Hanai Sumika



6 years, 7 months ago


Hanai Sumika

"I'm not the same girl that I was before! I'm Sumika 2.0 now!"

— Hanai Sumika

Hanai Sumika

Biographical Information
  • Japanese Name
    花井 純夏
  • Rōmaji Name
    Hanai Sumika
  • Aliases
    "Shortie" (おチビ Ochibi) by her brothers
    "Hanai's Cute Little Sister" (花井の可愛い妹ちゃん Hanai no kawaī imōto-chan)
  • Gender
  • Birth date
    March 5
  • Constellation
  • Blood type
  • Age
  • Species
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair color
  • Eye color
  • Skin Color
  • Status
  • Country
  • Affiliation
  • Branch
    Tamakoma Branch
    HQ (former)
  • Rank
  • Team
    Ariyoshi Unit
  • Team Rank
    A-Rank No.09
  • Occupation
    Border Combatant
    Junior high student
  • Position
  • Type
  • Main Triggers
  • Sub Triggers
  • Usage Points
    9800 (Eaglet)
  • Enlistment Usage Points

Sumika Hanai (花井 純夏 Hanai Sumika) is an A-Rank Sniper in Border and a member of Ariyoshi Unit.


Sumika is a short girl with a small build. She has light skin, and her face is dotted with freckles. She has red hair with a fluffy texture that she keeps in low pigtails. She also wears clips to keep her hair out of her eyes. She has big, round blue eyes. She is generally smiling. She can normally be seen in her school uniform, which consists of a white and blue sailor shirt with a dark blue ribbon, a blue skirt, a tan sweater, and white socks. In her Trion form, she wears a light blue short bodysuit with a deep V-neck, a dark blue shirt underneath with straps attaching to her neck, and silver gloves over the sleeve of the bodysuit. She also has white leg sleeves tucked into dark blue boots, and a silver belt around her waist that has a small pouch.


Sumika is a cheerful and friendly girl, almost always wearing a smile. She likes to talk and will talk forever if given the chance. She is innocent and playful like a child, and she acts very childish as well. She is quite clumsy on her feet, often tripping over her own feet and falling. She is very gullible and will believe anything that anyone tells her, and this causes her to trust anyone as well. She is easy to take advantage of. When out in public, she often has to be monitored so that she doesn't talk to suspicious strangers. She can be very selfish, not wanting to share her things and wanting most things for herself only. She is trying to become a more generous person with the help of the people around her. She used to be very arrogant and spoiled, but she tried to change after joining Border. She still struggles with her image, as some people still remember the way she used to be.

Trigger and Abilities


Eaglet: Sumika's Trigger of choice is the balanced Eaglet. She is very accurate with this Trigger, able to hit both mobile and immobile targets alike.

Ibis: She often uses this Trigger to shoot through a focused Shield. She doesn't like using it much because it's heavy and harder for her to shoot.

Lightning: She often uses this Trigger when trying to push opponents to a certain area or to make quick, back-to-back shots. She will often use this for close shots, as well.

Hound: This was the Trigger she used during her brief time as a Shooter. Inspired by Hiura Akane's use of Meteora, she uses Hound to lay traps. Whenever someone comes within range of the trap, she shoots it with Lightning, which triggers the attack. The bullets pursue the target. This can be used as a surprise attack, as the target may think that Sumika missed, but she was actually shooting the trap. She is also capable of using this Trigger to attack.

Shield: She uses this Trigger to defend herself against any attackers.

Chameleon: She uses this escape when she is found by attackers. Using this, she can escape quickly and get to a new position, though she can still be found by radar since she can't use Bagworm while using Chameleon.

Bagworm: Like all Snipers, this Trigger is imperative to her.



TrionAttackDefense/SupportMobilitySkillRangeCommandSpecial TacticsTotal

Other Abilities

Marksmanship: She is capable of accurately hitting moving targets. She can hit a target from quite far away.

