Shisuki Uetake



6 years, 7 months ago



Name 【上竹しすき】Uetake Shisuki
Affiliation 【川の国】Land of Rivers
Age 20 / 23
Profession Kunoichi ⋅ Potter
Gender Female
S/O Kazuyoshi Kyuzazame
Status Alive

You can ignore me if you want, pretend I am not here. But, please let me join you. That's all I ask.



  • Kazu
  • Yottan
  • Green tea
  • Kinoko & noppei jiru


  • Fire
  • Harumi
  • Anything with eel
  • Smell of burnt tea leaves



Shisuki's origin is unknown as she was abandoned in a tea field by her destitute parents. A worker boy of Lady Uetake found the infant shortly after and brought it to her, who then took Shisuki in and raised her as her own offspring. Shisuki's parents left a letter explaining their circumstances which led Lady Uetake to believe that they were Amegakure refugees and kept everything to herself, that is until Shisuki was old enough to learn about the truth.

Shisuki experienced a sheltered childhood and was raised to inherit the tea manufactury & business in the near future, since Lady Uetake was a childless widow of old age. Hencefore she wasn't allowed to become a Kunoichi – much to her dislike. A resident of the nearby village happened to be a retired Shinobi and, finally, caved in to train her the basics, after her countlessly begging him to do so. Lady Uetake eventually found out and after a long discussion she allowed the child to attend a Ninja acadamy to become a Genin.

Years later, during a drought at a very hot summer the nearby fields caught fire. The flames spread to their home and burnt it almost completely down. This tragic incident left them now in a poor financial situation and worsened Lady Uetake's health, who then shortly after died.

The remaining tea fields couldn't bring enough yields, forcing Shisuki to sell them and move to a hut by a small village at the north-east of Kawa no Kuni. The hut included an old pottery shop which Shisuki brought back to life. Once every week a travelling merchant visited the village and would trade with her. It wasn't much, but it was good enough for her to live a humble life. One day he brought a piglet that was sold to him the other day which he planned on selling to a butcher, but its pleading eyes made Shisuki buy it off of him instead. She named it Yottan and it became her loyal companion.

Personality ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅

Shisuki is a tremendously passionate person, always seeking the opportunity to reach her goals and desires – However, she'd never do that in a hasty manner or knowingly hurt others when doing so. Much more, she'd try to figure out a way to make others benefit from it as well, which isn't as easy as she likes to believe, naively. The latter, her naive and innocent demeanour could rather bring her in serious trouble. Her involvement in her mother's business however helped her develop the ability to analyse and understand other businessmen and people who act with faulty ulterior motives. At least to a degree.

Being fragile and helpless is something Shisuki despises. It makes her feel reduced to conservative concepts of womanhood, so she always sought a way to become strong and independent. Yet, it doesn't stop her to embrace certain parts of being a woman, being herself. tranquillity, gracefulness and sympathy were all words that hung on her mother's home's walls and Shisuki wants to honour her by living to those standards.

Another side of her wants to explore the world and what lies beneath its chaos. After having met Kazuyoshi, Shisuki realised what more there is and what else she could do. In him she sees some form of freedom that she never experienced herself.

She might be too easily impressed and blinded by her rose-coloured glasses, though.

Trivia ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅

• During the fire her left arm got burnt and is now covered with scar tissue.
• She would always cook mushroom soup (kinoko jiru) for her sick mother.
• Becoming a Ninja seemed like a way to find her biological parents.
• She's very picky with tea-leaf quality.



Kazuyoshi Kyuzazame

[beloved] Pretend there is a long spicy text about how much they kiss and do fun things. Soup.


Harumi Matcha

[disliked] Ruthless tea manufacturer who threatened Lady Uetake & Shisuki. Possibly responsible for the fire.



[relationship] Accepting friend requests! 👀

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