Ikari Mayu



6 years, 7 months ago


"If I can't do something well, what's the point of doing it at all?"


  • Name || Ikari Mayu
  • Kanji || 碇 真夕
  • Meaning || 真夕 (mayu) means "true evening,” and 碇 (ikari) means “anchor.”
  • Alias || Ariyoshi Squad's Anchor (有吉隊のアンカー Ariyoshi-tai no Ankā)
  • Age || 18
  • Gender || Female
  • Birth date || August 27
  • Constellation || Lupus
  • Nationality || Japanese
  • Occupation || Border combatant; University student
  • Status || Alive
  • Affiliation || Border
  • Branch || HQ (former), Tamakoma
  • Position || Operator
  • Theme || TBD


5361018_FGQzFhLDK3KwrSa.pngPractical || Reliable || Hard-working || Perfectionist || Workaholic
MBTI: ISFJ - The Defender || Enneagram: Type 3 - The Achiever

⇀ Description

Mayu is a very hard-working and dedicated person. She is very practical and is very much a doer rather than a dreamer. She thinks about things logically, preferring not to get feelings involved. She is reliable, so people often come to her when they need something done. She can always be trusted to carry out a task. She is an extreme perfectionist, and she seems excel in nearly everything she does. This is because she knows her strengths and weaknesses very well, and she won't do something if she knows she can't do it well. She takes everything she does very seriously, which often leads to her overworking herself. She can't stand leaving a task unfinished, so she will always see things through to the end.

Overall, Mayu is an affable girl. She enjoys the relationships she has with others, and she is well-liked by others. She was always very mature, even as a child. However, this caused her to be quite isolated when she was younger, but she has grown into it. She is a very motherly person, always taking care of others. She is especially motherly towards her unit. She cooks for them, makes sure they are sleeping well, and makes sure they are healthy. She basically makes sure everything is running smoothly for them. It is because of this behind-the-scenes work that she is called the "anchor of Ariyoshi Unit."

⇀ Stats

















Work Ethic




⇀ Preferences


  • Cooking
  • Knitting
  • Reading


  • Messiness
  • Unfinished tasks
  • People without ambition


⇀ Description

Mayu has a very frail appearance, being of small stature and build and having pale skin. She has black hair that is styled in a bob cut that almost reaches her shoulders. She has kind eyes that are a violet color. Her short stature causes her to frequently be mistaken for someone younger than she actually is. She is often described as having "delicate beauty." When not in her Operator uniform, she can normally be seen wearing a gray sweater dress, a pink overcoat with the sleeves cuffed, and tan boots.

⇀ Important Notes

  • Height || 5'0”/152cm
  • Weight || 93lbs/42kg
  • Cup size || C
  • Blood type || O
  • Handedness || Left
  • Default expression || Friendly
  • Japanese voice actress || Akesaka Satomi as Katō Danzō from Fate/Grand Order
  • English voice actress || Colleen Clinkenbeard as Asahina Emi from Brothers Conflict

Triggers and Abilities

5347603_324HVgLGDOZoXPX.pngAs an Operator, she doesn't have any Triggers equipped. She is an incredible capable Operator, fostering cooperation in her combatants and providing expert information. She takes into account each combatants strengths, weaknesses, and fighting style when giving information. She has a broad knowledge, which allows her to give meaningful advice on how to approach a situation.

⇀ Statistics

TrionMachine OperationAnalysisParallel ProcessingTacticsCommandTotal


⇀ Background

Mayu and her older brother, Hokuto grew up without a father, as their father left shortly after Mayu was born. Their mother did their best to support the three of them. Mayu was always a gifted child. She excelled in whatever she did. However, she had a weak constitution and got sick easily. She still tried to keep up with Hokuto, though. When she was five years old, she suddenly collapsed while playing with Hokuto. She was rushed to the hospital, and she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Because she didn't get nutrients she needed during this time, her growth was slightly stunted. After this, she retained respiratory problems. Because she couldn't play like the other kids, she devoted herself to expanding her knowledge, so she always had her face buried in a book. She skipped a few grades in school, ending up the same year as her brother, who was two years older than her.

