


Name Lilith
Species Darter
Age Twenty-four
Gender Female
Job Witch
Sexuality Heterosexual
Trade? Fuck no.



Raised in a strict house, Lilith didn't get much time to explore creative outlets or develop many meaningful relationships with those her own age. She was taught how to make potions by both parents, some helpful, some dangerous. Failure was not tolerated. Punishments were harsh. Nothing changed for years. Only after her mother and father mysteriously vanished when she was around 10 did she finally open up and start to try and connect with others. Though her lack of experience with socializing put her at a disadvantage and made it difficult to befriend anyone. Labeled as a loner she just focused on her hive and work.
Eventually she was able to make one lasting friendship, with a young Darter who went by the name of Yasmine. She was sociable and very kind, accepting Lilith for who she was, taking an interest in her hobbies. Oddly, they complimented each other well. The two were best friends for years, until an unfortunate accident. In their adventures they got themselves into a mess they just couldn't get out of without serious harm. Yasmine gave her life to protect Lilith and allow her the time she needed to get away with minor injuries. To her dismay.


After everything that happened Lilith has mostly stuck to herself. She doesn't go out of her way to make friends or build relationships. She had left her hive and set up her own home and shop in the woods. Her own secluded paradise. She sells potions for almost any use though keeps odd hours and many fear visiting her hut. She has very few connections, none she'd consider 'friends'. She's a loner, and she likes it that way.


  • No one can get away with calling her 'Lily' or 'Lil'.
  • Will sell you to Satan for one corn chip.
  • Do not touch her hair.
  • She hates everyone and doesn't care to make friends.
  • Lilith is haunted by bad thoughts but refuses to acknowledge them.
  • She does not talk about her friends death, she keeps it bottled up and stuffed away.
  • She has major trust issues and usually turns others down out of fear.
  • Though she does have quite the temper on her and a short fuse. Irritated fairly quickly.


Acquaintances. She tolerates his presence as they share a similar personality type. Sassy duo.
A few words about them.

Traits and Details

  • Feathered Ears (Uncommon)
  • Poison Barbs (Uncommon)
  • Runes (Rare)
    • Runes glow with use.

No major details about the character, no important accessories or the like to keep in mind.