


2 years, 5 months ago


  • FULL NAME Tabbris Celestus
  • AGE 4032
  • PRONOUNS She/Her
  • RACE Placeholder
  • ORIENTATION Bisexual
  • ALIGNMENT Lawful Good
  • HEIGHT 12'6
  • OCCUPATION Officer
  • REL STATUS You think she knows?
  • ZODIAC Capricorn
  • DESIGNER Placeholder


One of three main characters in the narrative of Clarity. She is our point of view character, our eyes to their world.


An overly responsible and solemn person at heart. She keeps everything personal bottled away when she can help it, but often the pot boils over and becomes out of her control.

Tabbris is rarely seen outside of professional settings. Raised to be proper and diligent, she holds her work close to her chest. She strongly belives in right and wrong, leaving shades of grey out of her sight. Despite how she pleads to be perfect, there are cracks in her gleaming surface. Tabbris can easily grow resentful and standoffish, pushing the people she cares about away. The few who she does let in have a friend loyal to a fault, she would do almost anything for them, including disregarding her own well-being and morals.


Tabbris was raised solely under the watch of her mother, a woman committed to her work and work alone. She was born only to be an extension of her mothers work. There wasn’t much time for anything she wanted to do outside of her strict regimen. The only real reprieve from learning Councillor Herat’s law was her allotted extracurriculars, a few hours of the day set aside for her to do independent research in the city. Originally Tabbris spent this time as intended, but she felt a longing for companionship. She was lonely, incredibly so. She began spending time with a boy around her age, using her hours out with him or in his home. Saar’s family became a sanctuary away from home, a place to truly be a kid. This however didn’t last long, Herat put an end to it when she learned what Tabbris had been wasting her time with. Her extra hours were replaced with more guided learning from then on, forcing her to be more serious about her future.

In adolescence Tabbris had long accepted her fate to work under her mother, more dedicated to upholding Herat’s morals and word than ever. She was officially enrolled to be certified as an Officer. Much to her surprise she was reunited with Saar, who had enrolled into the same station in search of reconnecting with her. She admired the dedication it must have taken him to make it this far just to see her again. It invigorated her to think that she had inspired him all on her own to follow this noble path. Her mother was not quite so impressed, however when the two both successfully proved their worth she was swayed by Tabbris to allow the two to partner up in their duties.

Over two thousand years the two continued to work together, upholding Herat’s will. Through time Tabbris slowly realized that she may not have wanted this life, but she was locked in and had settled. She felt resentment towards Herat, but that couldn’t be.. she held her on such a pedestal that it felt blasphemous. This bubbling resentment was redirected towards Saar, who over the years had made it clear that he didn’t take this work as seriously as she did. When it inevitably came to a breaking point she said many things she didn’t truly feel towards him, at least not as strongly as she professed. The culmination of this outburst ended in Saar’s untimely death, but not at her hand. The assailant was unknown, she was left distraught with regret and grief.

In the current narrative she struggles to navigate how this event makes her feel, unable to find comfort in her life’s work or family. When she’s forced to accept a new partner, she is less than thrilled, actively avoiding him in favor of desk work. During an after work get together she was coerced into attending by her counselor, she is offered the notion of revenge by Saar’s replacement. Veysel, or V as he calls himself, reveals he has been secretly looking into her original partners killer and knows they come from the Skalenhide Family. Whether they are one of the Skalenhides or one of their employed help he claims to not know


  • Tabbris at one point was two characters, Sarah and Chrysanthemum
  • In extremely early developement she was a human
  • Her golden pieces can feel, they're like keratin
  • The orb on her tail is like an eye, and her antenne can sense when others are near
  • Both her blood and tears are a glittering gold




This box will expand with text. Donec vestibulum, magna et sagittis viverra, sem felis venenatis sapien, sed rutrum elit enim in lacus. Nulla porttitor felis non molestie lacinia. In ac sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque tincidunt pretium arcu, non faucibus urna bibendum eget. Ut ante nibh, iaculis sit amet euismod id, maximus accumsan nisl. Aliquam varius, augue ac ornare tristique, mi tellus lobortis enim, a interdum purus massa quis elit. Maecenas accumsan et metus eu sollicitudin. Donec tempus dapibus est sit amet dictum. Vestibulum pharetra imperdiet efficitur. Aenean gravida dignissim augue in vestibulum.



This box will expand with text. Donec vestibulum, magna et sagittis viverra, sem felis venenatis sapien, sed rutrum elit enim in lacus. Nulla porttitor felis non molestie lacinia. In ac sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque tincidunt pretium arcu, non faucibus urna bibendum eget. Ut ante nibh, iaculis sit amet euismod id, maximus accumsan nisl. Aliquam varius, augue ac ornare tristique, mi tellus lobortis enim, a interdum purus massa quis elit. Maecenas accumsan et metus eu sollicitudin. Donec tempus dapibus est sit amet dictum. Vestibulum pharetra imperdiet efficitur. Aenean gravida dignissim augue in vestibulum.



This box will expand with text. Donec vestibulum, magna et sagittis viverra, sem felis venenatis sapien, sed rutrum elit enim in lacus. Nulla porttitor felis non molestie lacinia. In ac sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque tincidunt pretium arcu, non faucibus urna bibendum eget. Ut ante nibh, iaculis sit amet euismod id, maximus accumsan nisl. Aliquam varius, augue ac ornare tristique, mi tellus lobortis enim, a interdum purus massa quis elit. Maecenas accumsan et metus eu sollicitudin. Donec tempus dapibus est sit amet dictum. Vestibulum pharetra imperdiet efficitur. Aenean gravida dignissim augue in vestibulum.