Basic Info


Clair "Tsuki" deLune

Original Name (2010)

Tsuki Hikatteimasu

Birthday (Star Sign)




Age (start)



Cheerful, Friendly


Something I've come to realize is that you can trace my general "female protagonist" archetype back to this character, mostly seen in characters like Nikki and Jouliet. The three of them are nothing alike, you'll notice. I'm just talking about how they all have the exact same hairstyle and I didn't notice for years. XD Yeah, apparently, ponytail with a sidebang has been my go-to for years.
One of my oldest original characters, and probably the oldest you'll see here.


Tsuki is a perfectly normal human girl moving back to her hometown, Arcane's Veil. She's an open and friendly girl, and makes friends easily. She isn't shaken in the least starting at a new school, even in the 8th grade when friend groups have since long formed among the student body. On her first day, she latches onto Kiba, a quiet boy in class. He doesn't say much. In fact, he doesn't say anything, but he seems attentive in conversation, which she takes to mean that they've become friends. Together, these two begin (somewhat unwittingly) uncovering the secrets of Arcane's Veil.


Yes, she's a natural silver/white/platinum blonde. She has big, bright eyes, portrayed as purple, but a real life equivalent might be more of a deep grey or blue. Her skin tone is a warm, medium tan with yellow undertone (as opposed to redder or cooler.) 

She's very short. As she and her friends age, they note that she stays the same over the years, always surprised by how little she changes over summer vacations.

Her fashion sense, combined with her personality, comes across as perky goth, which she expresses more readily as she gets older. She likes soft things, like sweaters and hoodies. Even after incorporating skirts into her style, she still wears stockings to cover her legs.

Personality and Behavior

Word of the day is friendly! She's a barrel of joy, and ready to share it with the world. Definitely a loving, affectionate girl.

She adapts well to change, and displays an eager openness to learning new things.


Tsuki and her family once lived in Arcane's Veil with her grandmother, but moved away when she was young. The family returns to this hometown at the beginning of the story, but Tsuki never attended school in the district, and old neighbors she had any chance of recognizing have since moved away. The only person she knows nearby is her grandmother. Still, she's undaunted, and ready to make new friends at her brand new school.

Aberrant and Abilities

Tsuki is a normal human girl. While stronger than she looks and even more resilient, she's still a small young girl. Short of her bright smile, friendly nature, and forgiving heart, she doesn't have many other powers, especially compared to her new friends.

While Tsuki is not an Aberrant, she appears to be what's called a "Beacon." It's a trait she shares with Arcane's Veil that draws Aberrants to her.

Tsuki does gain powers of her own through her friendships with Aberrants. These abilities develop through bonds, unspoken "contracts," like one would form with their familiar in old times. The stronger the bond, the more or greater abilities one can access. In that way, if a bond weakens or breaks, those abilities will also lessen or disappear.
Any human can have a covenant ability, but because of Tsuki's aforementioned Beacon, she has greater potential for these covenants than most, simply because Aberrants find themselves drawn to her.

Fast Healing: Werewolf Covenant
Tsuki's first covenant ability, gained from her bond with Kiba. This power is confirmed after the attack, when she's able to recover from her serious injuries unusually fast. She may have only crossed the threshold to gain such a power when she assured Kiba that she still wanted to be his friend, even after everything.

Trivia (click to show)

  • Tsuki's original name, Tsuki Hikatteimasu, was a literal translation (right or wrong) of "moon" and "shining."
    • Her new name, Tsuki London, is a combination of her original name and a previously considered name change: London Bridges.
    • Her surname changed again, now deLuna, which may be a reference to Sailor Moon's titular protagonist's surname, Tsukino, both translating to "of [the] Moon."
    • 3rd Change: Naming her Clair deLune, meaning "moonlight," similar to her original name while also being a music reference, a la JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
    • In the case of Tsuki's given name changing, "Tsuki" remains as a nickname, this of course being a carry over from the original 2010 draft of the story.
  • Tsuki may be classified as aromantic. While she experiences and openly expresses physical attraction, she displays little interest in romantic relationships. She isn't entirely against them, as shown when she agrees to date Kiba, but she's equally unbothered by the idea of breaking up and remaining friends.