


2 years, 3 months ago



Species: Shellhead

Age: 30s

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Favorite Nutrition: ???


Coming from an unstable home, Riche took to trading in dubious substances from an early age to provide for himself and his sister. After several years of scraping by, he became quite prolific in his career, eventually being aquired by the Dolorport Mafia - which he has now been a member of for a majority of his life.

His closest friend and work partner is Taryna, both for their well-gelling personalities and ruthless behaviours, and because of their mutual love of Reshnha. Riche will particularly do any work to please his superior.

Due to his good work, Riche was also given the honourable role of managing various pizza places owned by the group. He will, sometimes, coordinate with the fund managers; despite his flimsy appearance, he is known to be completely capable of breaking a few bones when people haven't paid what they owe.

With their Reshnha prospects being hopeless, he spends a fair part of his 'free time' time with Taryna.


  • Pippi, his sister. They are close, emotionally, though he rarely shows it.
  • Taryna, his lover-through-mutual-rejection.
  • Reshnha, his superior, for whom he is best described as a simp.
  • Arca, by whom he often loses body parts when bothering her just a bit too much. Pspspsps was a mistake.
  • Yuli - the spider who Riche has a mild hobby of trying (and failing) to capture and question.