"Antabellum" Ragnarok (Details)



11 months, 12 days ago



Nickname Bel

Gender Male

Pronouns he/heir/him/hym

Birthdate 9/26

Sign Libra

Age ██

Palette Gold / Red

Race Paladin

Partner N/A

Sexuality Grey

feel better

penelope scott

You will NEVER understand what your actions have cost me.


  • stars
  • magic
  • creation
  • mystery


  • stillness
  • failure
  • abandonment
  • criticism


  • creation
  • the arts
  • novels
  • studying


extroverted introverted
intuitive observant
thinking feeling
judging prospecting
assertive turbulent
reserved affectionate








rising / moon


dom. hand

Quirks & Habits

Quiet and routine, Antebellum prefers a ritualistic morning— his ideal life is one of knowing what will happen each morning and how much time it will take from the rest of his day, whether it be seconds to hours. And although that is his preferred norm, he doesn't allow it to stop him from quizzical happenings and curious abnormalities between the things he has created and the life that so delicately teems just outside of the prison he calls home.

Communication skills

Though not one for idle chit-chat and conversation save from rare and fleeting moments with just the right people, he is, regardless, very capable of charming etiquette and an appeasing kindness that others tend to find very charismatic.

But there are some who have had the fortune(?) of hearing Antebellum talk with true thoughts behind his words and no interest in appeasing those around him—and they would most likely tell you that you would rather his charismatic facade to his honesty.

While not by any means intending to be harsh or cruel, he tends to come off as so with aloof commentary and flat tones, giving the sense that, despite his very puzzling and frankly intrusive questions, he has ulterior motives for asking such things. And while that may be so for a particularly unfortunate red-headed muse, most other people have no need to worry of such a thing—Antebellum couldn't fathom what knowing such things would do for him beyond curb natural curiosity.

Showing affection

Antebellum is not one for physical affection by any means, though his verbal affection is quite heartfelt, regardless how lengthy, wordy or poetic it may come off— sometimes causing those who know no better to feel as though he is more a lover of poetry than of them. But to those who know him well enough, (such as a particularly beloved little star of his,) one could confidently explain just how his words come to be, and how significant and deliberate every choice of word is, especially to a man of many and more like Antebellum.

The only notable moment Antebellum could arguably be deemed "physically affectionate" is with his son, only reciprocating typical familial affection such as hugs when his son initiates them.





Earl & Black Tea




Gold, white & red


Star Magnolia





Time of day


Clothing item





classical & instrumental


piano & strings


height 6'1

weight 95,000~lb

build Broad & Athletic

face shape Angular

hairline Widows peak

color scheme White & Gold

main aesthetic Renaissance

clothing style Formal

Facial features

Antebellum is quite sharp and angular, a befitting match to his sharp nature & harsh attitude towards day-to-day.

Scars & Marks

If Antebellum harbors any scars, he has certainly done well to keep them hidden from the sight of others—however, it's questionable whether he desired the star-like vitiligo across his skin to be seen by those around him..


And if he has any of these, he's certainly done well to hide them just like any possible scarring on his body. Though, perhaps he truly doesn't have any..


Only a few ear piercings, all of which come together in chains on his ears as gold accents to whatever wardrobe he's deemed fit for the day.


Particularly fond of formality and putting his best foot forward, Ragnarok frequents vests and button-ups, even occasionally donning a tie when occasion calls for it. He's also quite familiar with accessorizing his wardrobe with corsets of varying design.

  • Vests & Corsets
  • Formalwear
  • Minimal & subtle jewelry
  • Golden accents
  • Large jewelry
  • Vibrant colors
  • Graphic tees
  • Dresses


from the stars; everlasting

To be a Paladin is not as simple as stories or games— to Antebellum, there is no magic in following God.

To be a Paladin of true origin is to be of an ancient species, predating humanity and Earth and the beginning of Him. A species that thrived in kindness and pacifism among the stars and their shattered planet; taking great care to those around and beyond them for utmost passion and companionship. Paladins were adventureous and courageous; all-feeling and intertwined with the pool of magic that their home resided alongside, encompassing spirits and entities of pure, unbridled magic. And once they had come of age, they would visit a seemingly-infinite, crystalline pool and embrace the magic that greeted them at the water's surface from those supposedly forever deep depths of such a small body of water.

Renowned by those that knew the name of the Paladin species among the stars, they were the ultimate peacekeepers—the ultimate knowers of kindness and ability. With all that they could do, was it not pity and love that led them to never raise a hand against those beside their own existences?