Endurance: She has an incredible amount of endurance. Some claim it's due to her childlike nature that allows her to just go and go.

Flexibility: She is surprisingly flexible, and she can fit into small places.


  • Morimi Kazue, Hanai Sumika, and Arashiyama Unit vs. Miwa Shūji, Yoneya Yōsuke, Izumi Kōhei, and Tōma Isami: Undecided


  • Her favorite food is spicy curry.
  • Current concern: It's hard to match her clothes with the color of her hair.
  • Her brothers are the only ones who call her "Ochibi" (おチビ), an affectionate name for a short person. She gets mad if anyone else calls her that.


"Jin-san, you're the worst." (to Jin)

"You guys are the thorny vines. You help and protect me, the rose." (to her teammates about their unit's emblem)

"People are hard to trust."

"I'm not asking you to do something you don't want to do. I just think you'd be happier excelling as a Sniper rather than simply being average as a Shooter." (to Sumika when asking her to join Ariyoshi Unit)

"There were a lot of people who thought that I didn't deserve to be S-Rank. They thought that I was just given my rank and that I didn't earn it. They were kind of right, but now I have the chance to prove them wrong by working my way up to be the best." (after forming Ariyoshi Unit)

"I can't just sit here and do nothing while I can still fight!" (to Mayu)

"She's always been cold. It's no wonder they call her the One-Eyed Dragon."

"You seem pretty happy. You're even smiling. That's a rare sight. You should do it more often. It makes you look cute." (by Jin)

"Shina-chan has no family to look after her... I'm all she has. Me and Sumika-chan and Mayu-san. We're her family." (by Kazue)

"You've always been trouble for me to predict, Shinako." (by Jin)



Sumika grew up with her two older brothers, Atsuya and Kiyoshi. Because she was the only daughter, she was treated like a princess. Her brothers teased her often, but they always protected her. She eventually became used to being taken care of, so there wasn't much that she did on her own. In fact, she always relied on other people to do things for her, and she never did anything for anyone else. Sometime before the Neighbors first invaded, Kiyoshi and Atsuya joined Border in order to help people. At first, Sumika was unsure why they would put themselves in danger in order to help people. However, after daringly entering the Forbidden Zone and being saved from a Trion soldier by a Border agent (which turned out to be Ariyoshi Shinako), she understood why her brothers decided to join. 

After that incident, she decided that she also wanted to join Border to be like the girl that saved her. She joined as a Shooter (wanting to be like Kiyoshi). She was later approached by Ariyoshi Shinako, who told her that she would be better off as a Sniper. The older girl offered Sumika a position in her unit as a Sniper. Sumika was offended and angry at first, as she wanted to be directly involved in combat as a Shooter. However, she was thrilled to be offered a spot on her idol's team, so she accepted her role and joining the Ariyoshi Unit as soon as she became an official agent. Ariyoshi Unit rose through the ranks, and eventually rose to be the 9th ranked A-Rank Unit.

Border Saga

Introduction Arc

Ariyoshi Unit is on defense duty when a gate appears at the end of their shift. They quickly take down the Trion soldier. As they decide to head back to HQ, Shinako tells her unit to leave without her, as Jin had asked her to come to Tamakoma to see his new kōhai. Kazue seems worried that Shinako is going to Tamakoma, to which Shinako replies that she hates Neighbors, not Tamakoma. Shinako goes to Tamakoma to find Jin not there. She heads to the training rooms to watch the new members train with their mentors. The trainees and mentors come out for lunch, and Shinako is introduced to the new members. When the Tamakoma members explain to Yūma what a sandwich is, Shinako questions whether he has never seen a sandwich. They explain that he is from overseas, to which she confusedly says that she is sure they have sandwiches in most places. Usami changes the subject and talks to Shinako about her defense duty. Shinako says that most of the top teams were gone on expedition, and that she wishes she could have gone so she could exterminate more Neighbors. Usami nervously tries to say that Shinako has never met a Neighbor, so she doesn't know if they are all bad. Shinako angrily tries to leave the room, but she is stopped by Jin entering. Jin sees that she's angry and takes her outside. Shinako says that she thinks she just shouldn't come to Tamakoma anymore, as it's not good for anyone. Jin asks what she thought about his new kōhai, to which she replies that she thinks they have potential. She even says that Yūma reminds her of herself in the way that he is always looking for a challenge. Jin tells her that Yūma is a Neighbor, and Shinako gets upset. She was conflicted, as despised Neighbors, but she had felt a certain fondness towards Yūma. She goes home, still angry and confused.

