♥ Orion



2 years, 5 months ago



Name orion

Pronouns he/him

Age 19

Birthday april 11

Gender cis male

Orientation bisexual

Height 5'6" (165cm)

Species mermaid/merman


  • sweets
  • shows meant for little kids (octonauts)
  • colourful stickers
  • meeting new people

  • bitter/sour things
  • crabs
  • complicated things (makes his head hurt)
  • cold weather

  • has to sniff everything! if it doesnt pass the sniff test, it doesn't pass the vibe check
  • food FIEND but kinda picky. has lots of tummy problems :( he's so so brave about it though
  • can sing very well but has an irrational fear of luring someone to their death on accident
  • OBSESSIVELY moisturizes. can't stand dry skin
  • he is very tactile and will throw himself onto anything or anyone










  • an extreme optimist
  • very friendly and easy to get along with
  • very honest and has a hard time trying to lie
  • endless energy and a heart full of love to give

  • he is not very smart and rarely uses his brain
  • does not have a filter and can be seen as (unintentionally) brutally honest
  • VERY messy and has a hard time cleaning up after himself
  • impulsive and lacks self control

Orion was born and raised in the ocean, so he lacks a lot of common "human" knowledge. In that sense, he acts like a toddler half of the time and is still learning to walk on two legs. He's very bubbly and easy-going so much that's it's a fault; his naivety gets him into a lot of unfortunate and potentially dangerous scenarios. However, he doesn't let negative experiences weigh him down and still looks towards the future with curiosity and a fascination towards human culture.

Orion can be rather stubborn at times and refuses to think before acts. There is nothing going on in his brain, nor is there too much past his gaze. His motto is, "I'm just happy to be here!"



I don't have too much backstory for Orion other than he left his home in the ocean to explore the human world and culture! That's how he met his boyfriend Zeke, who he (quite literally) ran into along the shoreline.

Relationship with Zeke

Zeke and Orion live together in Zeke's family home somewhere near the coast. Orion is adored by Zeke's family, but the two boys have a hard time trying to hide the fact that Orion isn't human. Along the way, the two realized their feeling for eachother and are now living thier lives as a happy couple!

The two don't do as well as they think they do with hiding Orion's identity, and most of Zeke's family already knows the truth. Zeke and Orion think they're slick B)


Zeke and Orion are stupidly in love. They don't fight all too much and have very good chemistry together, with Orion being a busy-body + chatterbox and Zeke being quiet + questionably patient. I mainly draw the two in sappy or goofy situations! Feel absolutely free to interpret their relationship beyond that point, but keep it SFW, please!


  • has lot's of freckles/sun blemishes because he's always in the sun!
  • his ears move with his mood (down when sleepy/tired, up when happy/excited)
  • i draw him with both a tail and legs just because i can. no it doesn't make sense (he's 6'4" with a tail)
  • pointy fangs! he smiles a lot so they're relatively visible

STYLE oversized/boyfriend clothes

TAIL golden/orange (think of goldfish)

HAIR navy blue-ish

EYES pink