Bear's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

HoneyBeest Global Rules

Full Terms of service:





✨ You may sell my designs for however much you'd like, but please take into consideration how much you paid for said character, and how much art the design has. Be respectful of my work and price accordingly. Although, if you haven't paid for any extra art of the character and only have the original art pieces the character came with when you received it, please don't exceed $300 over it's original price.

✨ You may trade and accept vouchers at your own discretion. I am not responsible for compensating if there is a mishap with your trade/sale.

✨Making an alternate design/gender/species/etc. of a design is permitted, but all alternate versions (no matter how different) must stay with the said character if you sell/trade/give the character away. You may not keep or sell any alternate designs, they go with the original.

✨You may edit the character however you'd like, and even edit my art of the character however you'd like. But you cannot fully claim the design/artwork. You can only claim the edits you did. The original design MUST stay with the character, meaning you must keep the original designs file on hand/on Toyhouse somewhere.

If you the character is on, it must STAY on If you sold it to someone who doesn't have a, I can offer the buyer a code to make a profile, OR you can keep the characters up, state it's sold, and link the new owner in the description. This helps me keep an eye on where my designs are to avoid character theft.



✨You may Co-own a design of mine, but I will not get involved with any disputes involving these characters.

✨ I will not get involved with any "return to the previous owner if no longer wanted" disputes. (I personally prefer no one does this. I'm happier with "first dibs" or communicating with the previous owner. But that's only what I prefer, I will not get involved in these situations regardless.)

✨You may not dictate who does and doesn't receive one of my designs once you no longer own the character. The current owner of the design is allowed to sell/trade/gift to whoever they want, as long as they aren't on my public blacklist. You have no rights to that character once it's sold.

Once you agree to a trade/sale with someone and begin the process, do NOT suddenly change the terms with the buyer. You can either cancel the trade/sale or continue with what was originally agreed on. Scalping designs and trying to get more out of buyers is something I am not okay with, especially not with my designs.