[M] Ezelle Vagramoor



2 years, 4 months ago


Ezelle Vagramoor
General Information
Nickname Ez
Age 27
Species Black Sheep
Height 5'2
Pronouns She / Her
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Alternate Universes
Magic Floromancy
Primary Weapon Scythe
Tarot The Hermit
Path (HSR) Abundance
Element (HSR) Wind
Class (DND) Druid
Type (Pokemon) Grass/Ghost
Role (League) Support/Enchanter
Nation (League) Sunken Isles
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Character Themes

Ezelle is a character of mine that, despite not having very much art to show, has stuck around for nearly as long as Amaranth has! I want to say he year was around 2019-2020 when she was first created, with her original purpose being that of a supporting NPC to a DnD campaign I once ran. There, she was basically a defective super soldier from a neighboring federation, who would grant the PCs help earlier on in exhange for some political intrigue questlines from her past later down the line. Her themes thus revolved around judgement, forgiveness & regret, and the loss following a past of unwarranted destruction- which, thankfully, hasn't changed from her conception!

As for the reason why she hasn't been used as much as Amaranth (outside of monetary constraints), I believe Ezelle's design hasn't really clicked with me until very recently. She's undergone a number of transformations over the years; At first, she was simply a petite, shy, and naive black sheep with streak white wool, and a semi-hardened outlook on the world. Then, as her hair changed colors, face grew dreary and worn, weight was thickend and more well distributed, and color palette was shifted and warmed, she became more like the sheep I always envisioned her to be. Honestly, it just goes to show that no matter how much you feel you don't vibe with a character or design, make some changes! Or, let them sit and simmer for a while! In a week's, month's, or even year's time, they might surprise yout the next time you come back to them.

Phys. Stats




Ment. Stats




Skills & Abilities

  • Halo of Spores

    Ezelle creates a halo of spores atop her head, crookedly floating as a crown would, with viscous bits of ichor and spores dripping from beneath it. Upon doing so, she establishes a hivemend with any and all local fungal colonies nearby, inserting her thoughts and will into their systems, an establishing temporary control. The white of her scleras dull to a faded black color whenever performing this.

  • Decaying Presence

    When concentrating deeply upon the undead half of her soul, pure necromantic energy grips her form as a aura of anti-life surrounds her. All matter, plant, or animal, feels a deeply concentrated chill rattle their core, and all moisture in their body seems to concetrate upon their skin, before disintigrating. Shifting shades emanate from Ezelle's hair whenever she does this, and several strands have a tendency to raise upwards as well. It's a deeply unnerving experience for her.

  • Boon of Undeath

    Ezelle accepted half of a ritual performed by the Vagramoor family to grant her the Boon of Undeath. It has since marred her body, mind, and soul with its nercomantic energy, yet still gifted her the power many mortals yearn for; The power to cheat death. Ezelle cannot die by physical means- the only way to taint, and destroy her undead soul is to fatally wound her magically.


Ezelle is a hermitic and gentle soul with an affinity for Druidic practices, and nature; Particularly, the cycles between life and death. Like her sister, Zoella, she was raised a member of the Vagramoor family, however broke free years prior to the organization’s inevitable rise in political power. From them, she fled after receiving an incomplete boon- the Boon of Undying- which now leaves her body scarred with partial undeath; A hellish limbo she could wish upon no one but her abusers. Now, far from the people who burgled her life, she lives quietly, and calmly along the outskirts of a hamlet- exchanging her privacy for their protection. Contently, they both hold this vow of secrecy, cautiously awaiting the day where this bond might break, and Ezelle may no longer be of service.

Because she doesn't travel very much, Ezelle dresses mainly for her own pleasure rather than purpose. To fit the vibe of being very household chore oriented, she wears a typical tavern-maidens outfit- fitted with a corset, a frilly dress, and a wonderfully stitched apron alongside the front of her form (stitched with wilting leaves!). If it happens to be cold out, and she needs to make a run to the hamlet, she has a long overcoat that's trimmed with fur along the hood and ends, which she throws over this outfit. Simple, yet elegant!

As for weapon of choice, Ezelle obtains personal, and combative use out of a length wooden scythe. Its composition is of wilting, weary wood, of which seeds and soil are planted into for her to nourish every now and then as a simple pass-time. Her element is Nature.

