Lilian Frost



6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Lilian Frost

Age: 608

Gender: Female

Species: Ice Elf

Perso: Lilian is a gentle soul. Although her kind is known for being crude and evil she's one of the more refined and gentle ones. She is very optimistic and sees the good in everyone even if they don't want to see it. She's smart and charismatic and always tries to find the best solution for the problems. She is very generous and thinks about others before herself. She can have a nasty temper if you ever cross her.

Backstory: (wip more will be added :'D)

As an ice elf she was taught to do things a certain way, to treat others a certain way, to act a certain way. She was taught the ways of her people but like most princesses was very defiant and rebellious. But not in the troubling way. As much as her parents wanted her to be a troublemaker the girl couldn't bring herself to cause problems. Rather she would fix them like the kind hearted person she is. As she grew older and older she became the village problem solver. Elves from all over the world would come to see her to help with their problems. Her parents grew furious of this "job" she had but it helped ease their royal problems as well. Lilian is still a young princess and learns new things to help her push through everyday problems and help others. As she approaches her 609th birthday problems arise in other elven kingdoms and the princess is summoned to help. So she has a journey to go on. With her only a few friends to ensure her safety and secrecy of her departure.