Jane Rothfield



2 years, 8 months ago


the janerrrrrr

  • Nonbinary. He/she
  • The only child of Marion Rothfield (Cassius Falwell's older brother. His leaving home for a more solitary life in Ploila is what pushed Cassius to act as heir of the family). Her parents seperated shortly after his birth, Marion takes Jane to Kolvetch for the first time in her life after Cassius writes to him begging for help after 13 years with only the Beholder + Drahomír. Had barely known her uncle Cassius even existed at that point
  • Was raised to value the Choice of family over the 'immutable' fact of blood. Was always a lonely child, though she didn't understand the Extent of her isolation for a very long time
  • Jane peeking down into the basement during the confrontation between Marion+the Beholder is what turns it lethal- Marion's sudden distraction giving the Beholder a chance to devour him, its attempt to eat Jane as well a pointed cruelty aimed at Cassius. Jane biting it to escape what ultimately kills it (eldritch beasties unable to recover from wounds, the Beholder left to succumb to infection+infinitesimal bleed-out over the course of weeks as Cassius + Drahomír + Jane are forced to stay in a local inn to avoid any possible attempts at revenge)
  • Lives with Cassius+Drahomír for the next ten years after her father's death. Cassius never writes Jane's mother one part out of an absolute need to not let his involvement in his brother's death get out and one part out of a desire to prove himself a capable guardian despite being THOROUGHLY unprepared to raise a traumatized child in the wake of his own shit experience. Jane turns from habituary self isolation to intentional provocation and aggression over the course of three years or so as she learns more abt just What has been going on in the Falwell home ever since Cassius inherited it. Genuinely hates him for a great deal of his time living with Cassius
  • ^ Very little of that volatile anger directed towards Drahomír, Jane instead unsure how to handle the drake's own exceedingly gentle+attentive approach to parenting. Far more likely to listen to him and act in the ways he thinks Drahomír would approve of in public throughout her childhood
  • Is taken away from the Falwell family home by Cassius' younger brother, Baxter, after ten years (Cassius FINALLY writing him on the pretense of informing him of their brother's death+Jane's current situation, real motivated by his desire to get his research+journals over 13 years of close interaction with an eldritch bug published). The first time Jane's hatred of Cassius is fully validated by another, makes her incredibly willing to leave with an uncle she hasn't seen in over ten years
  • Briefly found work as a butcher's apprentice while living with Baxter
  • CANNOT cope living in a calm+stable home, lasts only three months in Baxter's home before taking off on his own with the vague and aimless goal to kill anything akin to the Beholder that she can get her hands on. Shelters in the feelings of hate+justice to avoid confronting his own fear+guilt, a childhood habit of isolating due to her father's own tendencies taken to the extreme
  • Meets Lubomír Szceczka, similarly vindictive drake exiled from Ve-Corpsis on the hunt for the strange, on his first Real hunt. runs with Lubo for about a year as an apprentice of sorts, a MASSIVE boon to her own hunting capabilities and the foundation of skills that carry Jane throughout the rest of his life. Far more forgiving of any of Lubo's flaws due to her surface level similarities to Drahomír (drakes detached from Ve-Corpsis with the '-omír' suffix- means 'peace', was real popular a couple hundred years prior when the first treaties were written up between Ve-Corpsis and Kolvetch)
  • Takes a real long time for Jane to begin to properly stabilize with the constant movement + confrontation of eldritch bugs+such. Reaches out to Cassius through letter for the first time since leaving the Falwell family home after a year of watching Lubo's own constant rejection of family in any form and how that tore them apart, takes years of missteps and constant effort to form a tenuous connection
some misc things:
  • Left eye is lazy due to head trauma from a hunt. Partially deaf in left ear as well, real touchy on that side of his body because of it
  • Cannot taste sweet stuff very well, claimed she hated it while living with Cassius after learning he had a bit of a sweet tooth. Favorite food is a good gravy over mashed potatoes
  • Wears her father's old winter scarf
  • Has picked up some traditional fencing + basic gun handling over the years, mostly sticks with knives+the like and Lubo's own incredibly aggressive fighting style (which is less effective due to the fact Jane is not a massive drake. Slowly concedes to gun usage over the years- especially after meeting Fyokla- to better keep herself out of harm's way)
  • Has incredibly strange yet lifelike lucid dreams. Were worse when she was younger+living in the Falwell family home, still a bit sleep-averse years after the fact