After their house was destroyed in the first Neighbor invasion, both Mayu and Hokuto wanted to help, so they joined Border. Hokuto joined as an Attacker, hoping to put his athletic skills to use. Mayu wanted to join as a combatant, but Hokuto wouldn't let her because of her frailty. She instead became an Operator. Hanai Kiyoshi and Atsuya invited Hokuto to join their unit shortly after he joined Border, and he accepted. Mayu worked as a Central Operator for a while before she was deemed ready to become the Operator for an actual unit. After she began looking for one to join, Hokuto introduced her to the younger sister of two of his teammates, which turned out to be Hanai Sumika. Sumika was about to form a unit with Ariyoshi Shinako and Morimi Kazue, and they needed an Operator. Mayu offered, and they accepted and became a complete unit. They were originally a part of the Kido faction because of Shinako's hate for Neighbors. They rose through the ranks, and eventually rose to be the 9th ranked A-Rank Unit. After Shinako had a change of heart on the subject of Neighbors, they became a part of the Tamakoma Branch.

⇀ Family

Father: Ikari Daizō

Mother: Ikari Hidemi

Older brother: Ikari Hokuto (20)

⇀ Other Relationships

Teammates: Ariyoshi Shinako (leader), Morimi Kazue, Hanai Sumika

⇀ Important Moments

  • At age 5, Mayu contracted pneumonia.
  • At age 11, Mayu skipped her sixth year of elementary school.
  • At age 14, Mayu skipped her third year of junior high and entered high school with her brother.
  • At age 14, Mayu and her brother joined Border.
  • At age 16, Mayu joined Ariyoshi Unit as their Operator.
  • At age 17, Ariyoshi Unit reached A-Rank.
  • At age 18, Ariyoshi Unit joined the Tamakoma Branch.



⇀ Ikari Hokuto [ Mayu || Onīsan ]

Mayu is very close to her brother. Because of Mayu's frailty, Hokuto is always trying to look out for her. She gets annoyed with it sometimes, thinking that he is treating her like a child. Hokuto is jealous of her intelligence, while she is jealous of his athleticism.


⇀ Morimi Kazue [ Mayu-san || Kazue-chan ]

Kazue has great respect for Mayu because of everything she does for the unit. Kazue wishes to be more ladylike like Mayu. Mayu often helps Kazue with her schoolwork.


⇀ Hanai Sumika [ Mayu-san || Sumika-chan ]

Mayu and Sumika met when their brothers introduced them. Sumika admires Mayu. She wants to be smart and ladylike like her. Mayu often helps Sumika with her schoolwork. When seeking advice, Sumika tends to go to Mayu first, showing that she trusts her a lot.


⇀ Ariyoshi Shinako [ Mayu-san || Shinako-chan ]

Shinako and Mayu met after Mayu was introduced to Sumika. Shinako respects Mayu and appreciates all the work she puts in for the unit. She relies on the Operator a lot and finds solace in her practical and reasonable behavior, since the other half of the unit is "loud," as she puts it. In return, Mayu also relies on Shinako a lot. She has great faith in Shinako's ability as a leader and as a combatant.


⇀ Jin Yūichi [ Ikari || Jin-san ]

They get along, but Mayu often gets annoyed with Jin's personality.


⇀ Konami Kirie [ Mayu-san || Konami-chan ]

Konami thinks that since Mayu is a polite and reserved person, she won't tease her. However, Mayu has a devious side, which causes her to join in the teasing.


⇀ Karasuma Kyōsuke [ Mayu-san || Karasuma-kun ]

They get along well.


⇀ Kizaki Reiji [ Ikari || Kizaki-san ]

They don't talk much since both are quiet individuals. Mayu has a lot of respect for Kizaki.


⇀ Usami Shiori [ Mayu-san || Shiori-chan ]

They get along well. Since they are both Operators and have technical minds, they will often talk about their Operator things together. When they get to talking about technical things, almost nobody can understand them.


