Hello! Thank you for creating this code and making it available for everyone! I have used said code (Though it's not done yet-) after reading your ToS. Please take care!

read the tos and used this (played with it a little bit, teehee.....) <3 tysm for sharing your talent !

Using!! thannk you <3

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this code is so pretty....using and read your tos !! <3

AHH so pretty!! using! read tos :D

Gonna epicly use this code for this guy because the three side boxes with images go CRAZY for a Cerberus character :flex:

using this rn, code is so fucking awesome!!!!

i used it ^^

tysm for this awesome code! Im using it for my profile

I’m using the code for my profile, but the youtube video isn’t showing up on mine

I used the code for my profile!

i LOVVE this code its so clean!! using it for my profile fr <3 read the tos too!

love this code def using it! (read the tos ;))

im going to eat your codes i love them so much. gawd

Using this code! Ahh I really like it, what a great job 💙

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hi there!! I'm working on the code but when I put in an image for the background, it split into multiple images (three on the top, three on the bottom) for some reason? is there any way to change it to be just one?

hello!  this is because the background settings are set to background-repeat:repeat, causing that tile effect!

for one image, add in: background-size:cover; background-repeat:no-repeat; like so!

 <div class="container-fluid shadow p-3" style="font-size:95%; background-image:url(IMG_URL_HERE); background-size:cover; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Thank you so much!!!!

hey hi! 

the music box on my page has randomly stopped working do you know why at all?? 


hello!  please read this comment and have a try with that!


using on my profile!!! i LOOOOOVE GLASS BEACH TOO BTW! also read your TOS!

GLASS BEACH GLASS BEACH GLASS BEACH i was looking at this and audibly cheered when i noticed <3 also this code is LOVELYYY

fellow glass beach enjoyer !!! <3  bedroom community was my first introduction to them and oh my GODDD the tunes tickle my brain... /pos

thank you!!

Hello! i'm a little confused on how to change the background to a solid color since its a png, any chance you could help me out with that?

hi!  if that's the case, you'd need to switch background-image:url() to background-color:#HEXCODE instead ^^


Sorry to bother you again, but where am i supposed to edit to make the pagedoll bigger?

under PAGEDOLL > SIZING > background-size:contain; !

adjust the contain however you like with the tips above it!

its not working for me, no matter what number i put in it just blows it up to the same thing

how about background-size:210px; ?

(the pagedoll section is sectioned in a box and is meant to appear somewhat cropped; if you want to display the entire image without any cropping, it's best to use a tall pagedoll rather than wide ^^)


Used !! Thank you for your work !! (≧∀≦)ゞ



Hiya!! I'm having slight trouble with the pagedoll. How do you make it bigger? I am confused on where to put the "#px" ^_^"image.png

you'd replace the contain with a value!  maybe try background-size:200px; and adjust to your liking ^^

Alrighty!! Thank you so much! ^_^

this is a very sustainable code!!! snagged it for my profile and everything is so clean >:)))

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oop thanks for the head's up!!  i'll fix that in a moment <333

used it :D tysm!

Used this! It looks amazing, thank you so much!!

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try background-position:bottom center !  you can combine multuple values like that ^^

lmk if i understood wrong!

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hmm it still should be at the background-position area!  this is how it is appearing for me, assuming you were looking for this?


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oh LOL don't worry about it!! i can understand that it's a little hard to read x] glad it helped!

THIS IS SO CUTE is there a way to get rid of the gridded background? ;o;

at the top of the code (so when it begins), delete background-image:url(https://static.tumblr.com/d40eae727a79de74c5b3c4cb5c8e9fd5/2pnwama/HC7pfqdws/tumblr_static_e6k5mmnyclc0c488gcsk00wgo.png); !

this will also leave behind a box shadow so delete shadow as well!

thank you so much!!!

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I used this on my profile! Thank you so much for the free amazing and cute code!

using this!! its so cute :D (also im kinda stuck with the commission , art trade and req text here??? In the code test thing it lines up properly but when I put it in my profile, its not lined up properly D:)


there appears to be extra <span> tags that is causing the space, delete them and you're good!


OMG TYSM!!!!! it worked :D <3

found this code really cute!! only issue im having is with the music box though, it seems to be altered correctly but the video box doesnt seem to appear on my end and only on the live code editor i used



have a read of this comment and try that!

been eyeing this code for a while and i've finally decided to switch to it!! thank you for the pretty code as always jiko!

aw thank you for using it!  i love the aesthetics you went for omg!!! *O* <33

Hi !! 100% gonna use this code for my profile, but I can’t seem to get the youtube video to work properly T__T? Even though I’ve checked several times and I think? Unless I’ve missed something, the code seems to be exactly as it should be, here’s some pictures so you can see!


