



Look! Lil frien!!!

Beedle is a little guy who is constantly done 24/7. They're surrounded by bleeding hearted-idiots who don't seem to know the concept of self-preservation. Beedle's every action is carefully weighed with pros and cons, and they usually won't do something unless it benefits them. Beedle always looks out for #1, and if that means others get burned, well, that's not Beedle's problem.

Like all brittles, Beedle is incapable of speech. This doesn't stop them from being quite fluent in cursing, however. Most of their signing involves a variety of cusses as well as other profane gestures. At least, it did before Beedle was cursed. You see, Beedle may or may not have insulted a disguised spirit, who took great pleasure in punished Beedle for their transgression. Ever since that interaction, whenever Beedle tries to curse, it comes out as silly gobblyguck instead. Even trying to write curse words out doesn't work, so Beedle has been stuck with making a fool of themselves for 17 years too long.

Beedle, finally sick and tired of these shenanigans, has joined a pirate ship that's on a quest to find an artifact that can grant any wish. But is wanting to end their curse the only reason for why Beedle's on the voyage? The answer might surprise you.

They're 100% based on this song btw lol

Pronunciation: (Bee-Dull)

Pronouns: They/Them

Sexuality/Identities: Queer

Species: Candyfloss

Subspecies: Brittlefloss

Clan: Nu


  • Partial Heterochromia
  • Overhaul Coat Type
  • 5th Color in Palette
  • Studs
  • 3 Halos
  • Floating Objects around Halo
  • 2 Horns
  • Spikes
  • ??? Spike Areas (CF guide broken, waiting for fix)
  • Bone Material Type
  • Goo Material Type
  • Mechanical Material Type
  • Nu Clan Force Material Type
  • Common Mouth Placement
  • 1 Mouth
  • Rounded Tongue Shape
  • Standard Teeth Shape
  • Cat Lip Shape