Surely, as Antebellum would assure you, to be a Paladin is to be a God.

fortune favors the bold; a wives' tale

In childhood, amongst fellow Paladins, were Fordune and Consiles. Two high-achieving friends; as many would assure you, simply the best of their class—truly, star pupils. Fordune thrived in his strength, and Consiles', his smarts. But that wasn't to say either was lacking in the others' department, either—both excelled in those fields too! However, both chased their interests—and it just so happened they did quite well together, given how they filled the spaces of the others shortcoming. As they grew, though, they strived for what was considered beyond what most ever could achieve—and in their chase, they began to fall into disarray, with ambitions set on consuming the stars. After all, to do so was rumored to grant you your grandest wishes, no matter how extravagant.

However, Their passion soon turned to danger, and Consiles brought to Fordune the old folktale of Paladins; the cautionary tale told to children to turn them away from disrespecting the stars, the very thing that was so kind as to allow them to live alongside. But written between its words were tastes of the truth! Fordune insisted. To devour the stars was to become stronger; to become holier.

To encapsulate magic beyond what Paladin bodies were intended, even with their Cor companions from the crystalline pool. But surely, Fordune continued, they could handle it. Were they not deemed the most unique Paladins among the living, destined for greatness? So Consiles consigned, and agreed. So long as progress could be seen and made, he said, perhaps I will go along with your crazy plan!

And so, they chased the stars.

retribution by the stars

Now, it's here I must part with you a piece of truth I have neglected you so nervously. Fordune and Consiles did not exist only in cautionary and wives' tale amongst children and mothers— but, truly, as people once, too. They chased down the stars—Fordune consuming three, and Consiles only one. The affects of just one gleaming soul in his body felt sickening. Oh, but Fordune loved the feeling! It felt as though Sol herself were beneath his skin, begging he continue and grow, strive and feed her just as the stars fed himself, now.

But with such grandiose actions came grave repurcussions—with such power in comparably simple vessels, the magic and soul of the stars begged their bodies change. So against their desire, the natural Cor found dormant within all Paladins' bodies—usually only stirred once the crystalline pool joined them,—awoke without such a rite. Fordune thrived in this change; it must have meant he was closing toward his goal, having taken such a grandiose form of that of a dragon! Struck with gold and white to its scales and fur and stars embedded amongst its body like badges of pride and power, while Consiles, who did not share Fordunes optimism, had taken a mysterious form between something star-like and canid, with equine legs and neck. And it seemed neither the stars, nor other paladins, believed Fordune either. As consequence for their actions, and in fear of what could be done with this newfound magic that burst from the seams of their skin, a gathering of Paladins insisted they seal both Fordune and Consiles away to a realm of their own creation; a space that only they could inhabit and, hopefully, never escape from—where perhaps the stars would burn their bodies away peacefully. And though they succeeded, time wears to all— and unfortunately, there is no exemption for their realm. As it withered and wore away; albeit its cracks miniscule, Consiles—now dubbed Core'dus,—slipped through. And Fordune, who had taken it upon himself to become known only as Ragnarok, counting on his return and good news, instead heard nothing of him for years to come. Since then, he has since deemed him either dead or a coward. In his isolation, he began to create; populating his lonesome realm with creatures and monsters that were born with fear, or grew to learn it from him, in his attempts to learn how to change himself. Taking his own form down from the archaic dragon he had since lost his humanity to, he began to refine himself. If he were to escape, his form would give him away too easily. So he adapted, molding and changing to the form of something humanoid, and continued from there his work on creating creatures. In his lonesome research and learning, something came to him; a memory of what he had read as a child; as Fordune.

To see creation was to have a creator, too. Something had to have made him, just as he made the things that lurked past the walls of what he had made home within the realm. And it was from this moment he chased the knowledge; to know what had created him. And to take it in his hands and ask—

"Why would you leave me here?"

aurion, child of gods' fates

Ragnarok, while deeming most all his creations failures of variable degree, deems one thing— one person, a true success; perfection, even. Known by many as Paradox, and by his father, as Aurion.

It began as an attempt to mimic humanity; Earth, as he came to learn of through the eyes of creatures much smaller than he that had slipped through the cracks of his realm, had granted him knowledge of such another existance. Every attempt was deemed simply a failure, until one turned to meet his eyes and hold its small hands out for his. And it was from there that something became more to him; that, for the first in a very long time, he found true compassion for something that existed beyond him.





Response time


Magic intellect

preference Cor

attitude Stoic

distance Inconvenient

weapon Cor

Fighting style

As Antebellum—his human form,—he is much more agile and calculated, precise and knowledgeable of every move he makes before he has made it. However, as Ragnarok—his draconic form,—he loses most sense of rationality, taking to impulse and instinct and rage, leading to occasionally brash decisions or unexpected outcomes.

