pepper 🏜 (about)



pre-Goodsprings era

  • Pepper doesn't remember what happened before getting shot.
  • his only clue about the past is the faded out photograph with a group of people in lab coats with a man that looks similar to him. he doesn't recognize anyone in the picture, no matter how hard he tries.
  • and it bugs him a lot. oh, it does. as much as he has adapted to the current version of self and accepted it, something in him wishes to know what was he like before the incident.
  • poor fella doesn't even remember his *own* name.
post-Goodsprings era
  • his name was originally a nickname from a child he encountered in Goodsprings while recovering. he then later on decided to adopt it entirely to himself with fondness.
  • he still considers Goodsprings as a secondary home and makes sure to travel there and help out the civilians as much as he can whenever he has free time.
  • forgives Benny, yet with a hint of malicious grudge. a part of him wanted Benny dead right there and right now, but he realized it wasn't worth it.
  • ..sometimes has second thoughts about the above decision.
  • ended up at the Big Mt. only to be one of the unfortunate ones who fell into the Think Tank's.. hands?
  • however, he survived the entire experience with his heart and spine getting replaced with artificial robotic parts by the bizarre group of scientists.
  • ....though they weren't very graceful with the surgery and as a result there are a huge scars on his back and his chest.
  • idolized by the Kings, Boomers and Followers of the Apocalypse
  • considered a "Dark Hero" by the NCR
  • vilified by the Caesar's Legion and Mr. House
  • considers the companions as his chosen family and will refer them as relatives occasionally
  • delivers medical supplies to the Followers
  • adoptive father of ED-E and will proudly show pictures and talk about his lovely robot child
  • husbands with Arcade Gannon & Yes Man because i can do whatever i want and i'm going to do this.

other fun bits
  • has ADHD
  • sagittarius - his assigned birthday is on dec 7th! (which is when i got the game)
  • is older than his th upload date (which is the case with the majority of my OCs actually) - he was created in 2018!
  • his voice claim is Rauski from LaeppaVika
  • prefers delivering mail instead of managing New Vegas Strip in the main position (Yessie does the smart stuff for him, they're co-owners :])
  • medium armor - mainly uses a weathered 10mm pistol ('Valerie') and a caravan shotgun ('Amelia')
  • "what's a Chicago?"
  • when he's not out traveling or working in general, he fixes radios and takes pictures along with spending time with his chosen family.
  • his favorite food is bighorner steak with desert salad and baked potatoes
  • may or may not be addicted to Sunset Sarsaparilla.
  • a humble, yet very talkative fellow. doesn't like taking credit on things - but loves striking a good conversation, jokes and a good atmosphere. likely to be more than happy to will tell you a few stories from his journeys in exchange for a sarsaparilla or two.
  • don't give him explosions. he's had too many incidents with them and none of them ended well.
  • he could be your friend, your local mailman, and a figure of power people tell tales of. you might not even know that you have bumped into Courier Six himself, only to find out after he has disappeared into the sands of the Mojave Wasteland. that's how mundane he can be: camouflaging himself into the crowds of other people, always listening and watching. he rarely stays still - but maybe with some luck, you may be able to find yourself crossing paths with him again. just cross your fingers that it won't be on bad terms next time.