Stamps 🌱's Comments

Hey I wanted to know if it was possible to use these stamps outside ToyHouse? Like on Art Fight for examples [with credits of course]

Yeah totally!

Alright thank you!!

Hello! I tried my hand at making a couple flags - 

81324121_3aVNe2i85zviALp.png 81324117_quPQRu1opiObBdl.png 81324109_LKvEWi3P8rnvRgi.png

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I think the designers account has been deactivated, but I found a repost of the original upload here & will keep a high-resolution version of the flag here for archival purposes.

these are amazing!! thank you so much for taking the time to do these !!

heyyy ^^ cute but being autistic/neurodivergent isnt a disability ^^! just an fyi it's kinda offensive or may offend some people (from an autistic person)

autism spectrum disorder is a neuro-developmental disability, and referring it as such has never been controversial within the community. the idea of autism "isn't a disability" is harmful to us, it's a spectrum disorder that affects people at different severities, just because you're not personally affected doesn't mean other people aren't, and many require some level of disability support to function in day-to-day life. (from an autistic person)

yes but some people may be offended by it and i dont want them to get hate for it

also i have seen people referring to autism being classified as a disorder is offensive, i cant tell u where because i saw it a while ago and i cant possibly fish the link or even the app out of my mind

and they don't speak for the entire community. autism spectrum disorder is a genetic and environmental disorder, and again this isn't something the autism community disagrees with. you might've saw a few people disagree on a reddit thread or something, but i can guarantee they have internalised ableism and think "disability" is a dirty word

Is not that it's a dirty word or not, but it's objectively wrong

Is a different wiring of the brain, same as adhd

A disability is something that, the most part, makes you unable to function, autistic peopke are very able to function, with some setbacks, and while it is true that some have such severe support needs that they cannot independize ever, that is the minority, not the rule, and even THEN, the reason they can't is because of the way society is rn, not because theres smt wrong w then

Also, saying that it is a disability implies that it should be cured, and that is autism speaks territory

Is not that it's a dirty word or not, but it's objectively wrong, is a different wiring of the brain, same as adhd

Objectively means "not influenced by personal opinion", this is your personal opinion. Defining autism & ADHD as a "different wiring of the brain" doesn't separate them from other neurological & psychological conditions, because they can all be defined this way.

A disability is something that, the most part, makes you unable to function, autistic peopke are very able to function, with some setbacks, and while it is true that some have such severe support needs that they cannot independize ever, that is the minority, not the rule, even THEN, the reason they can't is because of the way society is rn, not because theres smt wrong w then

Disability is a condition that causes difficulty or impairment in your movement, senses, activity, or behaviour, not being "unable to function" or requiring full-time care, this is a narrow view of disability that excludes the majority of disabled people.

Society isn't causing my communication disorder, learning disabilities, poor motor coordination, flat affect, blurry vision, low heart rate, alexithymia, SPD, etc. Autism is the sole cause & no amount of acceptance from society will change this.

Also, saying that it is a disability implies that it should be cured, and that is autism speaks territory

No it doesn't & no it's not.

People who want disability to be cured don't want to "end suffering", they want to eradicate us because we aren't useful to a society that relies on exploitation & overworking people, regardless of wether you view autism as a disability ableists do & will always include autistic people in anti-disability laws, movements, ideologies & eugenics.

The issue isn't autism being categorised as a disability, the issue is that disabled people are seen as a waste of resources & burdens on society that need to be eradicated for society to progress. I don't support eugenics, I'm not promoting the eradication of disabled people, please don't accuse me of holding fascist ideologies over how I categorise my page decoration.

1 Replies

so you treat disability like it's a dirty word then

you're probably a troll, or you're an "aspie supremacist" spewing ableist bullshit, but sure i'll bite

you don't speak for me, you don't speak for punksoda. and people with level 2 and level 3 ASD aren't some "tiny minority who aren't the rule", they don't deserve to be swept under the rug just because they require substantial support to function in day to day life. you're just excluding them from the community because they quite prove you wrong. punk has level 2, you're including him into this conversation, don't act like he's some "tiny minority" who's not allowed to speak his experiences being disabled.

and claiming level 1's don't need disability support is still very harmful. i still have impairments in my functionality even if it's level 1 "high functioning" "lower disability support needs" ASD. because "low support needs" do not mean "no support needs", i still require a disability support service to help me in my day to day life since i have executive dysfunction caused by ASD & ADHD.