That night at dinner, Shinako broodily picked at her food instead of eating it. She asks her team if they think she's wrong about Neighbors, and Mayu asks why she's questioning herself now of all times. Shinako tells them that Yūma is a Neighbor. She says that he was like a human, and she wondered if she was wrong about Neighbors. Mayu asks if she thinks there are other Neighbors like Yūma. Shinako fell silent, then stormed out of the room. The next day, Shinako spent the day in the training rooms. When Kazue went to find her, she had been in there for five hours.

Black Trigger Capture Arc

Ariyoshi Unit is ordered to capture Yūma's Black Trigger along with the other top teams. Shinako was stunned when she received the order, and she wondered how she was supposed to carry out the order. Commander Kido gave her permission to use her Black Trigger, which only made her more nervous. That night as the top teams departed for Tamakoma, Kazue quietly asked Shinako if she really wanted to go through with it. Shinako said it was too late to go back. When Jin intercepted them along with Arashiyama Unit, Shinako realized how much Jin was doing to protect Yūma. As the teams split up, Shinako attacked Kikuchihara, cutting off his arm. She ordered Kazue and Sumika to help Arashiyama unit while she joined Jin. She activated Baratoge, and she and Jin fought against Tachikawa and Kazama Unit.

After the top teams are defeated, Jin and Ariyoshi Unit go back to Tamakoma. They know they can't return to HQ, so Ariyoshi Unit decides to stay at Tamakoma until they decide what to do. As introductions are made, Shinako is distracted. She wonders if she made the right choice by defending Yūma. She silently leaves to go to her room, to everyone else's confusion. Later, Jin comes to talk to her. She is hesitant to share her feelings, but she reluctantly does. She tells him that since meeting Yūma, she thinks her beliefs about Neighbors might be wrong. She says that she has held onto that belief for so long, so it's hard to let go of. She says she is a traitor to HQ now, and she has nowhere to go. He suggests that she joins Tamakoma. She says she could never, as she was about to raid it and attack Yūma. Jin says that she made the choice not to, which shows that she's matured a lot.

The next day, Shinako decides to talk to her unit about switching branches. She tells them that she is going to switch branches, as she can't stay in HQ anymore since she's a traitor and surely hated. She says that they don't have to follow her, and that if they just say they were following her orders, they might not get in as much trouble. Kazue cuts in and days that they weren't just following orders; They believed in what she was doing. She says that Shinako is their leader, and they'll follow her anywhere. Shinako helps Rindō fill out all the paperwork, and they officially transfer. Rindō says that while Commander Kido was allowing her to transfer branches, there was one condition: As punishment, she had to give up her Black Trigger, and she would have usage points deducted. He said she would get her Black Trigger back, but it would be up to Kido as to when. She agrees, saying she thinks that transferring is what's best for her team. Rindō says her mother would be proud of her.

At breakfast the next day, Sumika asks Shinako where Baratoge is, as she usually has it on. Shinako calmly explains that she gave it up so that they could transfer branches. Kazue gets angry, calling Shinako an idiot. Shinako argues that she did it for them. She says that it's something that she has to live with, not them, so they shouldn't worry about it.

