


2 years, 3 months ago


War was an android built by Speedy, created to serve as a foil towards one of his more unruly allies, whose violent outbursts often made it hard see them as a positive influence.

The original purpose was to create something capable of neutralizing and stabilizing said ally, without incurring too much damage to either party. Their main abilities was an advanced hacking system, serving to disable the armor and weapons worn by the ally. But also weapons that mirrored that of the ally..

The night War was finished, Speedy had an awkward dream, one in which his main forces, the holoclones, had mysteriously gone bad. It was clear that this was caused by War and their hacking capabilities, causing Speedy and some of his allies, as well as characters from various games to fight back and save the day.... In hindsight, once a famous video game character pops up, it should've tipped Speedy off, but in the dream there seemed to be nothing wrong. Nevertheless, after the dream had ended, Speedy realized the flaws in creating this android, and disabled it permanently before it was ever activated properly.

This would not be the end for War.. At least, not all versions. Some alternate universe versions of War ended up doing exactly what Speedy's dream had prophecized, others bided their time to build their army and take down Speedy at a later time. Many of these were successful. Many were not. Many are yet biding their time until this very day.

Whether War will ever be a problem for the Speedy of the Crossroads, nobody truly knows.. But his version of War is safely in storage, an empty shell never to be born..