
2 years, 5 months ago



AGE 12



REGION Unknown

WEAPON Catalyst




If you have something to deliver, Dahlia is your #1 mail carrier for the job! Dahlia travels across Teyvat with a ghostly cat named Belladonna, delivering a large sum of letters and parcels. Her guarantee is that every package will be delivered, no matter how far she must travel. (Inazuma is offlimits and bad things will happen to you should you try to make her go.)


Donec eget leo egestas nisl elementum efficitur et non ligula. Sed scelerisque volutpat finibus. Aenean id facilisis dui. Cras lorem ipsum, maximus eget feugiat in, consectetur maximus leo. Suspendisse fermentum, tellus vitae porta hendrerit, erat libero hendrerit ligula, in dapibus felis lacus consectetur urna. Vestibulum cursus velit in lectus posuere varius. Donec molestie nunc tincidunt tincidunt finibus. Cras efficitur mi a ultricies scelerisque. Nunc eget quam sapien. Praesent varius semper dictum. Maecenas rutrum felis libero, et efficitur sem fermentum ut. Pellentesque tempus auctor dui sed dictum. Maecenas vestibulum venenatis ex. Suspendisse maximus tempor tellus nec tincidunt. Quisque volutpat ante a eros bibendum, et euismod libero facilisis. Duis imperdiet commodo orci aliquet porttitor.


Donec consectetur, eros vel volutpat suscipit, ligula diam congue ipsum, vitae feugiat massa purus nec eros. Integer pellentesque aliquam laoreet. Maecenas consectetur enim non odio malesuada ultricies. Mauris semper turpis vel lacinia cursus. Maecenas lobortis pulvinar diam, vel congue sapien iaculis ut. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pulvinar odio lacus, vitae hendrerit nisl dignissim non. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Ut eget dolor vehicula, convallis magna lacinia, volutpat risus. In finibus id nunc a lobortis. Ut eros libero, egestas eget tristique at, tincidunt quis dui. Aenean semper sem lacus, ac eleifend massa faucibus non. Nam id dui eu justo facilisis maximus nec quis quam. Cras quis euismod tellus. Nam ipsum turpis, pellentesque semper ultrices at, interdum id sem. Integer facilisis hendrerit lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Nunc imperdiet tincidunt ultricies. Proin at orci aliquet, laoreet purus sit amet, elementum felis. Vestibulum ornare eget orci in hendrerit. Sed finibus nibh sed orci luctus consectetur. Quisque elementum eros non urna congue, vitae egestas dolor fermentum. Fusce hendrerit blandit tortor eu lacinia. Sed vitae mattis purus. Nulla imperdiet ex vitae elit pulvinar dapibus.


Best Friend


Were there a reason for Dahlia to ever stay put in Mondtstadt, its name would be Diona. The pair get along like strawberries and cream, and after a long trip there's nothing the messenger wants to do more than climb up to the counter at Cat's Tail and get a tall glass of chocolate milk from her dear friend. When the two are free from responsibilities, they're often seen scurrying around Springvale, until Draff calls them for dinner and they share a hearty meal.



No one would suspect the soft spot the young man has for Dahlia, often taking her in while she's staying in Mondtstadt. There's nothing quite as special as ushering a young child to bed as she continues to insist she's not tired with a yawn, and Diluc has learned that the hard way. Aside from sheltering her, Diluc often uses her to deliver messages between his informants, as well as protection from unsavoury individuals.



Zhongli himself was quite shocked at the young girl's work ethic when a package for Hu Tao arrived late one night. Much to her dismay, the archon's sweet talking convinced her to come in for the night to wait for Hu Tao's return, and wound up learning quite a bit about the child. In turn, the ancient told her stories of Liyue's great past, the perfect bedtime story. When time came to go that next evening, Zhongli had asked to make a contract with Dahlia: "The next time you're in Liyue Harbor, come stop by Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to rest."

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