Border Enlistment Arc

After being deducted usage points, Shinako falls from being the No.04 Attacker to the No.05 Attacker. During Yūma and Chika's enlistment, Shinako has defense duty, so she can't go to support them. After the enlistment, Mayu makes a feast to celebrate. Ariyoshi Unit reminisces on when Mayu made a feast for when they became an official unit, and one for when they reached A-Rank. They note that it's been a year since they became A-Rank.

Large-Scale Invasion Arc

Shinako and Kazue are eating lunch on the roof with their friend when they get the announcement from Border to report to battle. They transform into the Trion bodies and immediately head out. Shinako tells Mayu to direct them to the nearest Trion soldier, and she tells Sumika to meet them there. They reach the first Trion soldier, a Marmod, and destroy it quickly. Mayu then tells them that there is a wave of nine Trion soldiers coming their way with more coming afterwards. She says that they must beat the first wave quickly, or the second wave might continue on towards the city. She says they have eight minutes until the second wave arrives, and Sumika is still two kilometers away. Shinako and Kazue begin fighting. Kazue splits off to lure the other Trion soldiers out. When she comes back, there are still three Trion soldiers left, and they are being very defensive. There is thirty seconds left, and they question what to do. Suddenly, three sniper bullets whiz through, piercing each soldiers' weak point. Sumika comes out, and Kazue complains as to why she waited until the last second. Mayu then says that the second wave had been taken out by another unit, and Hanai Unit emerges. Shinako asks Kiyoshi what they should do, but Kiyoshi says that she is Ariyoshi Unit's leader, not him. He says they have to meet up with the other B-Rank teams, so Ariyoshi Unit will be on their own. Shinako decides that they will intercept the other Trion soldiers in the area.

As they fight more Trion soldiers, Shinako remembers what Jin told her a few days before. He told her that something bad would happen to Kazue during the invasion. Shinako is terrified, as she thinks it will be her fault if Kazue gets hurt. After finishing fighting a group of Trion soldiers, Mayu tells them that there is another Trion soldier approaching, faster than she had ever seen before. It was one of the Rabbits. They defeated it, but Shinako senses that something is wrong. Suddenly, a Rabbit drops down in front of Kazue. Shinako shoves Kazue out of the way, and the Rabbit takes her and puts her in its chest cavity. Kazue and Sumika manage to defeat it without her, and when they break the Rabbit open, they find that Shinako was turned into a cube. They take her back to HQ, where she is turned back to normal by the engineers.

Despite the engineers' protests that she was running out of Trion, Shinako leaves to return to Tamakoma. She defeats a few Rabbits and other Trion soldiers on her way back. When she gets there, she goes to the operation room to get her Black Trigger, which Mayu was holding onto just in case. Mayu tries to stop Shinako from going back out, but she says that she can't just sit and do nothing. She leaves and begins to fight any Trion soldiers she sees. She defeats many of the Rabbits before she was told by Mayu that Karasuma had activated Geist against a humanoid Neighbor. She goes to support him, but she gets there right as he is defeated. She fights against Hairein and Mira, but she eventually runs out of Trion and is severely wounded by Mira's Trigger. She falls unconscious as Kazue and Sumika come to save her.

Shinako wakes up in the hospital with Jin, Kazue, and Sumika in her room with her. They tell her she suffered from severe blood loss, two broken ribs, and a concussion. Shinako sees a table covered in gifts, and she is told that they are for her from people in Border. She is confused, as she thought people in Border hated her. She says she didn't do anything worthy of recognition, as all she did was "get turned into a cube then nearly get killed." Kazue yells at her, saying that she's wrong. She says that Shinako saved her life. Kazue and Sumika leave to get MAyu, leaving Shinako and Jin alone. Jin apologizes for not being able to see her future clearly, saying that he could have prevented her injuries had he known. He says she was unconscious for a week. She tells him not to blame himself because even if he would have told her she would get hurt, she still would have fought.

