


6 years, 6 months ago


Name Filigree
Gender female
Species Kebanzu
Build dainty/average
Age adult
S.O. lesbian
Relationship Status taken
Residence Mythic Forest?
Profession ranger?
Alignment Neutral Good


confident . dedicated . perfectionist

Filigree is a proud keb, both in her abilities and in her looks, however she tends to avoid spending too much time with kebs who point that out. She tends to think the worst of others until proven otherwise, however will be extremely loyal to her friends and will be merciless to anyone who verbally insults any of them. Despite her competitive side and love of fencing and fighting, she really hates getting her paws dirty. That being said, if someone assumes she cant do something that involves a bit of a mess, her pride will push her into it over her hate for getting down and dirty. She highly respects Kanda, the one who taught her the ins and outs of fighting and trusts him to lead her the right way in most situations if she finds herself torn as to what to do. Even though she no longer primarily resides in the mythic forest, moving to live with Patina, she still returns rather often to visit Kanda and to go on a few ranger missions with him like she used to.

When not in a competitive atmosphere, Filigree can be extremely extroverted and kind, loving to make conversation around friends or friends of friends. It sometimes takes a bit of coaxing from her girlfriend to get her to show her more relaxed side, but it is in there.

  • fencing
  • classical music
  • fashion
  • spicy foods
  • egotists
  • loud noises
  • unfair play
  • lack of responsibility

Is that all you got?! 


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General Info

Designer Hauket
Species kebanzu
Worth $120
Availability not for sale/trade

HTML by lowkeywicked