Basic Info

Base Value


Added art Value


Total Value


Waiting on

colored coloring page


Master list:

Subspecies:  Horned Insect (Arachnocampa luminosa Larvae)

Spiritual Gem Power: Primary Gem: Making things glow by touching on them
Secondary Gem: Making others fell asleep

Height: 2ft 8in


 Forked Tongue
 Extra Arthropod Limbs
 Multicolored: Gem
 Special Gem Shape: Shooting Star and Star
 Binary Gem
 Misplaced Antennae
 Eye Mutation: Colored Sclera
 Long-Sized tail
 Multicolored: Flesh
 Misplaced Gem: Extra Arthropod Limbs
 Oversized Antennae
 Special Ears Shape
 Extra: Antennae

Random character notes/ideas for character lore/backstory or something XD

Seren is mistovious and artistic. she loves fruit sodas. she runs a face paint stand at festivals and works as a freelance artist. her favorite holliday is halloween and has lots of fun making glowing paints for halloween spooks. 
