Fish Friend



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Fish Friend


Ratboy Genius (particularly relevant in Starship Genius/Galactic Superheroes)


Pufferfish/Mermaid Creature/Alien


Protecting the fish


Fish Friend (named directly, as is custom in the RBGverse) is an ally and dear friend to the fish. They like to spend their time with the fish, making sure they aren’t troubled.

Their behaviour differs depending on who they're around. They become very intimidating and angry around any potential threat, and it is often very effective at fending the threat off. However, they are caring, gentle and sweet towards the fish, a complete 180 from the way they behave with most anyone else. Someone witnessing an interaction between Fish Friend and the fish for the first time might be surprised. They often won't approach someone first, but if someone approaches them, they might be a little shy and hesitant. They very seldom anticipate someone who isn't a fish to speak to them at all, but they won't react negatively if they don't view the person as dangerous. 

Their biggest nemesis are the Fisheaters, who they scare away at every chance, with whatever threat comes to their mind first. (They have never really set these threats into motion, but in their hearts everyone knows Fish Friend is completely serious.) As most of their time is spent in space and with the fish, Fish Friend's role would be most prevalent in Galactic Superheroes and Starship Genius. (I've written about what kind of role they might have had in the Final Charge here, in Library!)

Fish Friend has a very sharp exterior. Spikes sit on the top of their head (mimicking hair), completely cover their tail, their forearms, and the tips of their fingers. They have gills on either side of their face. Their complexion is a lighter, dull yellow, but brown in any space with spikes. Their eyes are completely orange and their pupils are commonly (but not always) slit. Everyday since receiving it, they wear a light blue fish-shaped necklace, a gift from one of their fish friends, which goes to show that they're softer than what meets the eye.

In most situations, all they need are their words, and they won't resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. However, if the moment called for it, in terms of strength, they have much more power than a Fisheater, and are perfectly capable of taking more than one of them on at once. But they are not as strong as George, who could apprehend Fish Friend without much trouble if he needed to. They and the Big Fish Boss, one-on-one, are on roughly even fighting ground (hypothetically; it's completely unlikely they'd ever fight each other directly).