After she is released from the hospital, Rindō comes to speak to her. He says that Kazue told him that Shinako was feeling down ever since the invasion. Shinako says she isn't sure if she made the right choice to fight against the humanoid Neighbors. She says she feels like a burden now that everyone is taking care of her. She asks him if her mother would have fought, and he says she would have. He says she could never stand by and watch, and he says that Shinako is like her in that way. Shinako tries to give Baratoge back to him, but Rindō tells her that Kido decided to lift her punishment. However, she says that she may not be the right person to wield it, since she first used it against her fellow agents then almost got killed using it. Rindō says that there aren't many people that can use it the way her mother would have wanted, which is why there are so few people that are compatible with it. He says she uses it unselfishly. He tells her that not many people would do what she did in the invasion, which is why she is the best fit for Baratoge.

B-Rank Rank Battles Arc

Attack on the Ship

Shinako is in the operation room with the other top Attackers as they wait for the invasion to begin, but she is not allowed to fight because of her injuries. She plays cards with Tachikawa, Jin, and Konami to take her mind off of things. They stop when Jin tells them the enemy is coming. Shinako overhears Jin telling Konami that he saw a future where Tachikawa gets cut down. Shinako gets angry at him for not telling her, as he always tells her things like that as soon as he sees them. She thinks he didn't tell her because she wasn't fighting.

Shinako watches the top four Attackers fight the two humanoid Neighbors. She says they need support, but Shinoda forbids her from going. She sneaks out of the room and heads to the hangar where the ship is, where the fight is happening. She uses Senkū Kogetsu to take out all of the dog Trion soldiers, then jumps down to join the fight. Kazama tells her to help Tachikawa and Konami. She works with Konami to create openings for Tachikawa. They manage to defeat the Neighbors.

After the invasion is over, Shinoda scolds Shinako for sneaking out. When he leaves, Shinako says that he didn't need to get so worked up. Jin says that he was just worried, like everyone else, and she should just let them worry. She says it's his fault that she fought. She says that he was so sure that she wasn't going to fight, so she wanted to prove that she could fight. He says that he knew that she would fight, and he was hoping that she wouldn't plan anything if he didn't tell her anything. He says he was hoping that she would listen to Shinoda, but of course, she didn't. He says that he told Shinoda to let her go if she tried to sneak out, as it would only cause more problems if he tried to stop her.

Rank Battles

After the invasion, Shinako and Jin helped Mayu prepare a meal to celebrate Tamakoma Second's victory. Shinako tells them not to get cocky because their plan with the wires worked, as other units will be preparing ways to counter it. When she is told that they will be facing Ikoma Unit, she says she hasn't seen Ikoma in a while. Mayu explains to Tamakoma Second that Shinako and Ikoma are rivals, and Jin says that the two are considered the best Senkū Kogetsu users among the Attackers. Shinako says that Ikoma is better than her at using Senkū Kogetsu. She says even though he seems like an idiot, he knows what he's doing.

During the Rank Battles, Shinako and Kiyoshi serve as the color commentators for the match between Narimatsu Unit, Suzunari First, and Yuba Unit.

As the Rank Battles continue, Shinako begins to help Rindō with his paperwork, and she even starts helping Shinoda and Kido. Even though she is still injured, she is working very hard and tiring herself out. Everyone is worried about her. One day, Kazue tries to stop her. Shinako says she'll stop after giving some papers to Rindō, but she ends up collapsing. After that, Shinako was banned from taking on too much work.

The New Member

Since the recent invasion, Shinako has been worried about her unit. Without her there to protect them, she worries that they might get hurt. She knows they are strong on their own, but she still worries. Recently, Imera has been training with Border's Triggers, and she has been sparring with Kazue. The Neighbor has been getting along well with Ariyoshi Unit, and she has become quite close with them. Seeing this, Shinako decides to ask Imera to join Ariyoshi Unit. She explains to the Neighbor that she has no family left, but the members of Ariyoshi Unit have become her family. She asks if Imera will help her protect them, and Imera agrees. Shinako wonders if she made the right choice. She can't help but be a little wary of Imera, but she tells herself that this is what's best for her unit.

