
2 years, 4 months ago


I don't claim Amy as my own character just this design of her. This is my interpretation of her for my AU

General Information

Name: Amy Rose

Nickname: NA

Age: 17

Nationality: Mobian

Place of Birth: TBA

Current home: TBA

Job Title: Bounty Hunter 

Weapons:  Magic Hammer - She's able to shrink and grow this hammer at will. For easy access, she wears it as an earring.

Relationship status: NA

Hobbies: Mystical arts and fortunes, reading, training, matchmaker

Likes: Warm weather, being busy, fashion, being outdoors, being around company, entertaining

Dislikes: The cold, being alone, being talked down to or underestimated, being called a child

Bad habits: Quick to judge, obsessive, stubborn

Good habits: Big heart, friendly, brave, quick thinker, protective

Strengths: Leadership skills, physically strong, flexible, confident, sees well at night

Weaknesses: Slow, stealth, short temper


Childhood: TBA

Teenager: TBA


Siblings: NA

Parents: Mother Deceased, Father Deceased, Petunia (Aunt)

Love interests: Gear, TBA

Friends: Cream, Vanilla, Gizmo, Lucy, 

Other important persons: Trixie, Sally, CeCe, Sparkle

Enemies: Raja

Mental Characteristics 

Education: Amy has spent her teenage years learning the ins and outs of becoming a bounty hunter. Her Aunt is well known in the bounty hunting community and was in charge of her training. She's well-spoken and takes time to read up on local news. Amy tries to keep her mind open and is always eager to learn something new. 

Self-Perception: Thanks to her training, Amy has found a new respect for herself. She likes to keep herself in a good headspace and doesn't let others put her down. 

Assumed External Perception: At first glance, many see her as a child with an overactive imagination. That is until they see her in battle. Those who know Amy are well aware of her ability to take care of herself. She has a big heart and will always jump to aid those in need. 

Self-Confidence: Amy has strong self-confidence. She won't let others' opinions of her pull her down. She knows what she has to offer the world and she fully intends to show it off. 

Things That Upset Her: Seeing others being hurt, bullies, lawbreakers

Things That Make Her Happy: Being cared for, being around Gear, seeing the world, being around family, enjoying an ice tea with Cream.
