Da-Som Mae



2 years, 3 months ago


"PLEASE just stay still, will you? You'll be completely fine!"


| Full Name >
> Mae Da-Som

| Full Name Origin >
> The name Da-som means "Love" while her surname Mae means "Hawk"

| Birth Date >
> October 24th

| Western Zodiac >
> Virgo

| Age >
> 20

| Gender >
> Female

| Pronouns >
> She/Her

| Sexual Orientation >
> Heterosexual

| Ultimate Talent >
> Doctor

| Hobbies >
> Solving puzzles
> Collecting


| Personality >
> As a doctor, Da-Som is rather an empathetic and kind individual who cares about other people's health and is caring and nice around some other patients. Despite this, she is often appeared as mature and organized when she's doing her job, isuch as organizing her materials in case of an emergency, changing some of her clothes and place them in a very understandable and easy to look for manner, and she also loves to collect some rocks and treat them as if they were her pets - wait why rocks? Who knows abot what is she's up to as long as she's happy. Despite her kindness, matured, and organized personality - Da-Som is a stressed out person when things have gone wrong,, but if things have escalated to its fullest, she becomes even more stressed out until the situation has calmed down. Her being alarmed and hot-headed person depending on her circumstance, for example, When she's very hopeful that someone is lending a hand for her but turns out that they're not actually doing it, she expressed anger and strict toward the person, demanding them to do their crap and be helpful otherwise they're considered as useless - and such event is the reason why she rather worked alone than working with other doctors.

Da-Som is a listener-type and she's all ears who would listen to other people's problems and would ask about what kind of stuff do they want, sometimes she felt like she wanted to talk to the people who cause their problems. But despite such trait, it makes her quite guillable by their words, even though she won't fall for such an obvious tricks and lies.

| Positive Traits >
> Listener
> Organized
> Empathetic
> Mature
> Kind

| Negative Traits >
> Hot-Headed
> Stressed Out
> Guillable
> Irresolute
> Alarmed

| Likes >
> festivals, figure skating, cheap movies, coffee, knickknacks, gardens, calligraphy

| Dislikes >
> bees, sluts, makeovers, mud puddles, chocolates, cleaning, modern pop music

| Physical Disorder >
> none

| Mental Disorder >
> none

| Phobias >
> Pharmacophobia [fear of medications]
> Mysophobia [fear of germs/dirt]
> Entomophobia [fear of insects]

| Genetics, Their mother? or their father? >
> Mostly her mother

| Hair Color >
> red [natural dark brown]

| Eye Color >
> red [natural amber]

| Height >
> 5'7

| Weight >
> 126 lbs

| Freckles/Moles >
> none

| Scars/Wounds >
> none


| Backstory >
| Pre-Game >
> None


| Father >
> Mae Jung-Su [alive]

| Mother >
> Mae So-Young [dead]

| Siblings >
> Mae Jeong [alive]

| Friends >
> Unnamed Group of Friends

| Enemies >
> None

| Love Interests >
> None


| Fun Fact >
> Her brother, Jeong Mae, has mutism.
> She's around 5'10 ft. tall.
> Her mother, So-Young Mae died from an incurable disease called Leptomeningeal Disease.

| Inventories >
> A medical bag containing a wide range of medical and hospitality tools
> A family photo