all levels of autism spectrum disorder is considered neurodevelopment disability and the diagnostic criteria requires there to be significant impairment in multiple areas to be diagnosed as autism.

here is the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 

and here is the criteria in the ICD-11 

even though you have the right to identify however you want, please note it's a personal identity and that autism spectrum disorder is inherently a disability due to the diagnostic requirements. it is extremely harmful to pretend that autism itself is not disabling, and it's very invalidating to people with autism. is my lack of ability just "laziness" then, do you think people with autism are "lazy" and that's the reason why the unemployment rate for autistic individuals is almost eight times that for those without disability? no, i have executive dysfunction.

disability is not a dirty word. having a disability does not imply there's something wrong with them. we don't want our disabilities "cured", we just want equal treatment and rights from abled people. "disability" IS NOT synonymous with "need curing" and never will be.

14 Replies

ND is an umbrella term for all neurological & psychological illnesses, disorders & disabilities, it's not synonymous with autism, but autism is included, I also have lvl2 HsN autism & can confidently say it's a disability.

There's nothing offensive about being disabled, it's a natural part of (genetic) diversity in all living organisms, humans are the only ones who have an issue with disability bc some ppl think disabled ppls lives have less worth than able-bodied & NT ppls.

The majority of autistic ppl are very against the idea that autism isn't a disability bc it's harmful to ppl who need accommodations, full/part time support, disability services, disability aids, etc & only benefits a very small group of a very specific kind of autistic person.

If you have any more questions I'm happy to answer them, this is just an explanation of why I put the autism & ND stamps in the disability section.

oh ok, thats my bad. my parents didn't really educate me I guess and they said that if people called me disabled it'd be offensive or whatever, my bad bro

It's not a disability, its different brain wiring

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im not redefining, thats what it is lol

An no, there isnt, but none of the ways can be considered a disability

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1 Replies

omg tysm ive been looking 4 smth bambisbian related !!!

could you add the updated font to templates please? :3

Yeah man


thank you sm !!

Why  are the trans MAN/WOMAN flags listed as fem/masc ? (They are NOT the same, btw I’m talking about the light ontop and fade to dark to the bottom ones)

this may be a dumb question but why do the i's have dashes in them?

love the stamps btw!

hi! i really love these stamps and i was wondering if you could upload the thicker text to the templates section? :>

Yeah man


Would there be a way for you to make one for ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder)?



Hi! Could you maybe make one for FND (Functional Neurologic Disorder). I know its pretty rare but thats why i would love one, I have been suffering from it and since its not that well known i feel very alone and not seen. Having some visability will help a lot ^^ It's a disablility btw not mental disorder



Oh thank you so much! This means a lot to me!

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Could you possibly make an alternate version of the DID one for OSDD please?

With the same flag, or would you like a different one?

the same flag please!

Okie, done here.

thank you so much! ^^

It's no problem dude!

Hey there! Can ya make unlabeled and intersex? That'd be great if you could <3

Done here & here, idk how I forgot these ones tbh.

Thank you so much again! <3

Can we get an androgynous, chronic illness and hearing impared one possibly?

I don't know wether you wanted androgynous or androgyne, so I did both here & here.

The chronically ill ones are here & here & the deaf/HOH ones are here & here.

Thank you, I appreciate it :)

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can you explain what endel is :O

Sorry for the late reply, endel is a term for alterhumanity (identifying as non-human in some way) caused or influenced by delusion.

There's an information site made by the person who came up with the name here:

im using the code and for some reason two of the stamps in each row go under the rest of the row? how do i fix this

I updated the code recently, I just forgot to check different screen compatibility on the old code, but it should work now!

Thank you!


Yo, who designed the Schizophrenia stamp? Looks really familiar... *looks at asexual flag* ... just saying :0

Hey just so you know, schizo is a slur towards those suffering from schizophrenia

Oh alright, I'll change my wording then. Sorry, I didn't know!

These are really pretty! I'll be using some of them :)

I just wanna say thank you so much for including a SPD (sensory processing disorder) stamp! I’ve never even seen it before and as somebody with SPD it means so much to me /pos

they are so pretty nice to look at, defo adding them to my char profiles at some point <3

The stamps are so so so visually pleasing!!! I'll probably be adding them to some of my charas profiles!

yoooo these are really cool!!