Perhaps it’s just the video itself, but lmk what you think if it’s an issue on my end!

heyo!  i think how you edited the iframe is correct but assuming the song you wanted to play is this one, delete the _o at the end of the embed as that belonged to the placeholder!

so that it's actually N8Xg8gvjgcw?controls=0

Ooh got it!! That fixed it, tysm TvT <3

im obsessed with your codes theyre absolutely AMAZING, just a question though,, how do you change the font? coding noob here lmao

you'd want to add a font-family:# to the style of the code and depending on if you want all of the font to be specific, you want to delete the text-monospace as well!

for example:

<div class="p-3 mb-3 font-italic text-monospace lead text-lg-left text-center" style="font-family: georgia, serif; color:#47a491; background-color:#f5f5f5;">
   (user)name !!

you can find a full list here but not all of them are supported by toyhouse ovo)b

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Used and I Did read the rules before to! Ty <3

love this code so much, it's so pretty!!
using it for my page, thank you :}}

read the rules! thank you!

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using! love this code so much!!

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read this comment below and have a try with that!

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it’s normally in the tabs but Toyhouse recently has a bug where all the sheets of raw coding is translated as the actual code instead im cryinggggggg i’ll fix it later today 🧎

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okay it should be good now!! <3

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CC, it stands for custom colour!

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bs means Bootstrap, so the colours match with your Site Theme instead! a little bit less work :]

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yes, it’s the CC version

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HELP just telling you now that the raw code sheets broke (Toyhouse bug) so i have to fix it later today for you/other’s to use 😭😭

sorry for the inconvenience!!!

edit: fixed now!  please enjoy using it! <3

1 Replies

hi um this is an incredible code but i am . losing all hope KJHFDJK i mightve broke the bottom section of the code and i have no idea how to fix it... i did try re-copypasting it but it did Not work

edit: nvm i solved it !!! sorry for the comment

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please read my rules more carefully; WYSIWYG had been used which messes up the code's format, especially for this type of music players.  delete the span coding so that it is just the iframe

<span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable"><iframe class="w-100" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DrQgUfkYhic_o?controls=0" style="height:340px;position:absolute;top:-60px;left:0;" frameborder="0"></iframe></span>

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usd tysm!

<( using !!!)

Using! Also, you can Help me? I'm trying to make the pixel Art I made to looks with nice Resolution but I can't... You know how or is not Pixel Friendly?

for the pagedoll section?

the sizing for the image is set to contain (as in it will try and make the image scale to the size of the box without cropping or stretching); so instead of that, try background-size: unset; instead!


i love it!

used thiz silly little awesome code ^_^ !! i rlly like all ur codez n thiz onez super cool !!!!!!!!! (mine lackz the pagedoll az i dont have a image 4 it rn lol) using and editing ur codez iz so fun

used! love it! <3

Hmm, I am trying to put an image in for the page doll but I am unsure as to why it isn't working.. I put the link in for the image but it still isn't working at all. It's supposed to be transparent png of Pure Vanilla cookie and I know it is supposed to show up right there but it isn't. 


it's missing the open bracket!


I used this code and I absolutely loved using it even through it made my brain break for the first hour of the five ^^

the authentic coding experience you’ll ever get 💪

thank you for using, i love the green aesthetics !! 🥹💖

I absolutely love green so I definitely had to make mine green just took a lot of struggle to make everything look good together and I'll definitely be using more of your codes though for the characters I featured on my page 😄  

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you got the idea but you missed out on deleting the <div>'s end tags!!!  the </div>'s

think of it like finishing a sandwich, i guess LOL. if you're eating it, you don't leave out the bottom bun!


tip: click on the little arrows next to the line numbers on the left ;)  they are very handy for collasping groups of codes and are your friends when it comes to deleting large sections

if you are also looking to make the summary card fill in the pagedoll space, change col-9 to col-12 under SUMMARY as well <3

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Its great!! but i've been wondering.. if maybe exists dark version of it?

you can use the custom coloured (CC) version and make a dark version yourself! >wo)b

Hi! I love this code so much but I ran into an issue and can’t figure out what to do?

I’m not good at code so I have no idea what I am doing or could do but when I put an image url down some code appears under it with a huge space along with it, I used the CC code I think? I’m not too sure what the difference is and everything was fine up until I had to put the photos in. Any idea what I could do?

