Claire Acantha



2 years, 4 months ago


Claire Acantha

The Epitome of Beauty and Grace

Name Claire Acantha
Gender Demi-Girl
Pronouns She/They
Orientation Demi-Bisexual
Age 23
Birthday February 9th
s.o/duo None
Measurements 5'4 | 115Lbs
Talent Multi-Disiplinary Dancer
Role N/A
Hey kid, did you make it over there okay?
Yep! The plane just landed!
Okay, good to know. Make sure to not go into any creepy stores.
Who knows what those Americans have
I'll be fine, don't worry!
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
mbti ISFP
alignment Neutral Good
leading trait Unwavering Kindness
biggest flaw Naive, Selfless

Design notes

  • The initial inspiration for Claire was Anneliese and Clara from the barbie movies. Her first name, Claire, while a derivitive of Clara, is actually inspired by Claire Redfield from Capcom's famous franchise, "Resident Evil." Additionally, her last name was to be "Belladonna," Although this was changed because three Resident Evil characters referenced in one name is where I draw the line in the sand.
  • Most of her outfits are shades of pink but she mainly likes pastels!
  • Her most notable design trait is her large blue diamond necklace. She also has blue eyes with a shade of purple to them! Very Pretty.

Public Bio

Antoine Acantha, a French politician working under the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion. Emilie Acantha, a renound surgeon of many fields. Together they had one daughter, Claire Genevieve. From even the earliest years of her life, she was in the spotlight, surrounded by the best. Doctors, Politicians, lawyers, you name it. Even some actors, actresses, and even the Prime Minister themself! From a young age, she was destined for greatness. Skilled in many fields, she can sing, play piano or violin. She took gymnastics and fencing, but her claim to fame was her affinity for dance. From a young age, her teachers recalled how quickly she would pick up routines, and how flawless she would make them seem. She could quickly rise through the ranks of her classes. Some teachers commented it was a challenge to keep up with her skill level.

As time went on, Claire would perform in many shows for incresingly more important audiences. At the age of 14, she performed in front of the Prime Minister and live television for the first time. As one can guess, it was an easy feat for her.

When she was 17, she was scouted out and given the title of Ultimate Dancer. It was well deserved too, as her skill and determination only grew. She was a well mannered young lady, a sweet girl, most who came into contact with her loved her. Children adored her especially, thinking of her as a real life princess. That's how sweet and kind she was. After that, she went international, performing for many audiences accross the globe! Showing her talent to the world, becoming the epitome of beauty and grace. She also became featured on talk shows, helped out with choreography for many different broadway shows and games, and even partook in a bit of modeling. Some could say she's a bit of an entrepenuer with all of these different jobs and skills. She's shown the world her skill with an unwavering smile on her face.

Hometown Rouen, France
Ethnicity French
Zodiac Aquarius

Trope The Heart
d.e. skill Performance!
Animal Idk

Voice Claim Stephanie Sheh
playlist ♪♫♪

Fave Food Tartare de Filet de Boeuf
Fave Drink Pink Lemonade Slushie

various trivia

  • She's got a Bachelors degree in Political Science-
  • All her dresses are knee length, pink, and very prebby. Princess vibes to the max.
  • She is the Cheri Cheri Lady, Going Though A Motion.
  • Her full name is Claire Genevieve Acantha and her net worth is around 80 million
  • Her favorite types of novels are romance, fantasy, adventure and mystery.
  • As you could guess from the images, in one AU she actually grows up to have two children! Oliver and Anastasia. However they only exist in AU.
  • Music Boxes
  • Fairytales
  • Quiet Places
  • Reading
  • Gold Diggers
  • Paparazzi
  • :)
  • Clowns
  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Journaling
