Asar's Comments

He is absolutely stunning!!

Aaaaa thank you!! He is my pretty boy; my lil dapper lad… It makes me so happy when other people think he’s attractive <33

Aaaaah you're welcome 🥺🥺 he is just so lovely!! Who wouldn't think he's attractive smh this guy is stunning 

Hes so handsome

My handsome lil lad!! 💕🥺 He got hella good looks in exchange for…a fucked up past but shhhhh it was worth it

Isnt that the case with msot characters? messed up past but handsome lads?
He looks super cool.

Adbakdjjabd true!! What is a pretty boy without a smidgen of trauma? It just makes him hotter! 😆

But thank you for thinking he’s cool aaaaa this bby boy certainly deserves the compliment <333

The trauma are the spices to a perfect dish lets be real.   

Np np, he does deserve it. <3 have a nice day

okay hello he is gorgeous

Hehe thank you!! Teen!me designed him with the idea of making him as pretty as possible haha 💕😆

I LOVE HIS DESIGN TOO!! Your characters are always amazingly designed and developed :DDD


Thank you for saying that my characters are well-designed and developed: it makes me beyond happy that all the work and effort I put into these lil guys was worth it! Honestly, I can’t stress how overjoyed your comments have made me; you’ve made my day like three days in a row already!! 💛💗🥺🥹

I’m so glad :D the work you put in definitely shows!! 🙏❤️☺️I can’t wait to go look into some of your other characters soon when I’m not busy!

I love your design and through history.

Thank you!! He was my pride and joy during my Egyptology phase: I’m glad that you enjoyed his design and the research I put into making him 💕💕


Can he beat Goku though?

Maybe, but only if he cursed the guy with bad luck 😂 

Asar is drop dead gorgeous *A*!! And he's so well developed! I love the Ancient Egyptian setting, I don't see it to this extent usually.

How does he select individuals to bestow luck with? Even though it can be given to anyone, does he choose simply based on his own benefit or is there more criteria?

Aaaa thank you so much for your kind words!! <33 I went through an Ancient Egypt phase in high school, and it very much manifested in how much effort I put into this pretty boy aksjwksd

As for how he chooses who to bestow luck onto, it’s usually directed towards those he believes he can benefit from, popping up during an individual’s time of need to offer them the luck that will pull them back onto their feet and then some! In return for such a bountiful blessing, he only requires the person to constantly fund archeological projects. If the person refuses to do this even once, he’ll instead curse them, leaving them with even less than what they started out with. These ‘lucky’ people are usually quite loyal and creative, and most can be described as inventors and innovators ^^

He does have a soft spot for children and those of the motherly type, though. If he so happens to stumble upon a struggling mother or a sad child, he’ll fork over some luck to either improve the situation or just make their day!

He is so pretty! (I use pretty as a gender-nuteral term)

thank you!! he is definitely the prettiest boy 💕💕🥰

He is such a cool and creative character! Also awesome job with creating his design :)

Aaaaaa thank you so much for your kind words! (੭ु ´͈꒳`͈)੭ु⁾⁾

2 years of knowledge from fixating on 18th dynasty Egypt was put into this guy, and I’m so happy to hear that you liked how I implemented that!! 💕

i just wanted to say he is so handsome, thank you for bringing him to this earth

AJSHSSJANA Thank you!! I’m so happy you think he’s handsome: I remember trying to make him as good looking as possible when I designed him lmaooo