The image examples wont load to my comment and if you need to see the code to help I’m Reese’s.Puffs#6161 on discord or Buggz.png on Instagram! 

hey!  make sure you insert the image address INSIDE the brackets; i think that is the issue here? ^O^

and also be careful about the image host site; some of the links are limited so it'll break in the code after some time (a private discord server or toyhouse itself works fine)

background-image:url(IMAGE), not background-image:IMAGE

you may need to restart the code (i.e. copy and pasting a fresh copy of the code)otherwise, you're free to shoot me a pm of the raw code here or on discord (TAPIOCA#1562) if it's still not working!

ooooh thank you! it must have been the site I was using! I was using imgg, discord was a lot faster and easier, thank you so much!!! :DDD

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i can see that WYSIWYG was used because there are coding that wasn't in the original code (plus the layout is jumbled); delete the span coding so that it is just the iframe and see how it goes   

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for the pronouns section, you have to delete the text-muted first!

your CSS is causing the text colour to be that grey colour so you'd have to insert [color:#fff!important;] to the HTML, where the info starts!

<div class="p-3 pr-5" style="color:#fff!important; background-color:#b995b7;">

same goes for the link icons as well—if you were after that—but it's probably better to set it in your CSS instead

<a href="LINK_TO_SOCIAL" style="color:#HEXCODE; text-decoration:none;">

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Just set this up on my profile! It's clean, simple, but pleasing to look at, great work!

love the dark blue aesthetics! <3

I'm not sure how to change the YouTube video. I'm trying to use this video:


I can try editing on my laptop because it's hard doing it mobile.

omg I actually got it to work.

Sorry to bother but can I ask how you managed to do so? It’s literally fighting me and won’t process anything 

OH I'm sorry I don't use this much. Hope you got it to work.

I did! I just found another comment

hi just wanted to say thank you! this code is really cool! I've frankenstiened it and using it as my current profile code :)

loving the edits !!  thank you SM for using! >:D <33

love this! gonna use it for my profile!

Thank you for this awesome code, I have seen a lot harder to understand and even though I edited it and still need to fix some few mistakes I made. I found it easy to use. ^—^b

aw thanks for the kind words, means a lot!!! \(//∇//)\

Heya! A friend of mine helped me make the character images (i made mine folders) click-able to the character link. I thought it wasn’t obvious enough to click the text to get to the link.
Is it okay with you if I share the code here, in case someone else needs it? ^^

sure!  actually, feel free to dm me the raw code and i can share it in the tabs (with a note saying it was edited by you guys)!  nvn)b

Alrighty! Thanks <3

the site blocks me for some reason :/ i'll try again a bit later


adorable!! thank you for making this ^^

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rlly cool code, I’m using it for my profile :0 I have a question tho- if I’m using a pagedoll code from smwhere else with this, where would I insert the code ? at the end ? srry if this sounds confusing ^^”

wait- nvm- I just realized there’s already a pagedoll code in here, srry for the disturbance ;;

Hii, i'm having an issue with the instagran page, I did add the link for my inatagram profile but it doesn't send me there, what do i do?

i'm not seeing a inserted link anywhere (compare your insta link to my CODE BY JIKO link when you scroll down); make sure the code looks like this/includes the href=!

<a href="LINK_TO_SOCIAL" style="color:#47a491;text-decoration:none;">
    <i class="fab fa-instagram-square fa-lg"></i>

otherwise, this is most likely caused by a WYSIWYG issue but the above should be a quick fix! uvu;

Okay thank you! I'll try it 

Fixed tysm!

Used this code for my profile! :D

hi! i hate to ask for help rather than figure it out myself, but im using your code for my user profile and im having issues with changing the text in the specific box for the youtube video, what am i doing wrong? thank you for your time!


EDIT: nevermind!! i figured out how to do it :D

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it's mentioned in the comment guide!

→ default is [contain] or [cover]
→ if you need to zoom in a pagedoll, use [#px] and adjust when appropricate!
(higher number, more zoomed in)

---------------------------------------- */;

→ if using [top center/left/right] does not work, use numbers [#px #px]!
→ first value controls the horizontal positioning, second value controls the vertical positioning
(tip: it can be negative hehe)
---------------------------------------- */;

you can start with background-size:400px; and then increase it from there!!  you would also need to adjust the positioning at the same time. hope this helps! <3

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where it is highlighted below~!  background-size is for zooming, background-position is for adjusting the placement of the image nvn)b

→ default is [contain] or [cover]
→ if you need to zoom in a pagedoll, use [#px] and adjust when appropricate!
(higher number, more zoomed in)
---------------------------------------- */;

→ if using [top center/left/right] does not work, use numbers [#px #px]!
→ first value controls the horizontal positioning, second value controls the vertical positioning
(tip: it can be negative hehe)
---------------------------------------- */;

hello!! i have a problem, i dont really know where to put [#px] to make it bigger, but ive done it instead of [contain], no matter what number i add it stretches it too much, how do i fix that???

this is for the pagedoll?  you might also need to adjust the positioning as well if you haven’t already!  that of something has broke in the code itself but

every pagedoll is different though and it’s hard to determine what needs fixing; if you’re okay with it, you can dm me a link to the image you’re using and i can find out what values works out for you! <3

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Oh my gosh!! I love this code SO much it's exactly what I've been lookin for! Already using it https://toyhou.se/PokiiPon Had a lot of fun editing it tysm!!

