Vance T.



2 years, 5 months ago




Vance Toad


26 at time of death/Male


Β Former Toad now Boo


Β ???


The Mario bros:Β finds them overrated but considers Luigi to be his favorite of the two

Bowser:Β sees him as irresponsible and unfit to have children due to the events of sunshine

Bowser Junior:Β pitys him because of his opinion on Bowser but still considers him a brat

Sheryl Toad: Mother. Strong relationship with her

Razz: Murderous fiend

Perii: annoying but she's growing on him


Β After a traumatizing event, Vance began bottling up any and all feelings. Creating this persona of himself that act liked he knew everything compared to the book nerd he used to be as a kid

After dying, his persona turned more aggressive to everyone and anyone

He doesn't like disorder, nor does he appreciate junk food. Often times if he finds a mess, he would clean it up, free of charge, just to get rid of the eyesore and to calm his ever-growing anxiety that just being around the mess brings him



Mastered quite of few languages

weak levitation


Β his favorite color used to be purple since it went well with his yellow spots

Vance's profession in Delfino were a mix of being a tour guide, selling shady timeshares and working in Pinna Park

Grease is his favorite musical next to the phantom of the opera. Any musical with a horror element he has boycotted from watching (ex: little shop of horrors)

Winter is his favorite season since he has a reason to spend more time indoors

Although he won't admit it to her, he sees Perii as his first real friend despite his apprehension to Beanish


The ring off Perii's finger


Vance does not fight. As a boo, he is most likely to just fade away from the fight. If he is with Perii in a fight however, he will stick around to watch. In this scenario, he may "accidentally" drop a helpful item (that usually slides to Luigi) Perii and Vance would then have the following dialog depending on the item given to the brothers

Any Mushroom Type

Perii: "Did you drop something Vance? Pretty sure I just the squishy plop of a mushroom near you..."

Perii: "Vance: "You're hearing things..."

Any Nut

Perii: "Hey are you eating nuts over there? Give me some!"

Vance: "...Get your own"

Boo Biscuits (if used by the Mario bros)

Perii: "Vance, did [Mario/Luigi] step to the side? I coulda sworn they were standing right there!"

Vance: "I'm not your seeing-eye chomp"

Any Syrup type

Perii: "Ooh! Something smells sweet!"

Vance: "Aren't you supposed to be fighting right now?"

Refreshing Herb

Perii: "YUCK! I smell vegetables!"

Vance: ". . ."

Any Candy type

Perii: "You're holding out on me! Give me that candy!"

Vance: "Oops sorry. That was my last piece"

When Perii's HP gets low enough, she would stop the fight, realizing Vance has been helping their opponents. Then she would retreat back to the woods and Vance would start being pulled to her the father she got away. "Darn it! We could of gotten that ring off if you two had knocked her out faster! Some heroes you two are!"


He grew up as an average Toad in Toad Harbor until he was nineteen to which he lived in Delfino for a decade before returning to his home town after his mother's passing. I recommend reading the short story I wrote for him but do be warned it does have heavy topics!

Worthless in Life and Death

After the events of Worthless, Vance finds himself reborn as a boo. He can't seem to leave his mother's home as his spirit is attached to her ring. He spends a year teaching himself how to grab physical objects as an incorporeal ghost until one day, someone breaks the unlocked front door. This person was Perii