


2 years, 8 months ago


- Not a name- just being not so creative right now aha the "name" means raven AHAAA

- He/him

- Raven birdfolk, common raven? Any raven, just that big raven

- He is tallest out of the crow flock that he is part of

- You guessed it, he is smart/intelligent too, like excuse me you cannot stop me from having smart characters since most of are dumb enough to walk into danger (my dummy witch Ocs-)

- Is friendly to certain birds, been kind to him? He'll remember that and respond friendly way to you now on

- Holds grudges, like you don't want to be remembered bad way by any raven birdie since are known to hold grudges for so long

- At worst case he'd seek out a revenge upon someone if they've been that unfair/unkind to him

- Holds a grudge towards Metso, yes been on his territory, yes got chased off and bit hurt too, he remembers it all,,,

- Can be trusted, only if he trusts you too

- Has his hair up in a messy bun, sometimes loose

- No messing with his flockmates he is the bigger badder one after all

- Does show empathy to his flockmates, they have earned his trust and has bonded with them enough to be vulnerable around them

- Can tell he is "old" not that young since has black shiny plumage, no brown dull feathers telling that he is a young raven birdfolk not that young ahaa