IT'S SO CUTE !!  ty for using! <33

Tysm and np <3!! I'm such a fan of your codes and will definitely be using more of em soon :D

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i don't see a live view on your profile so i'll write down general tips:

  • ensure you are using the Custom Coloured version and have read my rules (including how to use them if you are new).
  • in Code Editor, press Control/Command + F and a white box will appear in the corner for you to easily switch colours 

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hello, i want ask if is possible change color... whit dark color...

with the custom coloured version, yes!  i left instructions under the accents/colours on how to do that non)b

o tysm... i think i lost the instructions XD 

for easy use, it's "use control/command + f to quickly change the colours!" but i recommend using code editor for that (enable it in your display settings)!!

you can read more from avicode's tip!

I don't understand how to make the pagedoll bigger. Which part of the code do I need to change...Can you pls help me?

Wait, I've figured it out!! I'll reply to my comment again if I have any more questions in the future. ♡

How do I make the music box show up?

i can see this code <span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable"> in yours (and the broken layout) which tells me that WYSIWYG was used (accidentally or not), so i'd advise to be more careful or just disable it (in your display settings, and enable code editor) when editing codes !!

delete the span class and the video will pop back up :]

<span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable">
<iframe class="w-100" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Co7t6NxsW-4?controls=0" style="height:340px;position:absolute;top:-60px;left:0;"></iframe>

It won’t come up and I’m on mobile- I dunno how to open code editor

Mine also says contenteditable=“false>

since you removed the code (?), i can't help more than that; i need it to see what to fix.. uvu;

i've left instructions on how to enable code editor but because you are on mobile, it won't work (it's very difficult to edit, i don't advise it unless you are on a desktop); all i can recommend is disable WYSIWYG (it is in my rules) and making sure the current code for YOU is the same as the original.  WYSIWYG adds unnecessary classes which screws up HTML templates, which is why your code has the contenteditable=“false>

Oh thank you- but yeah I changed code cuz I didn’t know how to fix at the time


ty tho :)

im losing my mind

i can see this code <span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable"> in yours (and the broken layout) which tells me that WYSIWYG was used (accidentally or not), so i'd advise to be more careful or just disable it when editing codes !!

just delete it and the video will pop back up :]

<span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvi fr-draggable">
<iframe class="w-100" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ElkuSVwNx_o?controls=0" style="height:340px;position:absolute;top:-60px;left:0;"></iframe>

Thank you! Its just really annoying turning it off cuz its makes everyhting so messy and hard to read :dies:

if it's making everything messy, then you need to enable Code Editor (and disable Profile Text for WYSIWYG in your Display Settings), which preserves the layout instead! or use an online editor, either works nvn)b

Screen_Shot_2022-02-08_at_18.43.57.pngIs it like this?

yep, that's Code Editor!

since WYSIWYG has already ruined its layout though, it's best to just get a fresh set of the user code and restart (IF the layout is bothering you; if not, you can continue editing) ovo)b

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Such a great code! already using it! <3<3

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Looks amazins! using it! thank you for this code :)

This is so cute! Already using it!! :D

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I've read your rules! This is so pretty I love it sm <333



Jiko with another absolute banger I looooooooooove the colour palette you chose here omg <3

waAAAHHH thank you alwayss !!!! <33 ;O;

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hhehee TYSM!!! <33


ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! def using some time <3333

also TANJIRO!!!

EEEE thank youuuuu >w< !! <3333

and BEST BOY !!

your welcome!!!! ^^ <3333 I AGREE!!! lots of love to TANJIRO!!

Hi! I really like this code, it's super cute and clean which is exactly what I'm looking for ^^. 

I'm running into an issue however. The video player in the bottom right corner is not displaying at all with the code copied from the bookmark. Changing the position from absolute to relative makes the video appear but not in the format in which the example is (instead it's left aligned, no buffer zones). Could you help me get it up and running properly? :'D I have it in a hidden character profile for testing purposes, and I can share it with you. Thank you!

hey!  it’d be great if you can share; video embeds are always a fickle thing to edit nvn)b

Thanks TTwTT I sent a message!

this is so cute!!!!!!!!

>:D !!!!!  thank youu egg!!!!! <333

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eeee thank youu!! >:D <33