continents were broken into various islands scattered by the waves of Destroyer's impactful strikes against them. To put an end to this madness, the mystgon Alba sacrificed herself by becoming the first elementals who sealed Destroyer in a hard air tight stone, afterward burying him deep underground in a place called the Craglands of Cerebral Island. Some people still know about the legend of Destroyer and covet it as a holy beast to this day. Scales and teeth of the serpent have been found around the world and are used for their intense myst radiation to increase the power of emotibeasts with the unfortunate side effect of corrupting them. Destroyer remained in a state of stasis for millions of years until an elemental of space freed the serpent from its prison.


Home Craglands
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Sign Pisces
Weakness Centurion Myst
Food Matter



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  • Destroyer has its own form of myst that has come to be known as Suffic Myst. It is an intense blast of radiation that reduces all organic matter it comes into contact with into simple atoms. Destroyer expunges this myst with a heavy breathing attack like a dragon breathing fire.
  • Behind Destroyer is a glowing orb, sort of like a miniature sun. When the beast rests, this sun vanishes.
  • Destroyer's scales are extremely durable and take almost no damage from any practical attacks whether they be physical or magical.
  • Destroyer's diet consists of any matter unlucky enough to get scooped into its mouth. Destroyer never chews its food and lets the acid in its stomach take care of the rest. Surprisingly it does not need to eat much.




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