Fortunately however, his human form is very resilient, being a stable catalyst for majority of his magic. With such rare need ever for his full extent, he doesn't worry too severely of needing his draconic form.


  • Calculating
  • Agile
  • Intuitive
  • Experienced


  • Over-confident
  • Perfectionist
  • Amidst combat, easily riled
  • Extravagant


Dubbed a "Starcor" for his severe dependancy upon the stars' Cors he has consumed, this is the cause of his true form, Ragnarok. While incredibly easy to revert into, it is also near impossible for him to rationalize in this state most especially during combat, resulting in a reckless, metaphorical glass cannon.



Antebellum begrudgingly admits that his human form's magic is much closer to his original magic—hence for his distaste for it. However, he acknowledges that his human form is much more capable of strategizing and rationalizing, making it much more ideal for fighting in, albeit weaker and much more vulnerable than Ragnarok.



Considerably his weakest aspect in his opinion, although he is still well-rehearsed and familiar in the use of his rapier and acknowledges it as a catalyst for his magic to conduct through.

Although he deems it rather unnecessary, it still serves as a good source of self defense without excess force and for discretion's sake.




Catalysts, albeit not rare among those famliar with their Cor, are still unique as a fingerprint to every individual. Though, Ragnarok does not deem them very necessary, and considers those who rely on them weaker than himself.



  • Although he isn't particularly fond of animals, Aurion's fondness for cats has brought a slight one to Ragnarok as well.
  • He doesn't understand the concepts behind sex or romantic intimacy—he never had the chance to be taught of it by Paladins, and has had yet to read about it.
  • Infact, he doesn't know a lot of social norms or "normal" facts about humanity. Although he prides himself on being ever-intelligent, there is still plenty he's yet to experience or understand the reasons behind.


  • He stays quiet and barely hears those around him, often lost in his own head and the moment as he decides what to do.
  • ..Although, if he actually listens to you, antagonizing him is quite easy, especially during the heat of battle.
  • He wields his rapier much more like a standard sword. He's lucky it's a catalyst—otherwise, it probably would have broken by now.
  • It's also a good thing its sides are sharpened, as opposed to the usual blunt shape of standard rapiers.


  • Although he's quite respectful of identity, he doesn't have a good sense of boundary when it comes to personal questions. If he's curious, he will most likely say something..
  • Although, if you tell him you won't explain, he doesn't seem to push much after that.
  • ..Ragnarok is very quiet! He doesn't begin or strike conversation up often. It's rare that he initiates, and prefers only to speak when spoken to.


  • The vitiligo across his human body represent the stars embedded in Ragnarok! They even look like dripping stars upon closer inspection.
  • His colors are intended to make him look holy and regal, and even trusting when he's being charismatic.
  • The red on the palm of his glove is intended to symbolize the "blood on his hands", while the black implies anonymity.
  • If you look closely at his reference sheet, the order and color choice is all purposeful. Black is only found on the innermost; the darker truth to himself that he keeps internal. His brighter, "more trusting" colors are all more outer layers. His gloves even imply that what "darker secrets" he holds are carefully controlled by him, only when he wants them known.



Being the cause behind the creatures that lurk just beyond Runes notice, Antebellum is well aware of the muses truth, and has been since before he came into contact with those amongst Hybris-Nephalos. Even still, his presence became inadmissable upon his arrival—and finally gave Antebellum a pinpoint on his location. Since then, he has kept a close eye on the god, and has even interacted with him a few times—going so far as to begin to mingle with other creations of his and Zorins with intent to learn all that he can.


Perhaps the only one that seems to be aware of any possibility of Antebellums ulterior motives. Having underestimated the seraph, the Paladin has taken extra precaution in making sure he knows where this seraph is as often as possible.

Most of his attempts to mingle with other creations involves avoiding him in particular. It's too late to lose now.


Although he knows little of this human, he finds a particular interest has been piqued each time that he talks to them—and has found himself returning frequently to the other, most especially for his pleasant tea and soft conversation.

Of the people of Hybris-Nephalos, he is one of the few bearable ones.


One of the other aforementioned "bearable ones"; this reaper has fought alongside Antebellum once—garnering a subtle sense of respect and, very loosely, a sense of trust—at least in the others combat ability.

He does, though, find a sense of relief—for lack of better word—in knowing that the other shares his frustration with many social constructs this world seems so fond of; and he appreciates the others bluntness and honesty.