
Power isn't all it adds up to be
confident - mysterious - exhausted
Age 33

DoB 5th August

Gender Male

Pronouns He - They

Orientation Homosexual

Status Single

Career Club - Bar Owner

Jekyll Anderson

Jekyll isn't the same man as the one you'd first assume he was, keeping all of his secrets close to their chest as well as any other real fact about them. Is the truth stranger then his fiction?

Species Humanoid
Height 6"6 [W/out Horns]
Body Type Thin but toned
Body Shape Tall & Athletic
Design Notes
  • Wings aren't feathered, but a membrane like material. They're a form of solidified smoke.
  • His wings can 'fold away' and completely hidden.
  • His ears tend to droop down a little, but can be used to emote.
  • Nails always have some form of length and are often painted.

Confident in who and what he is, Jekyll does like to experiment with make-up and sometimes present themselves in a more traditionally feminine way.

Normal Outfit: Jekyll'sense of normal isn't quite.
Jekyll’s ‘normal’ wear, when he puts time in tends to be a mixture of an outfit, taking parts of male Lolita and older more formal attire, like puffy sleeves and corsets, with more modern alternative fashion such as mix-matched knee-high platforms. He very much prefers the asymmetrical look to these outfits, adding some fine detail but also not overcomplicating the outfit as a whole. They also love to add some complicated or intricate elements.

Casual Outfit: Jekyll’s every day, more casual wear is far different to his outfits he puts more effort into. Instead, being neatly pressed grey trousers, a tight black turtle neck (sleeveless or sleeved), a comfortable, slightly baggy jacket and trainers. He also tends to stick to just wearing studs in all his piercings. They will rarely be caught anywhere near their normal places in these cloths.

  • Whiskey.
  • White-winged Magpie.
  • Heat.
  • People Watching.
  • Reading.
  • Running his job.
  • Interacting with People.
  • The Cold.
  • Messy human emotions.
  • The notion of love.
  • People who pry too much.
  • Needless gossip.

Jekyll is very full of himself, he knows what he can do and he’s more than happy to show this, it’s hard to insult him as he rarely shows if something has actually gotten to him, instead keeping up a slightly aloof and mysterious personality. He always seems to be putting on some sort of mask, and even if you manage to crack it, all you tend to get in return in hints of rage and anger; but even then, that could be a mask as well. You could ask any of his acquaintances and they’d all describe him slightly differently.
There must be at least one person who knows what he's truly like, but they're not willing to talk about it, the few times he's been heard raising his voice, those people turni into quivering messes. When asked what's happened. If you're brave enough to ask them why they're putting on this mask, you'll either be ignored or he'll lift your head to his eye level and tell you that it's for your sake, not his.

Character Notes
  • Jekyll never seems to put his main focus or passion into anything.
  • He has no problem using any power he has over someone else.
  • Since becoming and adult and living his life as is now, he’s never been seen to cry.
  • There is defiantly a darker side to Jekyll that he hides from the general public and most of the people he meets.
  • Public Speaking.
  • Self-Confidence.
  • Leadership.
  • Delegation.
  • Making Friends.
  • Taking Critisism.
  • Taking Orders.

Jekyll finds it very hard to be empathetic, though it is something that he's working alongside his patience, he just can't help but grow irritated and his mask begins to crack when things aren't done the way he thinks they should be.
Despite what many people think, they're not overly prideful, they may be filled with self confidence but knows when pride becomes too much.

Flight Jekyll is able to fly with his wings, simply he does not. Instead he prefers to use them to make himself seem larger and more imposing.

Leadership People do just tend to find themselves stopping what they're doing and listening to Jekyll.


It’s unknown why Jekyll has chosen to run his Bar / Club hybrid. He tends to spend most of his time at it hanging out in the VIP section pretending not to be the owner, or simply milling around with the common people in the bar area. With the VIP area serving full meals, people also often wonder if Jekyll would rather own a restaurant, it would require him to be there less.
Jekyll likes to use his place as an information hub, he hates gossip so would rather gather information himself. He also likes to just sit in the back and watch people and how they interact in such a setting

It also seems that Jekyll used to be some form of singer, or at least it was a hobby he was persuing training in. His singing voice is incredibly nice, but he does not use it in front of anyone, it does seem to be something he's sensitive about. A few of his braver ex's have tried to push him into using it at the club to lure people in, but it's not worked so far.


Despite not being open about his personality, Jekyll is rather open about his past and what he did before his bar, though he will never mention names. It's clear he came from money and was tutored at a boarding school, though he often talks about how much he hated that place.
They do mention the bullying that he suffered there, but most people don't believe it, Jekyll's too confident now for them to ever think he could be picked on.


Despite currently being single, and not in the market for a new partner in any way, he has had numerous in his past and is very confident about his sexuality. Some of his old flames still visit his buisness, and when asked they claim it's just the best in the area and has nothing to do with the man. When asked they don't know anymore about his personality then the general population.

None of his ex's seem to have been overly meaningful to them, and it seems that they all knew this going into it, that going into it, knowing that it probably wouldn't last that long. His longest partner's have lasted just over a year, but most it's a couple months at most.
Despite this, one-night stands aren't really his thing, he does like their to be a genuine romantic relationship there as well.

  • Jekyll's species is unknown exactly even to himself, he doesn't look like any of his family, but they also don't really look like each other.
  • With his platforms and horns, he looks a lot taller then 6"6 to the point that a lot of people don't believe them that it's his true height.
  • He knows of a lot of people due to his buisness.