Eon Solaria



6 years, 2 months ago



Name Eon Solaria
DOB Oct 9th
Age 1 (Arc 2), 16 (Arc 3), 1017 (Arc 4) 
Gender Male
Height 3'0"
Class Homunculus
Race Puriton/corruton/sekevil/grimhook/mystgon
Role Odyssey Magic expert


Eon is a savant in magical ability with immense strength in various forms of magic. He can produce intense fire hot enough to melt bone, light bright enough to blind someone, portals powerful enough to suck in a meteor, and even dark magic that far surpasses Caesar. However, he chooses not to use any of this immense power he was granted, in fact he's a little terrified by it. Eon has vague memories of "letting loose" one time a long time ago and how it filled everyone with dread and fear, even his mother Styx. Eon doesn't want to ever have to make anyone go through that again so he refrains from using almost any of his power and tries to take on more of a supporting role with responsibilities like healing and helpful knowledge on magic. Eon strives to be a good person despite his flaws like his impulsiveness. A lot of times he will rush into new things and forget about what was just happening. A lot of times this can come off as rude, which Eon tries to immediately make up for with the most sincere of apologies. Lately he has been getting better at this, but still struggles every so often. The world just has so much stuff to grab his attention and Eon constantly embraces it all, especially nature. Eon thinks Personalia is truly beautiful and gets fascinated by the most simple things in it llike trees or flowers. Emotionally wise Eon is pretty stunted. He tries to be the happy friend to the team that helps cheer people up and will gladly play the fool for those who need a laugh, but he still gets things like anger, anxiety, and jeaously. Instead of letting them out he bottles them up and he fears the day they might come all spilling out and hurt someone he really cares about. He confides some of these deep feeling in Alex who used to babysit him. Alex has proven to Eon he can tell him anything, and because of that he feels Alex is a really close friend, almost like a family member.The only other person that has made Eon feel at ease like that is Bota who ironically is nothing like him. A lot of people tell Eon there is this grand destiny planned out for him. Some tell him he was made for a super important reason, but he really doesn't want anything to do with that and Styx more than gladly backs him up with this. Styx has made sure that Eon gets the life he wants, not the one that others planned out for him. In the end Eon wants to just be happy and make other people happy too.




  • Coins
  • Sunflowers
  • Space
  • Magic


  • Violence
  • Cold temperatures
  • Cruelty
  • Mistakes


  • As a form hybrid, Eon can transform into a sekevil form and reapthic form.
  • He likes sunflowers a lot since they were the first flower Bota gave him.
  • Eon loves learning about psychology from Thana.
  • Eon has a nasty habit of eating coins.




Eighth Wonder 
Libera Myself from Hell 
Heritors of Arcadia 
