Etheria Luminosity (Etheria (SparvelAU))



2 years, 14 hours ago


Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual.

Name Etheria
Species Fox
Pronouns She/Her
Gender Female
Age 40s
Sexuality Lesbian

Relationship Status Single
Occupation Librarian at Kamar-Taj, Kamar-Taj Instructor, Sorcerer Supreme (during Blip)
Residence Part-Time between the New York Sanctum Sanctorum and Kamar-Taj, Universe 77785

Nicknames Theri (pronounced Theory)
Titles Master of the Mystic Arts Sorcerer Supreme (former) Master of the New York Sanctum (former)

"We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone. With our lives."

Etheria is a highly-skilled Master of the Mystic Arts, working as the librarian at Kamar-Taj. During Lusterdust's absence during the Blip, Etheria replaced her as the Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the New York Sanctum, taking on the responsibilities that came with it. She returned the roles upon Lusterdust's return. She spends her time running Kamar-Taj's library, training apprentices, and doing various sorcerer activities that may arise. When she's not busy, she often hangs out with Lusterdust.

Even if she gets sick of Lusterdust's lack of self-restraint at times, she does care for and love her best friend and housemate and enjoys her company. When Luster pushes herself too hard, Etheria will still take care of her even when she told her to watch her limits and train regularly to increase her endurance. She also pushed as much as she could to get Luster and Twilight together initially, going so far as to set up an 'attack' to force them to confess. She does think they go a little overboard with their affections sometimes. Well, most of the time. She gets annoyed when they make her leave the Sanctum, or when she walks in on them making out, which happens a little too frequently. She regrets getting them together sometimes, just a little bit.

WIP (probably like feminine Wong though, idk. the same sort of vibe)
Writing Right-Handed
Average, albeit a little scrappy due to speed. Idk.

Her left ear is flopped, her right is perked.

Eyes are purple

Hair is pink at the root, gradienting into purple. It's long and fluffy, and flows gracefully.

Her body is solid pale pink, no patterning.

Her inner ears and nose are a darker pink, and her tail matches her hair, but with a white tip.


Her normal sorcerer suit is a pale purple flowy dress with large, loose sleeves and a round neckline. The ends of her sleeves are capped with dark purple fabric, matching her sash that drapes over her chest and down her waist with a silver star with a gold moon on the fold. Her matching shoes are pale purple boots with the dark purple fabric appearing to wrap around them. She can also wear other clothing, but normally is only seen in this.

She also has a silver necklace with a gold moon pendant, and her silver Sling Ring that she wears on her left hand or keeps looped onto her belt. (not drawn like that yet, but it's akin to how Luster has it. The thing's heavy.)

Body Modifications and Scars

She has two earrings on each ear- one silver moon on top, and one purple on the bottom. These are not optional unless she changes them out, which is rare. Both ears have the same earrings, albeit slightly differently placed to be visible. If you were to flip her left ear up, the earrings would then be upside down compared to the right ear, but her ear can't stay like that so it wouldn't matter.

Positive Traits
Friendly Helpful Intelligent Strong Sarcastic
Neutral Traits
Stoic Powerful Wise Reserved
Negative Traits
Too serious at times Stressed Underappreciated Does everything herself

Etheria started off as an apprentice at Kamar-Taj, later becoming the librarian when Stygian killed the last one for a page out of the Book of Cagliostro (and to use as a sacrifice to Dormammu). She takes her job very seriously, making sure the right books don't fall into the wrong hands.

Upon meeting Lusterdust, Etheria thought she was too hotheaded and overconfident, which Lusterdust often proved by stealing books through portals. They later became best friends as Lusterdust realized what needed to be done and stepped up to her role as a Master of the Mystic Arts. When Lusterdust was dusted by Thanos, Etheria was saddened but also intimidated as she had to take on Lusterdust's role as Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the New York Sanctum as the remaining strongest Master of the Mystic Arts at Kamar-Taj. Nonetheless, she stepped into the role with confidence, knowing Luster would have done the same if the roles were reversed. She was also concerned as to what could have possibly transpired to lead to the Time Stone getting into Thanos' hands until Twilight returned from space and caught everyone up. Etheria hoped Lusterdust was right about it being the only option. Luckily, five years later, she and the other sorcerers noticed everyone's return and immediately worked on contacting each other and getting every hero to the final battle. After all was said and done, she was glad to have Luster back.

