
2 years, 5 months ago


  • FULL NAME Veysel Skalenhide
  • AGE 6,580
  • RACE Placeholder
  • ORIENTATION Gay Polyam
  • ALIGNMENT Chaotic Evil
  • HEIGHT 16'0
  • OCCUPATION Private Contract
  • REL STATUS Married Polycule
  • ZODIAC Aries
  • DESIGNER Placeholder


One of three main characters in the narrative of Clarity. He doubles as a the final antagonist as he spends majority of the narrative manipulating Tabbris as well as events surrounding her and Equinox.


He puts on a friendly and charming demeanor, hiding just how actually... eccentric he is.

V derives joy from mutilation and corruption, finds the destruction of other people to be fascinating. The fascets of others mentality is an infinite playground to writhe in. He is quick to bore however, once he's seen all a toy can offer he plays a final game with it, pulling it apart and observing its functions shutting down. When his debonair fascade is through with, he behaves more true to himself, pulling back that toothy grin and letting out his pent up frustrations. Once it's all over he bottles up the creature he is and spreads his delusions once more.


V was born to an emotionally unavailable father and a trusting fool of a mother. She wasn't in his life long, being taken from him by death. His father pushed him away during his grief of her death, unable to cope healthily, the older man secluded himself from the world, not even his own child being an exception. When V's father eventually opened up once more, to his dismay it was towards this woman he didn't know, he had to fight her for any semblance of attention from his father. These circumstances only solidified for him when she became expecting. V distanced himself from them, finding his own whims and entertainment, they tried to include him in their new family, but by then he had already given up. It all came to a breaking point when he destroyed the only thing left of his birthmother.

In his adult years he works for the Skalenhides businesses, aiding as a 'cleanup' man. When they're given trouble he's who they call to rid them of the problems by any means necessary. He met all of his partners through his work, one of which being a head of one of the Skalenhide's investments and the others having been past problems.

During the current narrative he's posing as law enforcement to be close to an officer that caught his eye after he killed her partner for acruing a debt at the Skalenhide's Casino. He's grown tired of the routine he's in, and has begun to loathe his coworkers. They all bore him, it's time they get recycled for something fresh. He spends the narrative pretending to help her avenge the death of her partner. In reality he's on a downward spiral, dragging her to the depths of hell with him as he brings her to a rampage through the Skalenhide roster.


  • His blood is an aphrodesiac
  • In early designs he was named Hazel
  • Despite having nostrils, his main sense of smell comes from his forked tongue
  • The scar on his face was given to him by his father
  • His eyes don't need to blink as often as others, he has a thin layer of brille on them




This box will expand with text. Donec vestibulum, magna et sagittis viverra, sem felis venenatis sapien, sed rutrum elit enim in lacus. Nulla porttitor felis non molestie lacinia. In ac sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque tincidunt pretium arcu, non faucibus urna bibendum eget. Ut ante nibh, iaculis sit amet euismod id, maximus accumsan nisl. Aliquam varius, augue ac ornare tristique, mi tellus lobortis enim, a interdum purus massa quis elit. Maecenas accumsan et metus eu sollicitudin. Donec tempus dapibus est sit amet dictum. Vestibulum pharetra imperdiet efficitur. Aenean gravida dignissim augue in vestibulum.



This box will expand with text. Donec vestibulum, magna et sagittis viverra, sem felis venenatis sapien, sed rutrum elit enim in lacus. Nulla porttitor felis non molestie lacinia. In ac sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque tincidunt pretium arcu, non faucibus urna bibendum eget. Ut ante nibh, iaculis sit amet euismod id, maximus accumsan nisl. Aliquam varius, augue ac ornare tristique, mi tellus lobortis enim, a interdum purus massa quis elit. Maecenas accumsan et metus eu sollicitudin. Donec tempus dapibus est sit amet dictum. Vestibulum pharetra imperdiet efficitur. Aenean gravida dignissim augue in vestibulum.



This box will expand with text. Donec vestibulum, magna et sagittis viverra, sem felis venenatis sapien, sed rutrum elit enim in lacus. Nulla porttitor felis non molestie lacinia. In ac sollicitudin nunc. Pellentesque tincidunt pretium arcu, non faucibus urna bibendum eget. Ut ante nibh, iaculis sit amet euismod id, maximus accumsan nisl. Aliquam varius, augue ac ornare tristique, mi tellus lobortis enim, a interdum purus massa quis elit. Maecenas accumsan et metus eu sollicitudin. Donec tempus dapibus est sit amet dictum. Vestibulum pharetra imperdiet efficitur. Aenean gravida dignissim augue in vestibulum.