


2 years, 5 months ago


(lol im going back to runaway's original concept from back in 2021 when he was a apocalypse survivalist kid,,)


Runaway ☆




survivalist kid with a dog pal

16 february


Surviving the post-nuclear apocalypse is hard enough for adults, let alone young kids like Runaway. Luckily, Runaway's extremely intelligent for his age and manages to pull through through sheer determination.

Runaway is a survivalist kid who travels the destroyed world of the nuclear wasteland with his beloved jackal pal Scribbles (Scribbs for short) to whom he can talk to.

He also has an enigmatic friend/survival partner named little Phoebe sometimes who appears to him from time to time, so she's rather more like a ghost than a proper travelling partner. 

Runaway is a furtive and skilled pickpocket and thief, but is also effecient when it comes to combat. 

Despite his tendency to attract danger, Runaway doesn't normally like to exert violence on anything and considers himself a pacifist, but when push comes to shove he is very capable of doing so.

He's very cheery and optimistic despite his circumstances and his positive demeanor ends up rubbing off on others, especially Phoebe and Scribbs.



-runaway can speak dog and he can understand dogs too. it's always been a unique skill of his that he's proud of. it's why he's such good pals with scribbs since scribbs is technically a dog.

-has a super thick western accent, it's hard to understand him sometimes.

-LOVES trinkets and collects any trinkets/knicknacks he finds on his travels. some of which are rusty spoons, broken crockery, and handsoap that "smells good".

-was inspired by mono from little nightmares 2 !!!

-fav foods are canned peaches and strawberries in syrup

-random dogs are attracted to runaway and tend to follow him around, but cats hiss at him and don't come close.

-sleeps on the side with the wound as to ensure his good eye has a higher vantage point, but will allow scribbs (or sometimes phoebe) to keep watch if the scar is too irritating to sleep on his unscarred side.


"Hee! What would your mama say if she heard you talkin' that way? Gawsh, do you even remember your mama?"

"Y'sure? What'd I tell ya about lying? Lying ain't how we're gonna thrive in this place."

"Gawsh, he fell asleep while I was talkin'. Daww, shucks. I didn't even finish the story, darn it all."

"Sic em, Scribbs!"

"Oh yeah, got the old eye busted out back when the nukes hit. Got hit clean in the eye by a stray chunk of debris. Still hurts if I touch it."

"Oh, hell. I don't trust ya 's far as I can spit."

"Y'kiddin'?! Gwah, we're like this, we are! We're stuck together like a bunch of flypaper!
