


2 years, 8 months ago


- No name yet, unless Harakka stays as a name that literally means magpie AHAH

- He/him

- A magpie birdfolk

- Friends with jackdaw birdie and other crows that are in the same flock

- Classic smart magpie

- Yes he is the one that has lil beef with Varpu, gets his ass nearly beaten by the fierce strong lil birdie- so like it is a thing now that when he sees her with food, he attempts to snatch that,, and it is a never good idea to mess with sparrows like her or birds that are known to literally "own" the food, will fight for it and even shoo other lil birdies and bigger ones- he never learns, has succesfully few times snatched her food

- Common bird? Literally one of the common birdies

- Maybe bit traditional? Goes with a flock since doesn't have a partner- just a magpie thing, most that has a partner sticks closer to their territory while the ones that aren't paired can just go far away with the flock- so basic couple settling down, expect he is a free bird

- Magpie things, he'll do those

- I mean he is still pretty in his own way, magpies are pretty

- Is curious, but doesn't actually collect shiny trinkets, a magpie thing- just shiny things can be a lil bother to him, just magpie thing okay- cannot judge him if he is lil fluffed up when investigates something shiny, or stays away if it's not pleasant for his eyes- so do not gift him shiny things, food is lil more interesting

- Typical loudish magpie, yes does grunts and such to reinforcment the territory sometimes others find it annoying how many times he does that

- When seeks attention or displays attention he flaps his wings- like most birds does expect he ads extra lil grunts

- Like others dark plumaged birds does get heat stressed

- You can befriend him, if you know how to befriend magpies- just kidding, is after all a person so shouldn't be hard to socialize,,, unless ;0

- Isn't afraid to chase off intruders easier to do with a flock, only territorial when there is a need to,,, not typically scared of a predatory birdfolk but still like any magpie/crow are wary of big predatory birds,, just instinct

- Maybe almost has arrogant attitude