Tarret (DND)



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


"Tarret" Aratris


Sel 11th 1423


He/Him (Cis)


Demi Homosexual




Wood Elf


Full Backstory: 

Tarranel Reyaro Evaelon Corvia 'Tarret' Aratris grew up in Zefrim, a village located in the south of Waukeen, as the son of a respected noble family associated with the guard force in the area. Because of this, Tarret was introduced to bladed weaponry from a very young age, and his father started getting him to train with shortswords as soon as he could hold them properly. On top of rigorous homeschooling, this meant he had little experience socialising, and developed some anxiety around it, which wasn't helped by the bullying he experienced whenever he went into town. 

As he grew up, his parents started leaving him home alone for longer and longer periods of time while they travelled for work and events. By his early 20s, he was becoming bored of being left alone to study all the time, and by chance met and slowly became friends with Bosco Eberoth, an elf from the poorer side of town. Bosco introduced him to crime, mostly petty theft and vandalism, and Tarret's kleptomania developed, fuelled by spite against his parents for forcing him into a life he realised he didn't want, and the praise he got from Bosco for his skills. Due to his family's status, he never really faced any serious consequences, even after his parents realised what he was doing. 

A few months into their friendship, Bosco introduced him to Evinyr Holden, leader of one of the criminal gangs in the area. Because of Tarret's background, Holden was wary of him, but realised his sleight of hand and swordsmanship could be useful, and soon got him doing jobs for him with Bosco. 

Over the years, the jobs became more dangerous, and his family responsibilities started growing, and with both his parents and Holden breathing down his neck, Tarret was almost constantly on the verge of a breaking point. This wasn't helped by Holden seperating him and Bosco more and more, meaning Tarret’s abuse got worse, and his support system (just Bosco) weakened.

This all came to a head when Tarret was forced to steal a magical artefact from his family, to give to Holden. His family found out before Tarret could work out an alibi, and as a result he was immediately kicked out and disowned. Since he no longer had any safe place in Zefrim, he made the choice to leave town, but not before stealing 2 shortswords from his father out of spite. 

After he left, he tried holding down some honest jobs, but this never worked out for long due to his reputation and poor social skills. He eventually decided it would be best to travel further from Zefrim, and go back to crime, specifically hitman jobs, since he already had the experience and combat skills.

Now, several years later, he has been involuntarily chosen by a deity to complete some quests, along with 9 other travellers, for reasons currently unclear. He doesn't want to be part of this, and desperately doesn't want to go back home, and is secretly terrified this mission might force him back to his hometown.

Full Trauma List: (talks about neglect and abuse)

    • Never celebrated his birthday due to it falling on the day of an important royal event, and his parents deemed the event more important
    • Was left home alone for days/weeks at a time, starting from when he was 11 - he ended up playing with the weapons because of this, and stabbed himself in a main artery by accident when he was 12
    • Due to the class divide, he often got called slurs on the street, and since he didn't get on with any nobles his age he ended up isolating himself and having no friends
    • Repeatedly tried to teach himself magic, only resulted in him starting a house fire. His parents scolded him for not being smart enough to get it right the first time
    • Got mugged by Bosco, which initially triggered his kleptomania
    • Met Holden and was forced to learn Mage Hand and took part in more and more dangerous crimes
    • Was pressured into combat training by his parents due to family heritage
    • Was forced to go to rich people events, often immediately after getting traumatised by Holden
    • Often came home with obvious injuries, parents had no reaction other than to heal it magically so there would be no scarring
    • Holden only ever referred to him by his full first name while threatening him. Any other time, he would use vaguely insulting nicknames i.e. "Silver Spoon", "Brat", "Princess"
    • Was targeted by Holden, despite doing his best to impress him and gain his respect. This meant Holden would often use magic against him, sometimes as punishment, sometimes just for fun. Because of this, Tarret has PTSD towards magic being used on him, the only exception being basic Healing spells he experienced as a kid, before the abuse. Bosco would try and step in and help when it got particularly bad, but was usually threatened into staying out of it.
    • Holden started separating Tarret and Bosco more and more as they grew up, so he lost his only support
    • Was forced to steal from his family, and was kicked out and disowned with no notice because of it
    • Almost died a few times after leaving town because he would forget to eat for like 3 days and then get into a fight
    • Not trauma as such but he's autistic

Misc. Lore that Dax let me have
    • Tarret's family are masters at parrying, no matter the weapon. They have spent centuries learning the technique and adapting it, and have developed their own secret technique using its principles. Tarret has seen this technique, but got kicked out before he "earned the right" to start training with it.
    • One of the shortswords Tarret stole (gold handle with blue detailing) was a family heirloom. His father said he'd tell him why it's so important once Tarret had finished his training, but he never found out.
    • The Heilari blessing combined with his aversion to magic gave him use of the spells Detect Magic and Dispel Magic. He has little control over these spells, and they're mostly used as a panic reaction to triggers.

Tarret's Journal - Logged on the Heilari Bracelet

8 Ea’l 1526 - Bevelier Hills

I think I’ve finally got this thing working. Doesn’t seem to be a way to take it off, so I might as well use it… 

So. Apparently I’m now part of some kind of magical destiny quest thing. And apparently I don’t have a choice in it. Ha, we’ll see about that, I’ve gotten out of a life I didn’t want before, I can do it again. Might be a little harder this time due to the magical elements, but I’m sure I can work something out. The others might become a problem too. I can’t seem to get too far away from any of them, and most of them seem like the type to draw attention. I can’t keep working like this, especially if they decide we need to keep heading South, I’m not ready to take risks like that.

I’m choosing to ignore this tattoo. It appeared magically, I’m sure it can disappear magically too. I believe we’ll be heading to Brevar tomorrow. With any luck, there’ll be someone there who can fix this.

9 Ea’l 1526 - Brevar

Why did I think it would be that simple? Of course these people fell for the oldest trick in the book, why would you ever trust anyone who claims to need help out in the middle of nowhere? I’ve pulled shit like that before, these guys just ran in like it was nothing. 

Whatever, we’re all still alive, we made it to Brevar, not before having to rescue some people I guess, the pay wasn’t even worth it in all honesty. Especially since this fucking dog that we seem to have adopted threw a corpse directly on top of me, then tore off the cage door I was just about to unlock, and threw that at me too. I swear to the Gods, this whole magic trials thing has to be a prank, what kind of God would choose a literal feral animal for something like this? Maybe one of the trials will be to cure him or something. 

One of the people we rescued mentioned something about an elf man looking for me in Rolven a few months back, might be worth keeping an eye out for that, especially if I’m stuck with these guys for a while. I imagine this Heilari situation is already putting a target on our backs, I don’t want to have to deal with another. 

This girl, Hylzane I believe, seems to have taken a liking to me, just because I picked up her bracelet when it malfunctioned. Not sure how to feel about it, but she’s opened up to me a little, for whatever reason, so I don’t think she has any ulterior motives. I admit, it’s nice to have someone be genuinely friendly with me after all this time. Almost forgot what it felt like. 

I think the others are wanting to work out what’s going on with this illness that’s going around town. Not sure why, doesn’t seem like it should be our problem, but I haven’t seen any opportunities for me to start making moves to get out of here, so I’ll put up with it for now.