Is [] still available? And if so may I claim them?

Heck, don't think the link worked, I meant the [very messy, unfinished design for a grox with a dress(?!)], sorry

Hi! Yes they’re all yours! I should really start naming these so people can refer to them easier haha!! Thanks for giving them a good home, you can go ahead and make a profile for them and I’ll move the design to the claimed section <3

Profile made : D

Awesome!! Thanks for adopting!! :)

Is this one still available? ::Oc
I've been getting back into Spore lately and I'm looking to make/adopt some Spore related ocs! 

Hey! Yeah they're available!! Feel free to save the image and make a profile for them. I can move them to the claimed section for you!! :D Thanks for taking them off my hands! 

Sweet, thank you!!

and you're very welcome, I'm coming to love Spore OCs more and it's so nice to see something like this! 

Also! Would it be okay to re-line and color the image? ::Oc
I promise to give credit for the original lines! Just asking/making sure cause I know some artists aren't comfy with that ^^

Oh, yeah that's no problem at all! It was unfinished anyway! So I'm totally okay with that. :D I drew it a really long time ago aaaaa! Happy they went to somebody who'll use them.

And it's really nice to see another Spore fan!! I grew up with the game haha! I was so happy when I saw people making Spore ocs on here!!


I'm hyped to try out some color themes on her!

and same! Aside from Bejeweled 3, Spore was my fav game growing up QwQ
Super excited to see if any other grox designs end up on this adoption page! Love seeing people's designs and takes on them!   

Yayy! I'm excited to see you put a fresh coat of paint on her :D And like, feel free to put yourself as a designer for her, it's a group effort haha! I'll definitely be putting new designs up soon. I end up making a lot of designs I don't need but that other people might like, ya know? And yeah it's really cool to see how people interpret spore characters, especially since the in-game lore leaves a lot of space to fill in the gaps!


HECK YEAH!! You can just save the image and make a profile for them, or I can send them over, whatever's easier! But I'll put the image under the claimed section for ya, they're all yours!! :D

Alright, Thank you!!

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May I please adopt this one? :

They're very cute! I would use them in ways like art and roleplaying. I also think it would be cool to incorporate them into the lore of some of my other robotic characters. ^-^ 

I'd like to claim This one!

Alrighty, I'll send them over now!!

Thank you! They'll fit right into my spore-based story, Daybreak!

Oh I'm excited to see! I really love your take on spore stories!

Can I claim this one?

Yeah! I'll send them over now! Thanks!

Thank you!

Is this one still open ? If yes, could I claim? 

Sure thing! I'll send them over!

Thank you!

Hey, I'd love to claim the first one! Could I?

Hey, could you link me to the specific one? :D The one to the farthest right, already got claimed!

!! i'd luv to give the first one a home if ur sure abt getting rid of them!! i have two willosaurs she can be friends with

Alrighty, sure thing! You're talking about the dark brown and red one, right? And yeah, I'm sure! I have characters coming out of my ears!

Edit: Wow, I totally forgot what color he was lmao! I meant the black and red one

OH SORRY i meant this one if that's okay!! >:3c

Oops, sorry about that!! Okay, I'll send her over!

No worries at all!! ^^