


2 years, 8 months ago


 I do not claim Gizmo (Tails) as my own character just this design of him. This is my interpretation of him for my AU.

General Information

Name: Miles Prower

Nickname: Gizmo

Age: 14

Nationality: NA

Place of Birth: NA

Current home: The Den - Isn’t here often as him and Gear are usually travelling 

Job Title: Bounty Hunter

Weapons:  Flash bombs – Small bombs that produce a bright flash of light that stuns the victims’ eyes for 5 seconds. They’re used to distract enemies or for a get away if he is in danger.

Acoustic bombs – Small bombs that produce a high-pitched noise that hurts the victim’s ears. The noise lasts about 5 seconds and can distract the enemy long enough for an escape.

Knife – Uses this when hunting, cutting rope or any other small tasks he needs it for. Does know how to fight with it if the situation calls for it.

Relationship status: Single

Hobbies: Reading, building random gadgets, flying, hunting, cooking, fishing, fixing up his plane

Likes: Peppermint, sky blue, foods of all kinds, learning new things, swimming, nighttime, snow, cool days, autumn, history, mysteries

Dislikes: Thunder, loud places, big crowds, bullies, invasion of personal space, caves (being underground), being hungry (gets cranky)

Bad habits: Left ear twitches when he’s lying (only Gear notices), mumbles to himself, thinks out loud (can get him into trouble)

Good habits: Always prepared, plans ahead, organized, hard worker

Strengths: Intelligent, quick thinker, smart, fast on his feet and quick in the air, quiet on his feet, high jumper, hard to catch, lock picker, pick pocket (when he needs too), good sense of direction, loyal, alert, strong hearing

Weaknesses: Second guess himself, nearsighted, not physically strong, doesn’t trust easy, struggles to relax, worries


Childhood: TBA

Teenager: TBA



Siblings: No biological siblings but considers Gear his older brother.

Parents: Rosemary (deceased), Amadeus

Love interests: CeCe

Friends: CeCe, Pearl, Trixie, Amy, Sally

Other important persons: Sparkle, Clover, Chris, Echo, Hope, Knuckles, Bunnie, Cream, Petunia, Lucy, Vanilla

Enemies: Raja, Raja’s pack, Amadeus

Mental Characteristics 

Education: Is well educated on a wide range of subjects. Gizmo spends a good chuck of his free time reading. Everything from fiction to nonfiction tickles his interest. Gizmo is also familiar with medicinal herbs thanks to a small journal left behind by his mother.

Self-Perception: Gizmo is rather hard on himself and he tends to compare himself to his brother a lot. He looks up to Gear and feels that he won’t be able to be a great as him. He’s confident with his intelligence but will second guess himself if a decision is difficult. He worries about being a burden to his brother and aims to be better.

Assumed External Perception: To those who don’t know him, Gizmo comes off as the quiet type. He will speak when spoken too by strangers and can hold a conversation. If it’s a topic he’s interested in he won’t stop talking. He’s seen as being very mature for his age and is sometimes referred to as an “old soul”. He will be sassy to those who talk down to him and can get himself in trouble, this usually leads to Gear coming to his rescue.

Self-Confidence: Self confidence is something he’s working on. It’s gotten better since Gear took Gizmo under his wing. He wants to become more independent and reliable to those around him.

Things That Upset Him: Gear putting himself in danger, others not listening to him, bullies, being told he weak or useless, being underestimated, being talked down too

Things That Make Him Happy: Yummy food, warm place to sleep, sleeping under the stars, spending time with Gear, a good book, being around friends, tinkering 
