[M] Pidgeon Grey



2 years, 4 months ago


Pidgeon Grey
General Information
Nickname Pidge
Age 22
Species Amethyst Kobold
Pronouns She / Her
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Alternate Universes
Magic N/A
Primary Weapon Trinkets
Tarot The Fool / The Lovers
Path (HSR) Harmony
Element (HSR) Lightning
Class (DnD) Artificer
Type (Pokemon) Electric/Dragon
Role (League) Bottom/Marksman
Nation (League) Piltover
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Character Themes
Chill Creator
Battle Abandon Me

Pidgeon, a once Silver Dragonborn turned Amethyst Kobold character I created, yet never played in DnD is one of my most used, and most beloved characters. Initially, she was inspired upon the homebrew 'Summoner' class the DM had made for their campaign, where her summon would be a extra-planar entity bound to her heels, forever to exist as the ichorous blot of her shadow; Namely, Blott. From there, Pidge would experience blackouts in her memory where Blott would take over, and would slowly learn that her 'other side' is piloting her body when unconscious. This fear would eventually evolve into curiosity, then again into desire, until reaching an end point where they will have gone through the "enemies to lovers" trope that I adore so much; This time, of course, with a monster and a monster fucker!

One important thing about this storyline, however, is since it originated from DnD, there was a lot of wanton death and destruction at the hands of Blott when she was in control. While this is interesting, and very attractive as a sin, it was a little too dark when compared to the rest of my characters, as well as how I wanted Blott’s personality to shape out. So, I scrapped the majority of their beginnings to rework into a 'play with fire, get burned' narrative, all while keeping the integrity of an end goal relationship two intact. Pidge then became the technological researcher she is today- infatuated with the prospect of discovering/inventing a new school of magic, leading her to Blott, and rolling the stone downhill from there!

Phys. Stats




Ment. Stats




Skills & Abilities

  • Wand of Illusions.

    Pidgeon is capable of producing illusions to emulate whatever magical incantation she’s capable of imagining. Typically, whenever asked to cast a spell, or produce a mgaical effect, she relies on the power of this magical artifact to produce a near-exact representation of it. The caveat with this, however, is it only has a limited amount of charges per day, and is only capable of producing 2 sensory categories at once, no more (ie. sounds, sight, smell, feel, etc.)

  • Armlets of Absorption.

    Pidgeon is capable of relying on the leather gauntlets wrapped around her arms for protection against magical effects. Whenever a spell is cast within her immediate vicinity, she may reach out with a hand to absorb it into her armor, and compartmentalize it. The caveat with this, however, dosn't originate from the item's design, but Pidge's unfortunate circumstances. Since her body's incapable of producing mana, the sudden influx and redirection of magic poisons her body, and she experiences a difficult bout of mana sickness.


Pidgeon, or Pidge for short, is a small, if not spry amethyst kobold in academic training. She’s innovative and easily inspired, yet still patient with her work, valuing the time she’s able to spend with those around her. Despite her masterful mind, and near flawless track record within the Academy, she's absolutely incapable of casting magic on her lonesome. She was born with the inability to prodce mana, and as such relies heavily on a combination between magic items, and subterfuge to power her way through university. Because of this, she's always felt the universe stacked every odd against her, despite her love and care for the magical arts; especially compared to her ungrateful colleagues, and professors alike; So she's forced her way into developing a stubbornness, and feverishness with work. Criticism is baseless when you've not had to struggle as she had, and requests to help are either semblences of pity, or embers of suspicion. Thus, through her brilliancy, and her competence alone, will accomplish that impossible dream she's held onto from youth; Pave the way towards a new age of magic. Marry the discord of the innate with the harmony of artificial, and create a future where she, and anyone like her may be magical.

Because Pidge attends the Academy at Equinox fall, she's oftentimes wearing the garb standard across the student body- only with some tweaks and modifications. Since she tinkers constantly, having a length coat on all the time would get in the way of her work, so she has it tied around her waist at most times. Above this, and decorate around a lot of her body, are leather belts, pouches, kneeguards, and armguards to give her light bits of protection against misfires. All of these adornments also carry a bronze/goldish trim to them, matching the color of her tools, for added consistency to her color palette.

While many wizards and witches within the academy constrain themselves to traditional tomes and wands, Pidge made it a point engineer a new way to conduct magic for herself. Namely, the trinkets she uses to upkeep the illusion of being a mage. Eventually, she will combine the concepts of an arcane focus with a leylinic wand, to then place the core of the focus in an unstable stasis atop the body of the apparatus, and attach both mechanically to one another in order to take the shape of an object one could better grip, and concentrate on (aka...a pistol LMAO). Her element is Technology.