⇀ Mikumo Osamu [ Mayu-san || Mikumo-kun ]

Mayu does her best to look after him and give him guidance. He finds her calm and motherly personality relaxing, and he appreciates her help.


⇀ Kuga Yūma [ Mayu-san || Yūma-kun ]

Mayu's eagerness to learn causes her to watch Yūma very closely. She is very interested in the the way he fights and the way he acts. She asks him a lot of questions about his life as a Neighbor.


⇀ Amatori Chika [ Mayu-san || Chika-chan ]

Mayu knows Chika is a gentle person, so she is always trying to help her out.


⇀ Tachikawa Kei [ Mayu || Tachikawa-san ]

Mayu has a lot of respect for Tachikawa, and she finds him funny. They get along very well despite their somewhat opposite personalities. Since Mayu comes to the Tachikawa Unit operation room frequently to visit Yū, they see each other a lot. Since he loves the food that Mayu would bring for Yū, she has started making enough for everyone in Tachikawa Unit. He knows about her weak constitution, so he tries to protect her. She doesn't need much protecting, however, as she constantly reminds him.


⇀ Kunichika Yū [ Mayu-chan || Yū-chan ]

Mayu and Yū are good friends. They are often together outside of work and visit each other frequently. Mayu will often make food for Yū and bring it to her to make sure she is eating properly. Yū tries to get Mayu to play video games with her, but Mayu is awful at them. She is getting better under Yū's guidance.


⇀ Umeki Michiko [ Mayu-san | Michiko-chan ]

Michiko looks up to Mayu as an Operator. She will often go to the older girl for advice. Mayu has great faith in Michiko's abilities, and she relies on her to look after her brother. Mayu is currently teaching Michiko how to knit.


⇀ Imera [ Mayu-san | Imera-chan ]

Imera has a hard time believing that Mayu is older than her because of her small stature. Mayu often has to scold her for being disrespectful, though she knows she has to pardon the girl a bit because she is not used to Earth society. Still, she insists the Neighbor call her Mayu-san.


  • Amazon Brigade: Ariyoshi Unit is an A-Rank unit consisting only of girls. Though she doesn't do any fighting, she still kicks ass in other ways.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Her older brother does anything to protect her.
  • Brainy Brunette: She has dark hair, and she is very smart.
  • Bookworm: She loves to read, and it is not uncommon to find her nose buried in a book.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: She is a good cook, and she takes pride in that.
  • Four-Girl Ensemble: Ariyoshi Unit consists of stoic Shinako, outgoing Kazue, childish Sumika, and feminine Mayu.
  • Grade Skipper: She skipped two grades.
  • Height Angst: She is quite short. She hates it because it makes people think she is a lot younger.
  • The Perfectionist: She has an all-or-nothing attitude, and she insists on being perfect at everything she does.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: She has black hair and pale skin, which many people find to be beautiful.
  • The Reliable One: She can always be relied to keep things running smoothly or offer advice.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: She and her brother are near opposites. Hokuto is hot-blooded and athletic, and Mayu is calm and technical-minded.
  • Supreme Chef: Her cooking is coveted by all of Tamakoma because it is just that good.
  • Team Mom: She is very much this for her unit, and her influence has even extended to other people.
  • Textile Work Is Feminine: She likes to knit.
  • True Companions: Her unit.
  • Workaholic: She takes her job very seriously, and she is constantly working.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: She is feminine, domestic, and seen as the ideal girl.

Character Trivia

  • Her favorite food is pork and cabbage yakisoba.


(said by Mayu)

"If I can't do something well, what's the point of doing it at all?"

"I'm not a child anymore, so stop treating me like one!" (to Hokuto)

"I just like to share my cooking. It makes me happy to see that you enjoy it so much."

"I spent most of my life feeling like a burden because of my weak body. People would always fret over me. I'm... trying to avoid that, I guess." (to Tachikawa)

(said by others about/to Mayu)

"Sheesh. You're too independent for your own good sometimes, you know that?" (by Tachikawa)

(General dialogue)

(under construction)
