☢️ Boomer ☢️



6 years, 6 months ago



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Before the apocalypse, Boomer lived a relatively ordinary life as a  part-time lifeguard at a serene beach resort. He enjoyed helping people,  ensuring their safety, and relishing the simple pleasures of life. When the apocalypse finally hit, the serene beach became a chaotic and  perilous place. Zombies were now a terrifying reality, and the once  peaceful shores were filled with the sounds of desperation and horror.  Contaminated food and water, as well as irradiated areas, turned the  world into a nightmare. He was  forced to witness friends and loved ones fall victim to the chaos, a  tragedy that left a profound impact on him. Despite the darkness around  him, he maintained a glimmer of hope, fueled by his strong sense of duty  and the desire to make a positive difference in this grim new reality. Boomer's personality is defined by kindness, humility, and a quiet  determination. He's a natural caregiver, driven by an innate need to  help others, even when it seems impossible.

While strolling through the desolate streets, Boomer's heart sank when he spotted a cat. He was caught in the midst of a terrifying transformation into a full  zombie. Boomer couldn't bear to watch him go down the same  horrifying path as so many others. Driven by a mixture of compassion and desperation, Boomer sprang into  action. Drawing upon his knowledge as a medic, he used his limited  resources to intervene in Lazarus's zombification process, preventing it  from fully taking over. The process was challenging, pushing Boomer to  the edge of his abilities, but he refused to give up. In the end, he  succeeded in saving Lazarus, but the intervention left the cat in a  unique state—half zombie, half alive. Boomer felt an intense sense of responsibility for Lazarus, who had now  become more than just a companion. Lazarus's survival was a small  victory in the midst of the apocalypse, a reminder that compassion and  courage could still make a difference, even in the darkest times. From  that moment on, Boomer and Lazarus became true partners, roaming the  post-apocalyptic streets together, united by their shared survival,  their unbreakable bond, and their determination to find pockets of hope  in a world dominated by despair.


Quiet moments of Reflection, Takeaway, Sunsets by the Beach, Memories of Laughter, Gas Masks, Halloween


Zombies, Mutated Things, Radiation, Fire, Fog, Acid Rain, Lazarus eating brains, Hopelessness, Complicates Technology


He chooses a bat as his weapon of choice. A bat can be used for various purposes, from defending against threats to  breaking through obstacles. It's not just effective against zombies or  hostile survivors but can also be used for breaking open doors or  crates, making it a valuable multitool

Having grown up as an orphan, Boomer places a high value on the concept  of "found family." He believes that the bonds formed by choice can be  just as strong, if not stronger, than those of blood.

♦ In the early days of the apocalypse, Boomer learned that bottle caps  were a form of currency among some survivors. He started collecting them  as a practical measure, but now it's become a habit, and he often finds  himself picking up caps during their travels.

Boomer's name came from his booming bark as a pup. It was both fitting  and endearing, and it has stuck with him throughout his life, becoming a  symbol of his vibrant personality.

If given the choice, Boomer prefers taking longer, open routes over  shortcuts that involve narrow or confined passages. This preference is  sometimes noticeable during their travels, as he subconsciously avoids  areas that trigger his claustrophobia.

Boomer keeps a small journal hidden in a waterproof pouch. He writes  down moments of hope, the names of friends he's lost, and sketches of  the places he's visited. It's his way of preserving memories and finding  solace in the chaos.

Drawing Notes

Goggles are optional

He is not fluffy 

Feral only



Boomer saved Lazarus of the process of zombification. He was there at the right time and could stop the process halfway through. Since that day, both roam together and consider each other as friends. Boomer know he has a loyal friend in Lazarus, even though most people don't trust him because of the zombie part.


Paid: 50 $ | Worth: 183 $ 

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=Waiting on=


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