Now, she still works at Kamar-Taj with Lusterdust and goes back and forth between there and the Sanctum, enjoying Lusterdust and Twilight's company as well as her job.

  • The Mystic Arts
  • Kamar-Taj
  • Tea
  • Meditation
  • Her friends
  • The color purple
  • Studying and researching
  • Doing her job
  • Having to wash the Cloak of Levitation
  • When Twilight and Luster kick her out/she walks in on them
  • Being blamed for not keeping the gateway seals at the Sanctum tight
  • Enemies/mystic threats
  • People disregarding her/not reading the spells before casting them
  • Dark Magic/Corruption
mental health
pessimist optimist
naïve perceptive
introverted extroverted
open reserved
blunt polite
moral immoral
patient impatient

physical combat
magical combat
fight flight
negotiate kill

  • Strong Magical Talent
  • Knowledge
  • Helpfulness
  • Strength
  • Perseverence
  • Too serious
  • Needs a vacation
  • idk

Magic She is capable of many powerful and complex, high-level spells as well as mystical and artifact knowledge.
Physical Combat She can fight decently, but it isn't her strong suit. She usually can make up for it in magical skills, but she's willing to try when needed.
Other Abilities Ample magical, mystical, and historical knowledge.

There isn't too much that I haven't already covered here, but I'll put it in anyways. Keep in mind most of this is from various MCU films.

Master of the Mystic Arts
Kamar-Taj Pre-Thanos

Etheria first went to Kamar-Taj to study the Mystic Arts like anyone else who went there- for the mysticism and self-restoration. When Stygian stole a page from the Book of Cagliostro and killed the librarian of Kamar-Taj, Etheria took over, vowing to protect the books from those who wish to misuse them. When StrangeSkies first showed up, Etheria was wary of her, thinking she was too hotheaded and overconfident. Lusterdust often proved this to be correct by stealing books through portals. They later became best friends as Lusterdust realized what needed to be done and stepped up to her role as a Master of the Mystic Arts. Etheria lived at the New York Sanctum part-time to help Lusterdust maintain it while she learned what to do, but it became a permanent part-time home as they enjoyed each other's company and grew more comfortable around each other.

The War Against Thanos
The Battles and the Blip Between Them

When Fluttershy crashed through the ceiling of the Sanctum warning Luster, Twilight, and Etheria of Thanos' impending arrival to steal the Infinity Stones, including the Time Stone that Lusterdust was safeguarding, Etheria knew something big was coming. One of Thanos' disciples came to New York in a spaceship, and the group fought to protect the city and the Stone. Sparkle and StrangeSkies, and thus the Time Stone, ended up in the ship and off into space, leaving the. New York Sanctum unguarded without its master, so Etheria had to become the new acting Master of the New York Sanctum (and fix the stairs and roof that Fluttershy had accidentally destroyed upon her arrival). After she had gotten confirmation from Twilight (who had returned from space) that Lusterdust had surrendered the Time Stone 'out of necessity to win' and had subsequently been dusted by Thanos' snap, she was the strongest remaining Master of the Mystic Arts, leading her to step into the role of Sorcerer Supreme during the Blip.

Etheria proceeded as the Sorcerer Supreme for the next five years, trying to adjust to this new life like everyone else.Upon her immediate return to existence, Lusterdust knew the sorcerers had to immediately act together to get every hero together at the final battle. When Etheria and the other sorcerers saw people return, they also realized what had happened, not long before they got a magical message from Lusterdust saying to gather everyone at the Avengers Compound, and how she knew that needed to happen. The sorcerers gathered everyone for the final battle, and everything went exactly as it had to, 14,000,605 to 1, and this was the one. Etheria knew she could trust Lusterdust's judgement, and was so glad she was back. She transferred the roles of Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the New York Sanctum back, glad to give the title back with the one who deserved it.

