Grox Adoption Agency



2 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing


Grox Adoption Agency

"Finding home planets for galactic wanderers since 2022 AD."

Gender: Any

Species: groxis maxis

NOTE: Grox often need time adjusting to new environments. When stressed, they may start small fires. During the first few weeks at home, it is advised not to let them near electrical outlets, matches, or sharp objects.

Reason for rehoming: I have been making lots of grox designs, as I really enjoy designing characters. However, there are some designs I make that I like but that I don't see fitting in with my current Spore story (I like the small size of my current cast). So they are up for adoption.

Preferred living conditions for new ecosystem: I would like all grox here to go to someone who really likes the design and will use them. However, they are really first come first served, as I think that's the most fair way to do it. 

As long as you follow the Grox Adoption Agency's only two rules, which are: 1.) that you credit me for my original drawing where you can, and 2.) that you don’t sell the artwork as is (I am giving them away for free after all!) Of course if there’s extra art go right ahead! Any grox adopted from the Agency are yours to do whatever you want with. Once your new grox goes home with you, I have no control over what you do with them.

To Adopt: Please comment here that you would like any of the designs below! And (optional): tell me your plans for them if you have any plans. I really like giving these designs away to spread more love for grox characters!!