Shinako requests a meeting with Upper Management to ask if Imera can join Ariyoshi Unit. She says since they are an A-Rank unit and are tasked with the hardest missions, they should have as many members as possible. She says that she trusts Imera, and she will take responsibility if anything goes wrong. Kido allows it.


Love interest
Good relationship
Neutral relationship
Bad relationship


Hanai Kiyoshi

[ Ochibi || Onīsan ]

Sumika loves her brother very much and looks up to him. She wanted to be a Shooter like him before becoming a Sniper. She brags about him a lot. He always tells her to stop, but she never does. Kiyoshi is very protective of her and isn't afraid of doting on her in public, which embarrasses her.

Hanai Atsuya

[ Ochibi || Onīsan ]

Sumika and Atsuya argue a lot because of their opposite personalities. Sumika is friendly and cheerful, while Atsuya is sarcastic and rude. On top of that, Atsuya loves to pick on her. Nevertheless, she loves him very much and thinks the world of him. He isn't as affectionate towards her as Kiyoshi is, but he still finds other ways to embarrass her, and he enjoys doing it. He doesn't show it, but he is very protective of her.

Ariyoshi Shinako

[ Sumika || Shinako-senpai ]

Shinako and Sumika technically met when Shinako saved Sumika from a Trion soldier four years ago. However, Shinako doesn't remember that, or at least she claims she doesn't. Because of this, Sumika came to idolize Shinako, and she joined Border because of her. At C-Rank enlistment, Shinako observed the younger girl's abilities as a Shooter, but quickly realized she would be better off as a Sniper. She approached the girl and proposed that she team up with her and Kazue as a Sniper. While Sumika was ecstatic that her idol was asking her to be on her team, she was also angry because she didn't think she should be a Sniper. She wanted to be directly involved in combat as a Shooter. However, she eventually accepted the offer. Since then, her respect for Shinako has only grown, and she even sees her as an older sister figure. Shinako does her best to look out for Sumika, and she tries to teach her how to be responsible.

Morimi Kazue

[ Sumika-chan || Kazue-senpai ]

Kazue and Sumika have similar friendly personalities, so they get along well. Kazue likes to mess with Sumika by telling her crazy stories, which she believes. Because Sumika tends to be a bit lazy when it comes to school and work, Kazue always tries to encourage and motivate her. They often team up to tease Shinako.

Ikari Mayu

[ Sumika-chan || Mayu-san ]

Mayu and Sumika met when their brothers introduced them. Sumika admires Mayu. She wants to be smart and ladylike like her. Mayu often helps Sumika with her schoolwork. When seeking advice, Sumika tends to go to Mayu first, showing that she trusts her a lot. Mayu tends to dote on Sumika like an overbearing mother.


[ Sumika || Imera-san ]

Sumika is one of Imera's favorite targets for pranks, much to the former's dismay. Imera will sometimes let Sumika join in on her pranks, making her quite a bad influence on the younger girl. They get along well. After finding out that Sumika used to be a Shooter, Imera constantly challenges her to battles.


[ Sumika || Hyuse-san ]

After witnessing Hyuse's cold behavior, Sumika became determined to befriend him.

Tōma Isami

[ Sumika || Tōma-san ]

Tōma is Sumika's mentor. She admires his skills as a Sniper. After seeing his performance in a solo rank battle, she approached him and asked him to mentor. He is friends with Atsuya, so he readily accepted. Since then, they have had a good relationship. He likes to brag about how good of a mentor he is.

Hiura Akane

[ Sumika-chan || Akane-chan ]

They are rivals, but also good friends. They would often train together, and led to a friendly rivalry between them. Both get surprisingly competitive during training. When not facing each other, they offer each other encouragement and support. They often hang out outside of training, too.