Now, she and Lusterdust are back to how things were before the Blip, and she's relieved to have that back.

Lusterdust StrangeSkies [Best Friend]

Lusterdust is who Etheria lives with at the Sanctum part-time, and she's her best friend in the world. They're an unstoppable duo in the Mystic Arts, and trust each other greatly. She missed Luster dearly during the Blip.

Twilight Sparkle [Friend]

She met her through Lusterdust, though they were friendly at the start. She got to know her better as she spent more time with Lusterdust at the Sanctum, becoming actual friends as time went on. She helped her get with Lusterdust, telling her the feeling was mutual and that she should go for it, and even coordinated a situation for them to confess their feelings to each other. She gets to know Twilight even better when she and Luster got together. They do annoy her sometimes, especially when they can't respect when she's at the Sanctum instead of waiting when she's at Kamar-Taj or going elsewhere, but she does think of Twilight as a good friend.

Pinkie Parker [Mutual Friend]

She only knows her through Twilight and Lusterdust, but she respects her and find her endearing, if a bit annoying at times.

The Ancient One [Mentor (deceased)]

Her former mentor at Kamar-Taj, she respected him highly even if she didn't know him as well as some of the other sorcerers.

Cerise Mordo [Former Friend/Enemy]

Her former fellow Master of the Mystic Arts at Kamar-Taj, she considered her a friend until she went against the Mystic Arts after disagreeing with what the Ancient One had done. Mordo now considers Etheria an enemy, so Etheria does too.

Stygian [Enemy (deceased)]

She barely knew him before he deviated from the Mystic Arts into the Dark Dimension's cult, but she knew he was wrong about his beliefs of the Dark Dimension and his actions against the sorcerers and the Earth as he tried to get Dormammu to absorb the Earth into the Dark Dimension. When Lusterdust bargained with Dormammu for his removal from the Earth in the form of 'eternal life as part of the One' in the Dark Dimension, it effectively killed him and his zealots and saved the Earth. Etheria was just happy it was over.

Fluttershy [Friend]

Etheria forgives her for crashing into the ceiling, it wasn't her fault the Bifrost put her there, anyway. She doesn't know her too well, but she's a respected colleague as a member of the Avengers.

Director Celestia [Acquaintance]

Etheria is only briefly acquainted with the Director of SHIELD, but they're friendly.

Sunset Shimmer [Acquaintance]

Etheria is only briefly acquainted with Sunset/Captain Marvel, but they're friendly.

Applejack [Colleague]

Etheria is only briefly acquainted with Applejack/Captain Equestria, but they're friendly.

Starlight Glimmer [Friend/Enemy? WIP]

Still working on how I'm gonna do Multiverse of Madness here, so I'm gonna edit this later once I figure it out more. They're friends/acquaintances for now, though.

Thanos [Enemy]

Etheria's biggest enemy, his disciple tried to kill her and he tried to kill Lusterdust and Twilight, causing Twilight to sacrifice herself five years later. Lusterdust was able to get everything to work out in the end, but that doesn't change Etheria's (and everyone else's) hatred for the giant purple raisin man.

Lusterdust ShimmeringSkies [Friend-ish]

They met briefly when StrangeSkies and ShimmeringSkies accidentally swapped bodies. It was confusing, but she seemed nice, although very different from the Luster Etheria knows.

Author's Notes/Trivia
  • Etheria is a double multiversal variant, meaning she has two multiversal variants that make up her being; Etheria Luminosity and Wong (MCU).
  • For more information, lore, and stories, you can find a comprehensive list of my published writing for Etheria here. Have fun!
  • For EVERYTHING SparvelAU that isn't on Toyhouse, you can find the Google Drive folder here.
  • Welp, I think that's finally everything! The SparvelAU hyperfixation is so extremely strong, so please tell me if you read any of this, I would love to talk about it!!

  • Wong (from anything from the MCU he's in)