


2 years, 8 months ago



NAME: Shaylee Sheffield aka NuGGet, Tryhard, Kiddo
AGE: 17
SPECIES: Human (dog avatar in the metaverse)
PRONOUNS: She/her (human), He/Him (avatar), They/Them (by others in the metaverse)
ORIENTATION: Quoisexual/Greyromantic
SONG: Teminite - Shockwave

PERSONALITY:  Tryhard, enthusiastic, emotional, rude, a "know-it-all", annoying, easily manipulated, stubborn, crabby, vengeful, wrathful, stingy, hypocritical, edgy, fierce, adamant and coy (depicting emotions).
  • Eryx Team member, leader, enemy (at times).
  • FIVE Team member, enemy (at times).
  • Daisy Team member, enemy (at times).
  • VV Team member, enemy (at times).
  • Elon Team member, enemy (at times).
  • #0000 Attacker, enemy.
WORLD:  Slight future world, Metaverse/Virtual life, Game simulation similar to VRchat and Cyberpunk 2077
BLURB ACT I:  Nugget is the the avatar of a female player/user, a male anthropomorphic canine dog that is often mistaken as a goat or floppy eared bunny. He is a very toxic player, and "pro" gamer wanna be. Nugget is actually very good at scoring points and is often seeing playing on the e-games of the metaverse. Nugget is easily infatuated by those he considers "the best of the best", those he looks up to in gaming senses, and is prone to be easily manipulated by this individuals as Nugget will blindly follow their orders believing they know better for being pros at what they do. Nugget stans for short type supremacy and hates to be picked for the height of his avatar. Although he secretly hates being small, he keeps it that way and claims it to be his "pride" out of spite and stubbornness to not give up to their suggestions of upgrading his avatar.

This character may have any pronouns as most of the story the person's identity is unknown and hidden by the player herself, so for a while Nugget's gender is unknown/shifting. The avatar is male and the person behind it is female, but other people/avatars refer to them as either she, he or they (in plural) as no one knows for certain their identity. The human behind the avatar is underage (17 y/o) and because of this she does not share personal information with other players on the metaverse.

As a tryhard individual he tries so hard to be good that he ends up losing sight of just having fun, in a sense he is in the metaverse not for the fun, but for the competitive side and will not roam social places, instead he will be found always on the gaming sides and will become aggressive with other players if they are in a losing situation. Curses a lot to, he cant keep a clean speech to the point that he can become very obnoxious to sane individuals. Followed by what it seems empty logic, Nugget gets often flared by discussions, likely to jump in conversations that don't involve him. This often leads for him to get constantly in big troubles with other users in the metaverse (this one being how he ends up meeting with FIVE and Eryx).

Nugget in the first act goes back and ford between being an ally and an enemy, starting initially as that one player you often meet in the same places, to being a threat to the main characters to subsequently having a mutual truce out of a common enemy between the two. When the main cast's group lead by Eryx needs more close combat fighters, they request Nugget's help with the excuse that there will be some prize to the winning team, he of course falls or the lie and becomes a temporary team member.

Although he may have a bit of the personality of a bad guy, deep down Nugget knows what is right and wrong in terms of morality, he may easily be influenced by those around him, but by the end of the day he will angrly sacrifice the safety of someone in trouble rather than scoring the jackpot, that is only after a lot of thinking. Despite being a female player in real life, he for some reason does not like other female players and often gets bashful around them, something that sometimes makes players believe Nugget could be an hormonal teenager mess.
BLURB ACT II:  While FIVE becomes Eryx's substitute as leader of his small group of renegades after he is physically murdered by #0000, Nugget splits from Eryx's team and pursues a more suited to his "preferences" team of hackers (siding the enemies). After some time of following questionable orders, he ends up searching deeper where he shouldn't and Nugget ends up getting doxxed by this group and his real identity, location and personal information is revealed. Not knowing where to hide, he temporarily changes his avatar's physical form and returns to Five's groups to hide (them being the only ones who he thinks wouldn't backstab him).

Turmoil in the team occur when a virtual copy of Eryx is spotted doing questionable actions, upon faced by FIVE's group it turns out this is a cloned copy of Eryx's virtual avatar saved from an early period of time (similar to Engram's in Cyberpunk 2077) by the previous leader of his group who has been saving virtual copies of all their members upon joining to reshape their avatars after they have died just so he can use them as cannon fodder. Because this is an early copy in time Eryx 2.0 has no memory of ever meeting FIVE, Daisy nor Nugget, and from this the team must now reconstruct Eryx's character from zero to continue what his deceased form started.